User: pagliardini


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1girl, female noble born half-elf druid, Jaheira, brown hair, look at viewer, beautiful detailed face, perfect eyes, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, portrait, extremely detailed oil painting by greg rutkowski and Luis Royo and Tom Bagshaw and Seb McKinnon, trending on artstation, in the style of Wizards of the coast
muscular goddess dancer of the underworld, crooked nose, shiny, intricate, elegant, higly detailed, ultra definition, digital painting, artstation, vray, concept art, smooth, high speed photography, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha and james jean
futuristic tempura food, night, japanese, neon light, volumetric smoke, volumetric light, octane render, food commercial, Filmic
mechanical robot world war 1 style, old photo + "photorealistic + realistic + octane + dramatic light + 3d render"  --ar 9:16 --uplight
highly detailed close up of tonkotsu cooking ramen
Beautiful viking blonde, intricate, highly detailed, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, trending on artstation, digital art, look at viewer, beautiful detailed face, perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect pupils, perfect iris, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, portrait, scene by Marta Bevacqua and Guy Aroch, Peter Coulso, Pencil Sketch
futuristic tempura food, night, japanese, neon light, volumetric smoke, volumetric light, octane render, food commercial, Filmic, 3D
muscular goddess dancer of the underworld, crooked nose, shiny, intricate, elegant, higly detailed, ultra definition, digital painting, artstation, vray, concept art, smooth, high speed photography, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha and james jean
futuristic tempura food, night, japanese, neon light, volumetric smoke, volumetric light, octane render, food commercial, Filmic
mechanical robot world war 1 style, old photo + "photorealistic + realistic + octane + dramatic light + 3d render"  --ar 9:16 --uplight
highly detailed close up of gordon ramsay cooking ramen in a washing machine
Beautiful ginger, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, trending on artstation, digital art, look at viewer, beautiful detailed face, perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect pupils, perfect iris, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, portrait, scene by Marta Bevacqua and Guy Aroch, Peter Coulso, Pencil Sketch
Black and white photo of a perfect body nude woman wearing an owl mask, [full view], high contrast, high details, by Stéphane de Bourgies, studio quality, dramatic lighting, 8 k, hi res, Pencil Sketch
futuristic tempura food, night, japanese, neon light, volumetric smoke, volumetric light, octane render, food commercial, Filmic, 3D
Black and white photo of a perfect body nude woman wearing an owl mask, [full view], high contrast, high details, by Stéphane de Bourgies, studio quality, dramatic lighting, 8 k, hi res, Pencil Sketch
Ramen with noodles made of RCA cables!!!!!!!, 35mm film, 3D, Water Color
Medieval king on a throne by Edgar Maxence and Caravaggio and Michael Whelan, artistic, intricate drawing, realistic fantasy, extremely detailed and beautiful aesthetic face, postprocessed, 8k resolution, dramatic lighting