User: caroline0709823


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Professional painting of space station in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
Professional painting of space station in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
Professional painting of space station in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
Professional painting of space station in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
Professional painting of an astronaut, by Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
Focused closeup portrait of beautiful woman with intricate hair of white rose, strong light shading, dramatic, fine details, 8k, concept art, by le vuong and alphose Mucha
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
Focused closeup portrait of beautiful woman with intricate hair of white rose, strong light shading, dramatic, fine details, 8k, concept art, by le vuong and alphose Mucha
real close up portrait of a meditating hellscape in a scenic dystopian setting,intricate,elegant,highly detailed,fine details,8k,focused,digital painting,artstation,concept art,soft,sharp focus,illustration,artgerm,le vuong, and greg rutkwoski
cheaky ginger, confident, bold, passionate , expressive, charismatic, very sweaty, intricate fashion clothing, insane, intricate, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8K, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
Professional impressionist painting of a sailing ship, in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
Professional impressionist painting of a sailing ship, in the styles of Jeremy Mann, Rutkowski and other Artstation illustrators, intricate details, face, portrait, headshot, illustration, UHD, 4K
cheaky ginger, confident, bold, passionate , expressive, charismatic, very sweaty, intricate fashion clothing, insane, intricate, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8K, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
cheaky ginger, confident, bold, passionate , expressive, charismatic, very sweaty, intricate fashion clothing, insane, intricate, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8K, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
cheaky ginger, confident, bold, passionate , expressive, charismatic, very sweaty, intricate fashion clothing, insane, intricate, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8K, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
1girl, beautiful mature female, upper body, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, focus on face, {{beautiful detailed face}}, brown eyes, lips, bare shoulders, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, by Tom Bagshaw, Water Color
a futuristic robot, with soft cinematic lighting in a brightly lit, futuristic city, concept art, arstation, fine detail, super realistic, 8k, high definition, by greg rutkwoski and noah bradley sampler_name: k_lms
Focused closeup portrait of beautiful woman with intricate hair of white rose, strong light shading, dramatic, fine details, 8k, concept art, by le vuong and alphose Mucha
cheaky ginger, confident, bold, passionate , expressive, charismatic, very sweaty, intricate fashion clothing, insane, intricate, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, Unreal Engine 5, 8K, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha