Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Positive Prompt: "A detailed technical illustration that shows two key stages of oil well operation using modern and clear visual design. On the left side , the 'Heat Carrier Injection' process is depicted. A pump jack , widely used in the oil industry to move liquid from the well , is shown on the surface. Red arrows highlight key steps in the process. The first step is the plunger lift , which plays a crucial role in the operation of the pump. This process is facilitated by lifting the plunger inside the pumping equipment in preparation for the injection. The second step involves securing the tubing column to a suspended plug , an important measure to ensure the temporary closure of the well and prevent unwanted discharge while preparing for the heat carrier injection. Subsurface , the illustration shows components like the tubing and working rods involved in this process. The entire system is presented in cross-section to demonstrate how it functions in real conditions , providing a deeper understanding of the equipment interaction during heat carrier injection. On the right side of the illustration , the 'Production Phase' is shown. The pump jack is again depicted on the surface , but now the focus is on the oil extraction process. Arrows indicate several important operations. First , the dismantling of a solid ring is shown , which is removed to prepare the well for operation. Next , the installation of a polished rod is highlighted , an important component of the pumping system that allows for effective force transmission for the pump's operation. Finally , the lowering of the plunger is illustrated , which initiates the system's operation in extraction mode. The cross-sectional view of the well illustrates how the pumping system elements work during oil extraction. Specifically , equipment such as the SPR-57 cylinder and plunger are highlighted as crucial for ensuring oil production. All elements are clearly labeled with descriptions , making it easier to understand the processes and equipment. The illustration is designed in a modern style with clear lines and bright colors to simplify the perception of complex technical processes. All key operations are marked with explanatory arrows , and labels help quickly orient the viewer on the actions being performed at each stage. Both surface and subsurface equipment are represented in cross-section , providing a comprehensive understanding of all stages of well operation. This illustration is suitable for use in educational and professional materials within the oil and gas industry , as it provides a visual and understandable representation of the heat carrier injection process and subsequent oil extraction." Negative Prompt: "The illustration lacks sufficient detail , reducing its practical value for technical specialists and engineers. Firstly , key components of the equipment , such as the tubing , column pipes , and plunger , are presented schematically and without explanatory labels , making it challenging to understand specific processes and steps. Important stages , such as the plunger lift or the dismantling of the solid ring , are depicted too simplistically , and due to the lack of detailed indicators , it is unclear how these operations are carried out. The subsurface part of the equipment in cross-section is also inadequately detailed: there are no precise labels for all layers and components necessary to understand the complete structure and system interactions. The SPR-57 cylinder , which is a crucial part of the production process , is not visualized with sufficient clarity , potentially leading to misunderstandings of its functions and role in the process. Additionally , there is no clear indication of the flow of fluids , such as the heat carrier injection or liquid circulation. The red arrows used to highlight key processes are not sufficiently informative: their trajectory may confuse the user , as they do not clearly point to specific elements of the system , and their placement on the diagram appears cluttered. This complicates the perception of the overall logic of the processes. As a result , the illustration appears superficial and unsuitable for use in professional technical instructions or educational materials. Finally , the overall design of the illustration is outdated , which diminishes its visual appeal. Modern illustrations require cleaner , clearer graphics with bright and unambiguous indicators and explanatory captions to enhance clarity and ease of understanding , which is lacking in this case. All these factors make the illustration less useful for engineering tasks and necessitate revisions to meet contemporary quality standards in the oil and gas industry." These prompts provide a comprehensive overview of both the strengths and weaknesses of the illustration. ,
Appearance: The polar bear is an imposing and majestic creature that roams the icy , frozen expanses of the polar regions. Its most distinctive feature is its dense , white fur , which provides excellent camouflage against the snow and ice. Polar bears have black skin , which helps them absorb and retain heat from the sun. This unique adaptation helps them survive in the frigid temperatures of their habitat. Adult polar bears can reach heights of 8 to 10 feet when on their hind legs and can weigh anywhere from 900 to 1 , 600 pounds , making them one of the largest bear species. Features: Polar bears have a streamlined body shape and powerful limbs that make them excellent swimmers. Their large paws are equipped with sharp claws , which aid them in catching prey and providing traction on ice. Their keen sense of smell allows them to detect seals , their primary food source , from great distances. Their jaws are incredibly strong , allowing them to crush through thick ice to access breathing holes of seals. Habitat: Polar bears are uniquely adapted to live in the Arctic regions , where they inhabit ice floes , coastlines , and pack ice. In your DND world , they might roam the frozen wastelands , guarding their territory and hunting for seals and other Arctic creatures. Behavior: Polar bears are solitary animals and are well-adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic. They are opportunistic predators , mainly preying on seals , but they may also scavenge on carcasses and eat vegetation if necessary. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and can travel long distances over ice and open water in search of food. Role in the World: In your DND world , polar bears might symbolize the resilience and adaptability of life in extreme environments. They could be revered by Arctic-dwelling tribes or seen as protectors of the icy wilderness. Druids and rangers with a connection to the Arctic might find a spiritual affinity with polar bears. Encountering a polar bear in the Arctic could be a rare and awe-inspiring sight for adventurers. Due to their remote habitat , polar bear encounters might be infrequent but incredibly memorable. In your campaign , adventurers might have opportunities to observe polar bears from a distance , engage in non-combat interactions , or witness their powerful hunting prowess. However , as with any wild predator , provoking or engaging in combat with a polar bear would be a dangerous endeavor , as they are incredibly strong and capable predators. ,
Iran , You are a group of adventurous children who love to explore ancient ruins and learn about history. You have a map that shows you where to find hidden treasures and secrets. You also have a book that tells you stories and facts about the civilizations that lived there. You use a magnifying glass to examine the details of the artifacts and find clues. You have some tools to help you dig and uncover more things. You are having fun and discovering amazing things. You are also careful and respectful of the past. You want to share your findings with the world and inspire others to learn more. ,
Title: Dream Chasing Class Six Charity Sale Main image: Some students are displaying their own handmade products , baked goods and beverages , surrounded by lively crowds and stalls. Subtitle: Love charity sale , convey warmth with actions! content: Time: June 1st , 14:00-16:00 pm , see the poster for the specific location. Activity introduction: In order to help people in need , the students of Class 6 of Chasing Dream held this charity sale. Activity content: In this charity sale , we will sell handmade products , baked goods and drinks made by the students. There are many beautiful prizes waiting for you to draw! All proceeds will go to help those in need. Goal: Our goal is to bring warmth and love to people in need with our caring hands for a better world. Appeal: Let us act together , use our actions to spread love , and send love to those in need! Contact information: phone number , WeChat ID , etc. The design of the poster should highlight the theme of the Charity Sale , using warm colors and fonts to make people look forward to this event and feel our love. At the same time , the poster should list specific sales items , price points and the use of proceeds , so that people can trust and support this charity sale more. Cartoon , 3D , Water Color ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution Modern architecture has incorporated the idea of incorporating open spaces , like lawns , into the design of buildings. These spaces serve not only as a part of the landscape , but also as interactive spaces where people can gather informally , hold cultural programs , and engage in social functions. The lawns can have built-in features like platforms and seating areas that enhance the outdoor experience. The presence of ancient monuments and open-air amphitheatres , surrounded by densely planted trees , adds to the aesthetic appeal and creates a unique atmosphere. Overall , lawns have become an integral part of modern architectural design , and their importance as a design criteria is being recognized and emphasized. Modern technology in architecture has enabled designers to address climate-specific challenges , such as the hot and dry climate in Ahmedabad. The design of the campus takes into account the climate and maximizes the use of natural light and ventilation to create comfortable and energy-efficient spaces. Courtyards are designed to remain in the shadow for most part of the day and sliding panels are installed to allow inflow of light into the workshops. Pockets of vegetation are incorporated into the design to provide shade and blend with the structure both inside and outside the building. The use of heat-resistant glass in metal frames for the workshops and rosewood frames for the studios helps to mitigate heat gain. The building is designed to capture wind from the riverside and cool the interiors through adjustable glazing and features like water bodies with jallis to filter cooled air. Overall , modern technology has enabled architects to create sustainable and comfortable buildings that respond to the local climate and environment. ,
Design a card for "Sawsui Ji" in bagua divination. For this card , we would like to depict the receiver's hand touching the calm surface of the water. Please design the outline of the hand so that it gently emerges and gives the impression of minute ripples on the surface of the water. The palm of the hand should discreetly incorporate divination symbols to help the recipient feel a sense of inner peace and insight. Color tones should be natural blues and greens , with a warm glow. Finish the overall ambiance with a mix of peacefulness and anticipation." , Trippy , Cartoon , Water Color , Oil Painting ,
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cartoon character in fortnite style , similar to Marco Arelio from the waist up , in a suit , looking badass , neutral face , 3d render style , slightly anamorphic , in front of launching rocket , looking into the camera , face clearly visible , dvd screengrab UHD , cartoon , ultra detail , intricate details , volumetric lighting , 3d model , fake , photography , digital art , 8k , future , Cinematic , Photography , Ultra - Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper - detailed , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Videogame , Fortnite Shot on 25mm lens --ar 9:16 , ,
Imagine a world where advanced AI technology has allowed animals to communicate with humans and live alongside them. Draw a scene where your black lombax fursona is holding a beautiful flower up to the sky with a happy smile on their face. What kind of flower is it? Is it a futuristic , technologically advanced flower or a traditional one? Is your fursona holding the flower with their hands or with a tool created by their AI companion? Show how their AI companion is helping your fursona in this task , and incorporate any other technological gadgets or devices that they use in their daily lives. Let your creativity run wild and bring this futuristic world to life on paper with your personalized black lombax fursona design!" ,
The illustration shows girl surrounded by a swarm of colorful butterflies , each with unique patterns and colors on their wings , as the butterflies flutter around her. The background is filled with lush greenery and flowers , indicating the beauty of the garden. In the center of the illustration , girlis shown learning to fly like the butterflies , with the help of her new friends. , Cartoon ,
A dark room , with walls made of dull wooden planks , was lit by a dim light that filtered through the broken windows. In the center of the room , there was a terrifying ghostly figure , with a grotesque face and eyes that glittered with sinister light. It was sitting intently at an old table , holding a sharp paintbrush in its hand. On the table , a human skin scroll was slowly unfurling , depicting the face of a young woman. Her expression looked terrified and helpless , as if struggling to escape from this horrifying situation. The ghostly figure's mouth twitched into a sinister smile , as if relishing in it all. , Water Color ,
Appearance: The Poisonous Snake is a small to medium-sized reptile with a slender body and a distinctive pattern of scales. Its colors can vary widely , from vibrant and striking patterns to more muted earth tones , helping it blend into its natural surroundings. The snake's head is triangular , and it has a pair of fangs at the front of its mouth , through which it delivers its venom. Features: The Poisonous Snake is known for its venomous bite , which it uses to incapacitate its prey and defend itself from threats. Its venom can vary in potency , from causing mild discomfort to being deadly , depending on the species. While not as powerful as the venom of more dangerous creatures , the Poisonous Snake's bite can still cause considerable harm to unwary adventurers. Habitat: Poisonous Snakes can be found in a wide range of environments , from dense jungles and forests to dry deserts and grasslands. They are highly adaptable creatures and can thrive in various conditions , making them a common sight in untamed wilderness areas. Behavior: The Poisonous Snake is a stealthy predator , relying on its camouflage and patience to ambush its prey. It strikes quickly and accurately , using its venom to immobilize and begin the process of consuming its victim. Poisonous Snakes are generally non-aggressive towards larger creatures , preferring to flee rather than confront a potential threat. Role in the World: In your DND world , Poisonous Snakes could serve as common dangers in the wild , particularly in regions where adventurers explore untamed territories. Druids and rangers might have a connection with these creatures , viewing them as part of the natural balance. Encountering a Poisonous Snake in the wild can be a common and potentially hazardous event for adventurers. While they are generally not aggressive , they may strike if they feel threatened or cornered. Players might need to exercise caution and use skills such as animal handling or survival to avoid confrontations with these venomous reptiles. If adventurers do find themselves bitten , they must act quickly to counteract the effects of the venom and avoid more serious consequences. The presence of Poisonous Snakes in your campaign adds an element of realism and danger to the wilderness. Players will need to be vigilant and watchful during their travels , as the risk of encountering these venomous creatures is ever-present. Poisonous Snakes can also serve as a minor but meaningful challenge , especially for lower-level adventurers , teaching them the importance of preparation and awareness in the untamed wilderness. ,
was a woman of remarkable beauty with a striking and commanding presence. She was said to have had a slender figure , with a long neck and a high forehead. Her features were described as being finely sculpted , with a nose that was neither too small nor too large , and full , sensuous lips. was also known for her dazzling eyes , which were said to be her most captivating feature. They were described as being large and luminous , with long , thick lashes that framed them beautifully. Her eyes were said to be a deep , dark brown , almost black in color , which added to their hypnotic quality. In addition to her natural beauty , was known for her impeccable grooming and fashion sense. She was said to have worn exotic perfumes and cosmetics , and to have adorned herself with lavish jewelry and ornate clothing made of the finest fabrics. Overall , was a woman of exceptional beauty and style , whose physical appearance and charisma helped her to become one of the most iconic and powerful figures of ancient history. , , 3D ,
Help me draw a sketch of my hometown. 1. My hometown is a flat house , which is connected by four rooms. Each room has a door to enter , respectively 1 , 2 , 3 rooms , and the innermost one is the kitchen. 2. There is a platform less than two meters in front of the door that runs through the four rooms. There is a bamboo fence about 20 meters long on the right hand side of the first room on the left. 3. Facing the house , there is a stone staircase with seven steps between the first and second rooms on the right hand side. Below the seventh step is a platform , where vegetables and a small apple tree are planted. 4. Every night , the moon shines brightly on the platform ,