A captivating, futuristic space scene featuring a colossal facto...

A captivating, futuristic space scene featuring a colossal factory space station that seamlessly blends dark beach orange and metallic accents, reminiscent of a fusion between Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9. The station is surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations, creating a breathtaking scene of interstellar activity. The overall ambiance of the scene is cinematic and realistic, immersing the viewer in a vast, 3D rendered universe.A captivating 3D render of a futuristic steampunk starship, seamlessly blending elements of a 1974 Winnebago, a medieval chariot, and a G'Quan Class Heavy Battle Cruiser from Babylon 5. The bridge of the ship features a unique design, and the base resembles a cylindrical version of an 1980s aircraft carrier & a humongous tractor trailer. The starship is adorned in metallic gold and lime green matte, with intricate details that reflect the artistic styles of Leonardo Da Vinci and Ridley Scott. The massive spacecraft orbits a mesmerizing Mercury-Earth-esque planet with a vibrant multicolored surface, creating a stunning visual effect against the backdrop of the starry cosmos. Additional starships gracefully interact in the vastness of space, adding to the grandeur of, 3d render, cinematic, dark fantasy, graffiti, conceptual art, vibrant, ukiyo-e The background features an array of celestial elements, including a nebula and a comet, that add depth and wonder to the scene. The space station, with its own ecosystem and power generation, is the focal point of this stunning, vibrant, and visually stunning artwork.A captivating, futuristic space scene featuring a colossal factory space station that seamlessly blends dark beach orange and metallic accents. The station resembles a fusion of Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9, surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations. The station is a colossal factory shipyard with a blend of dark beach orange and metallic accents, creating a stunning contrast against the blackness of space. The overall ambiance of the scene is cinematic and realistic, immersing the viewer in a breath, 3d render, cinematic. vibrant glass, crystal vibrant, vibrant diamond.Medieval🏯 metallic gold & dark green matte Gothic castle 🏰750,750,000 sq miles hybrid planet, with cherry red sky blue matte, melds into a Saturn-size-Earth hybrid 🌎🌌, Larry Niven & James Cameron styles.The space station🛰️ like Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9. The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 different equilateral directions, & 1 down the middle. It has its own ecosystem, generates its own power, & is located in a binary star system. There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the 🛰️station, at any hour of the day. The station is in the focus of the scene. There are many stars, a nebula, and a comet, in the background. (((Use the following styles:protovision,3d render, architecture,vibrant glass, diamond,The combo of steampunk & futuristic starship & styles of Harlan Ellison & Larry Niven.(((The starship is a made of iconic vehicles from different eras, including a 1980 Winnebago, a 1964 Shelby Mustang.The ship's flies near Saturn.It's brought to life in cool 750k UHD.The detailed motherboard forms the backbone of the vessel))). Ice palaces, vibrant diamond fortress.

A captivating, futuristic space scene featuring a colossal factory space station that seamlessly blends dark beach orange and metallic accents, reminiscent of a fusion between Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9. The station is surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations, creating a breathtaking scene of interstellar activity. The overall ambiance of the scene is cinematic and realistic, immersing the viewer in a vast, 3D rendered universe.A captivating 3D render of a futuristic steampunk starship, seamlessly blending elements of a 1974 Winnebago, a medieval chariot, and a G'Quan Class Heavy Battle Cruiser from Babylon 5. The bridge of the ship features a unique design, and the base resembles a cylindrical version of an 1980s aircraft carrier & a humongous tractor trailer. The starship is adorned in metallic gold and lime green matte, with intricate details that reflect the artistic styles of Leonardo Da Vinci and Ridley Scott. The massive spacecraft orbits a mesmerizing Mercury-Earth-esque planet with a vibrant multicolored surface, creating a stunning visual effect against the backdrop of the starry cosmos. Additional starships gracefully interact in the vastness of space, adding to the grandeur of, 3d render, cinematic, dark fantasy, graffiti, conceptual art, vibrant, ukiyo-e The background features an array of celestial elements, including a nebula and a comet, that add depth and wonder to the scene. The space station, with its own ecosystem and power generation, is the focal point of this stunning, vibrant, and visually stunning artwork.A captivating, futuristic space scene featuring a colossal factory space station that seamlessly blends dark beach orange and metallic accents. The station resembles a fusion of Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9, surrounded by six O'Neal Class space stations. The station is a colossal factory shipyard with a blend of dark beach orange and metallic accents, creating a stunning contrast against the blackness of space. The overall ambiance of the scene is cinematic and realistic, immersing the viewer in a breath, 3d render, cinematic. vibrant glass, crystal vibrant, vibrant diamond.Medieval🏯 metallic gold & dark green matte Gothic castle 🏰750,750,000 sq miles hybrid planet, with cherry red sky blue matte, melds into a Saturn-size-Earth hybrid 🌎🌌, Larry Niven & James Cameron styles.The space station🛰️ like Babylon 5, but in the shape of Deep Space 9. The space station has 6 O'Neal Class space stations off in 5 different equilateral directions, & 1 down the middle. It has its own ecosystem, generates its own power, & is located in a binary star system. There are hundreds of starships going to & fro, from the 🛰️station, at any hour of the day. The station is in the focus of the scene. There are many stars, a nebula, and a comet, in the background. (((Use the following styles:protovision,3d render, architecture,vibrant glass, diamond,The combo of steampunk & futuristic starship & styles of Harlan Ellison & Larry Niven.(((The starship is a made of iconic vehicles from different eras, including a 1980 Winnebago, a 1964 Shelby Mustang.The ship's flies near Saturn.It's brought to life in cool 750k UHD.The detailed motherboard forms the backbone of the vessel))). Ice palaces, vibrant diamond fortress.

{ "seed": "3047881734", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
