User: csqq96


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masterpiece, perspective, curious old secret town of Manila city, cascading armour shops and potion shops, art nouveau, animation art, dark fantasy, overgrown with lush vegetation, cinematic, smooth, detailed, hyperrealism, very small aperture, clear reflection, post production, post-processing, 8k, retouch, HDR, Super-Resolution, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Lumen Reflections, pastel color palette, art deco, Bloodborne feeling
masterpiece, perspective, futuristic planet, cascading buildings, unknown flowers in the sunlight, animation art, dark fantasy,  cinematic, smooth, detailed, hyperrealism, very small aperture, clear reflection, post production, post-processing, 8k, retouch, HDR, Super-Resolution, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Lumen Reflections, pastel color palette, art deco, Bloodborne feeling, 3D
A digital art piece of lily of the valley flowers under the moonlight along a river's edge. Moon reflecting on the water, cool and mystical ambiance. Created Using: digital art, moonlit scene, cool color palette, luminous reflections, night sky, mystical atmosphere, detailed flowers, serene river landscape, Oil Painting