Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
children walking through the snow far in the plane , scenic landscape , stunning environment , dusk , ultra detailed , octane render , ultra detail , intricate detail , volumetric lighting , vivid colours , photorealistic , photography , lifelike , high resolution , digital art , ultra wide angle lens , aerial view , elevated view , wallpaper --ar 3:2 --v 4 ,
Chinese 8 year old short hair cute boy in tracksuit waiting for bus platform waiting for bus platform , carrying backpack , trees and garden around station , 7 0 seconds , Stanley Kubrick shiny , American Gothic , vivid colors Chinese , film , volumetric lighting , ultra wide angle view , realistic and detailed painting in Edward Hopper and Rene Magritte style ,
I want a girl holding hands with a priest , a scene in an professional office well rich decorated from the 1930s with a large window with lots of light. :: in fantasy style :: Photography , Hyperrealistic , Photorealistic , Studio Lighting , Cinematic , Color Correction , Ultra-wide Angle , Depth of Field , Super-detail , Beautifully Coded , Crazy Details , Complex Details , Beautiful Color Gradation , Unreal Engine , Color gradation , Photography , Depth of field , White balance , 32k , Super Resolution , Megapixel , ProPhoto RGB , VR , Good , Massive , Half Lighting , Backlight , Natural lighting , Lamps incandescent , Optical fiber , Moody lighting , Cinematic lighting , Studio lighting , Soft lighting , Volumetric , Contrast , Beautiful lighting , Accent lighting , Global lighting , 8k --q 2 --v 4 ,
data:image/jpeg;base64 , 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qVKfpSPUNyuZJ/eo/vWc4Uvu772uTEOv9JOx07zPZjXlSmXQPhpbuH94s7Nr6Eb6+dC4O+xkN8S7/wBQ6+de1KK6DwtxGUgEjU8xXuHtDcEx0n+1SpQfQ+HVxTy0rpbYIhtalSigMru2ZMAaUPibcNbUczmP/Xb6kVKlFgQctufDyGpPPyobiIyKSOegr2pQfAx6UcMw+mbnRLPlWOZ/c1KlBcMzF+0OJNy6tkbAgt3PIegp5hLIt29Nzp+/rUqVP1jviPOKiLVtObvJ8hr+lL/al8ti0n812fRQfzIrypQlxmXUP+CJ+GsdKF4oYvE/zAH6VKlWf9UT9G2Afwis37RW8uIDfzKPmNKlShLhl0MwF0xWR4rZy3rg5N4h67/Wa8qUr4NHoFwq5lux1o/j7QgNSpSL+yC/6sv4c590nlUqVKoIf//ZA cartoon character in fortnite style , similar to Marco Arelio from the waist up , in a suit , looking badass , neutral face , 3d render style , slightly anamorphic , in front of launching rocket , looking into the camera , face clearly visible , dvd screengrab UHD , cartoon , ultra detail , intricate details , volumetric lighting , 3d model , fake , photography , digital art , 8k , future , Cinematic , Photography , Ultra - Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper - detailed , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Videogame , Fortnite Shot on 25mm lens --ar 9:16 , ,
steam train driving through the snow , the polar express , scenic landscape , stunning environment , dusk , ultra detailed , octane render , ultra detail , intricate detail , volumetric lighting , vivid colours , photorealistic , photography , lifelike , high resolution , digital art , ultra wide angle lens , aerial view , elevated view , wallpaper --ar 3:2 --v 4 ,
RAW masterpiece hires 45% front lit Full Frame Low Wide Angled Misty Capture cinematographic full body photo of a beastly hair covered physique spread over a powerfully rounded oversized bulbous chest and chiselled abs and overall muscular physique he is a wickedly handsome looking Armenian Leather Master Demon with buzzed widows peak very long sharp nose thick bushy eyebrows light facial stubble and groomed trimmed goatee with a deep stern face characterized with his trademarked discernable mole near his nose left alar. He sits on the ground wearing army boots after a raging hissy fit creating havoc in his world as the environment around him is a bunked prison cell , with broken windows and dungeon-like walls and floor with much debris. The atmosphere is eerie and mysterious , with a hint of danger lurking in the shadows. The style of the photograph is high contrast black and white , sun light beam emphasizing the rugged features and textures of the man's physique. The realization is reminiscent of film noir duotone , with deep shadows and dramatic lighting , shot using Hasselblad x2d100c camera by Annie Leibovitz , Insanely sharp detail , accurate skin and hair texture , 8 k uHD , OLED , Trippy , 3D ,
Einstein , jewel encrusted , medium distance Faberge style , glowing from within , small sparkling gems , gold , silver , tons of facets and gems , translucent , very detailed , wide angle. , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Color Grading , portrait Photography , Ultra-Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper-detailed , beautifully color-coded , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine , Cinematic , Color Grading , Editorial Photography , Shot on 70mm lens , S , 32k , Super-Resolution , Megapixel , hyper realistic ,
photo of real ancient rome , festival , sunlit , orange sunset , colorful , bird's eye view , realistic fabric , leather fabric , canvas fabric , wide shot , zoom out , underground broadcast , fantasy art , realistic proportions , highly detailed , 4k , 8k , photography , smooth and sharp focus , photography , wide angle lens ,
A large fractal based egg Murano egg , feberge style , small sparkling gems , gold , silver , tons of facets , transluscent , very detailed , wide angle. , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Color Grading , portrait Photography , Ultra-Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper-detailed , beautifully color-coded , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine , Cinematic , Color Grading , Editorial Photography , Photography , Photoshoot , Shot on 70mm lens , DOF , Tilt Blur , Shutter Speed 11000 , F22 , White Balance , 32k , Super-Resolution , Megapixel , hyper realistic ,
Authentic illustration of a desk with tablets , printouts , computer , and holograms , the walls of the room are decorated with posters , windows offering a view to a subway station , cyberpunkt , soft light , highly detailed , intricate , wide angle , by popular artists greg rutkowski and jason felix , trending on artstation , masterpiece , 8k , realistic face , realistic eyes , highest quality , realistic hands ,
/imagine A Korean woman who is 170 centimeters tall and has a pretty beauty eats Baskin Robbins today. super realistic , UHD , future , Cinematic , Photography , Ultra - Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper - detailed , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Photoshoot , Shot on 25mm lens , Depth of Field , DOF , Tilt Blur , Shutter Speed 1/ 1000 , F/ 22 , White Balance , 32k , Super - Resolution , Megapixel , Pro Photo RGB , VR , Good , Massive , Half rear Lighting , Backlight , Natural Lighting , Incandescent , Optical Fiber , Moody Lighting , Cinematic Lighting , Studio Lighting , Soft Lighting , Volumetric , Conte - Jour , Beautiful Lighting , Accent Lighting , Global Illumination , Screen Space Global Illumination , Ray Tracing Global Illumination , Optics , Scattering , Glowing , Shadows , Rough , Shimmering , Ray Tracing Reflections , Lumen Reflections , Screen Space Reflections , Diffraction Grading , Chromatic Aberration , GB Displacement , Scan Lines , Ray Traced , Ray Tracing Ambient Occlusion , Anti - Aliasing , FKAA , TXAA , RTX , SSAO , Shaders , OpenGL - Shaders , GLSL - Shaders , Post Processing , Post - Production , Cell Shading , Tone Mapping , CGI , VFX , SFX , insanely detailed and intricate , hyper maximalist , elegant , super detailed , dynamic pose , photography , volumetric , ultra - detailed , intricate details , 8K , super detailed , ambient occlusion , volumetric lighting , high contrast , HDR , 8k --v 5 --ar 16:9 ,
Pink cute bunny in a knitted hat , in the midst of flickering lights , a magical forest , lilac fog , wide angle , super highly detailed , professional digital painting , artstation , concept art , smooth , sharp focus , no blur , no dof , extreme illustration , Unreal Engine 5 , Photorealism , HD quality , 8k resolution , cinema 4d , 3D , beautiful , cinematic , art by artgerm and greg rutkowski ,
neon frog; perfect eyes , matte painting Elegant , beautiful rendered aesthetic expression of the Sublime by Android Jones , Shepard Fairey , Josephine Wall , Carlo Crivelli , Scott Naismith , Sandra Chevrier , Giotto Di Bondone; high resolution , digital art , intricate details Perfect composition subtractive lighting , hyper realistic 16k Octane render wide angle design masterwork; oil painting by James Gurney ,
ghost Train driving through the snow , the polar express , scenic landscape , stunning environment , dusk , ultra detailed , octane render , ultra detail , intricate detail , volumetric lighting , vivid colours , photorealistic , photography , lifelike , high resolution , digital art , ultra wide angle lens , aerial view , elevated view , wallpaper --ar 3:2 --v 4 ,
dalmation; perfect eyes , matte painting Elegant , beautiful rendered aesthetic expression of the Sublime by Android Jones , Shepard Fairey , Josephine Wall , Carlo Crivelli , Scott Naismith , Sandra Chevrier , Giotto Di Bondone; high resolution , digital art , intricate details Perfect composition subtractive lighting , hyper realistic 16k Octane render wide angle design masterwork; oil painting by James Gurney ,
Create a hyper-realistic , volumetric , and photorealistic music box in the style of Faberge , inspired by the works of Michaelangelo , Leonardo da Vinci and symmetrical design , with intricate and detailed jewel encrustment , sparkling and ultra-detailed in 8K resolution , using Unreal Engine 5 and advanced techniques such as cinematic color grading , depth of field , ultra-wide angle , and shot on a 70mm lens with a shutter speed of 11000 , F22 , and white balance of 32k , Pro Photo RGB. The music box should be placed in a lonely and moody setting with a mix of half rear and back lighting , natural lighting , incandescent , and cinematic lighting. Use advanced techniques such as volumetric , conte-jour , beautiful lighting , accent lighting , global illumination , ray tracing global illumination , optics , scattering , glowing , shadows , rough , shimmering , ray tracing reflections , lumen reflections , diffraction grading , chromatic aberration , GB displacement , scan lines , ray traced , anti-aliasing , shaders , and post-processing to create a mesmerizing , hyper-maximalist , elegant , and dynamic pose. The final output should be in VR mode , suitable for editorial and photography purposes. ,
RAW masterpiece hires 45% front lit Full Frame Low Wide Angled Misty Capture cinematographic full body photo of a beastly hair covered physique spread over a powerfully rounded oversized bulbous chest and chiselled abs and overall muscular physique he is a wickedly handsome looking Armenian Leather Master Demon with buzzed widows peak very long sharp nose thick bushy eyebrows light facial stubble and groomed trimmed goatee with a deep stern face characterized with his trademarked discernable mole near his nose left alar. He sits on the ground wearing army boots after a raging hissy fit creating havoc in his world as the environment around him is a bunked prison cell , with broken windows and dungeon-like walls and floor with much debris. The atmosphere is eerie and mysterious , with a hint of danger lurking in the shadows. The style of the photograph is high contrast black and white , sun light beam emphasizing the rugged features and textures of the man's physique. The realization is reminiscent of film noir duotone , with deep shadows and dramatic lighting , shot using Hasselblad x2d100c camera by Annie Leibovitz , Insanely sharp detail , accurate skin and hair texture , 8 k uHD , OLED , Trippy , 3D ,
cute cat in a knitted hat , in the midst of flickering lights , a magical forest , lilac fog , wide angle , super highly detailed , professional digital painting , artstation , concept art , smooth , sharp focus , no blur , no dof , extreme illustration , Unreal Engine 5 , Photorealism , HD quality , 8k resolution , cinema 4d , 3D , beautiful , cinematic , art by artgerm ,
16:9 Low Wide Angled Capture the cinematographic full body image of a powerfully chested and muscular Machiavelli handsome looking Armenian man with buzzed widows peak long sharp nose thick bushy eyebrows light facial stubble and groomed trimmed goatee. He sits on the ground with a deep stern stare and arm stretched toward the viewer inviting people in his world as the environment around him is a man cave , with broken windows and dungeon-like walls. The atmosphere is eerie and mysterious , with a hint of danger lurking in the shadows. The style of the photograph is high contrast black and white , emphasizing the rugged features and textures of the man's physique. The realization is reminiscent of film noir , with deep shadows and dramatic lighting , using Ilford Delta 3200 film for a grainy and gritty effect , , , Trippy ,
acropolis city surrounded by the clouds , highly detailed buildings with statues of the greek gods , heavenly environment with cherubs flying over the city , well lit environment in the sunlight , a waterfall coming out of the clouds and reflecting the light of the sun , highly detailed environment , 8k , wide angle ,