User: kiromilad29


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Realistic: Detailed depiction of the trees, house, and children with realistic clothing and facial expressions.
Cartoon: Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions.
Fantasy: Foggy colors, trees that seem to move, the house appearing as if it's alive.
Four children (two boys and two girls) stand at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and warily at a strange old house appearing between the trees.


 1. Realistic: Create a detailed depiction of the scene focusing on the children's clothing and facial expressions, capturing their curiosity and caution as they look at the mysterious house. Pay attention to the realistic details in the trees and the eerie forest atmosphere.

 2. Animation: Use bright colors and simplified details to create a whimsical and playful interpretation of the scene. Exaggerate children's facial expressions to emphasize their curiosity and add a touch of humor to the strange place.

 3. Fantasy: Give the scene a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere. Use misty colors to add a sense of mystery, and make the trees appear to be alive and moving. The old house should appear to have a magical quality, adding to the overall fantasy element of the artwork.

, Oil Painting, Water Color
Description: Four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and cautiously at an old, eerie house that appears between the trees.


    Realistic: Detailed depiction of the trees, house, and children with realistic clothing and facial expressions.
    Cartoon: Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions.
    Fantasy: Foggy colors, trees that seem to move, the house appearing as if it's alive.
Four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest, looking with curiosity and wariness at an old and scary house that appeared between the trees. Fine details of the trees, the house, and the children with realistic clothes and clear facial expressions. Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions. Blurry colors, trees that appear As if animated, the house seems to come to life. Cartoon, fantasy, realistic

, Oil Painting
Description: Four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and cautiously at an old, eerie house that appears between the trees.

    Realistic: Detailed depiction of the trees, house, and children with realistic clothing and facial expressions.
    Cartoon: Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions.
    Fantasy: Foggy colors, trees that seem to move, the house appearing as if it's alive.
Image Elements: Dense forest, old house, four children (different ages and appearances), curious and cautious expressions. , Realistic , vibrant
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls., , 3D, Oil Painting
"Four children, two boys and two girls, standing near a dense forest, looking curiously at an old, dilapidated house that has appeared among the trees.", , Trippy
"Four children, two boys and two girls, standing near a dense forest, looking curiously at an old, dilapidated house that has appeared among the trees.", Oil Painting
"An old, dilapidated house on a cold and rainy night, with a dark, ominous aura."
"A haunted house at the outskirts of town, surrounded by fog and tall, dead trees."
Act as a storyteller describing the eerie atmosphere inside an old house where children are exploring with flashlights:

As the children cautiously step into the dimly lit interior of the old house, their flashlights become their only source of illumination, casting eerie shadows on the dusty furniture and cobweb-covered corners. The air feels heavy with the weight of forgotten memories, and a sense of abandonment permeates every inch of the decaying space.

In the realistic style, the dust particles dance in the weak beams of light, revealing the intricate details of the worn-out furniture. The once vibrant colors have faded, leaving behind a muted palette of grays and browns. The children's footsteps echo through the empty rooms, accompanied by the occasional creaking of floorboards, as if the house itself is whispering secrets from its past.

In the gothic style, the shadows seem to grow darker and more menacing, swallowing the feeble light from the flashlights. The children's hearts race as they catch glimpses of mysterious shapes lurking in the corners, their imaginations running wild with tales of ghosts and haunted spirits. The air feels thick with anticipation, as if something otherworldly is watching their every move, waiting to reveal itself in the depths of the darkness.

In the digital style, the flashlight beams cut through the gloom with precision, illuminating the scene with bright, sharp lines. The dust particles sparkle like tiny pixels in the air, creating a surreal and otherworldly ambiance. The children's excitement grows as they discover hidden details in the high-definition textures of the furniture, almost as if they are exploring a virtual world brought to life.

No matter the style, the atmosphere inside the old house is undeniably eerie and abandoned. The combination of detailed dust, old furniture, dim lighting, heavy shadows, weak lighting, dark and creepy atmosphere, or smooth lines, bright flashlight beams, and sharp details creates a captivating and haunting experience for the children as they venture further into the unknown.
Four children (two boys and two girls) stand at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and warily at a strange old house appearing between the trees.


 1. Realistic: Create a detailed depiction of the scene focusing on the children's clothing and facial expressions, capturing their curiosity and caution as they look at the mysterious house. Pay attention to the realistic details in the trees and the eerie forest atmosphere.

 2. Animation: Use bright colors and simplified details to create a whimsical and playful interpretation of the scene. Exaggerate children's facial expressions to emphasize their curiosity and add a touch of humor to the strange place.

 3. Fantasy: Give the scene a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere. Use misty colors to add a sense of mystery, and make the trees appear to be alive and moving. The old house should appear to have a magical quality, adding to the overall fantasy element of the artwork.

, Oil Painting
Children search different rooms in the old house for hidden gems, encountering ancient ghosts and traps. Delicate details of the rooms and children, diverse facial expressions. Vibrant colors, interesting details, dynamic movement. Clear lines, expressive facial expressions, motion effects. Adventure, manga, realistic
Four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest, looking with curiosity and wariness at an old and scary house that appeared between the trees. Fine details of the trees, the house, and the children with realistic clothes and clear facial expressions. Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions. Blurry colors, trees that appear As if animated, the house seems to come to life. Cartoon, fantasy, realistic
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls.
Image Elements: Dense forest, old house, four children (different ages and appearances), curious and cautious expressions. , Realistic , vibrant, Cartoon
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls., , Realistic , vibrant
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls., Water Color
"Four children, two boys and two girls, standing near a dense forest, looking curiously at an old, dilapidated house that has appeared among the trees.",  Water Color, 3D
"Four children, two boys and two girls, standing near a dense forest, looking curiously at an old, dilapidated house that has appeared among the trees."
"An old, dilapidated house on a cold and rainy night, with a dark, ominous aura."
"A haunted house at the outskirts of town, surrounded by fog and tall, dead trees."




Subject: Children
Action: Excitedly telling
Context: Back in their village
Environment: Detailed village setting
Lighting: Natural sunlight
Artist: No specific artist
Style: Realistic, Adventure, Cartoon
Medium: Digital painting
Type: Illustration
Color Scheme: Vibrant colors
Computer Graphics: No specific computer graphics
Quality: High definition

Positive Prompt:
- A detailed village setting with realistic facial expressions.
- Vibrant colors and exciting details to capture the adventure.
- Dynamic movement to convey the children's excitement.
- Bright colors and exaggerated expressions in a cartoon style.
- Simplified details to enhance the cartoon aesthetic.
- Natural sunlight illuminating the scene.
- A digital painting medium to bring the artwork to life.
- Illustration style to emphasize the storytelling aspect.
- A vibrant color scheme to enhance the energy of the scene.
- High definition quality for a visually stunning result.

Negative Prompt:
- No dark or gloomy colors.
- No static or lifeless expressions.
- No overly complex or cluttered details.
- No monochromatic or dull color scheme.
- No pixelated or low-resolution quality.

, Oil Painting, Water Color
Four children (two boys and two girls) stand at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and warily at a strange old house appearing between the trees.


 1. Realistic: Create a detailed depiction of the scene focusing on the children's clothing and facial expressions, capturing their curiosity and caution as they look at the mysterious house. Pay attention to the realistic details in the trees and the eerie forest atmosphere.

 2. Animation: Use bright colors and simplified details to create a whimsical and playful interpretation of the scene. Exaggerate children's facial expressions to emphasize their curiosity and add a touch of humor to the strange place.

 3. Fantasy: Give the scene a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere. Use misty colors to add a sense of mystery, and make the trees appear to be alive and moving. The old house should appear to have a magical quality, adding to the overall fantasy element of the artwork.
Description: The children searching different rooms in the old house for hidden jewels, facing ghostly figures and avoiding ancient traps. Each child holds a flashlight.

    Realistic: Detailed rooms and children, varied facial expressions.
    Adventure: Vibrant colors, exciting details, dynamic movement.
    Manga: Clear lines, expressive faces, action effects.

, Oil Painting
Description: Four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest, looking curiously and cautiously at an old, eerie house that appears between the trees.

    Realistic: Detailed depiction of the trees, house, and children with realistic clothing and facial expressions.
    Cartoon: Bright colors, simplified details, exaggerated facial expressions.
    Fantasy: Foggy colors, trees that seem to move, the house appearing as if it's alive.
, Oil Painting
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls.
Image Elements: Dense forest, old house, four children (different ages and appearances), curious and cautious expressions. , Realistic , vibrant
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls., , 3D, Realistic, vibrant
Description: Picture four children (two boys and two girls) standing at the edge of a dense forest. They should look intrigued and maybe a bit cautious as they observe an old, eerie house that seems to have appeared among the trees. The house should look dilapidated, with broken windows and ivy creeping up its walls.
"Four children, two boys and two girls, standing near a dense forest, looking curiously at an old, dilapidated house that has appeared among the trees.",  Water Color

"Three teenagers, nervous but curious, entering a dark and dusty old house."
"An old, dilapidated house on a cold and rainy night, with a dark, ominous aura."
"A haunted house at the outskirts of town, surrounded by fog and tall, dead trees."





, 3D