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Este ser extraterrestre , proveniente de las profundidades del espacio , personifica el horror en su forma más pura. Su apariencia combina tonos oscuros de negro y azul en un patrón inquietante que evoca una sensación de profundo temor en aquellos que se atreven a mirarlo. Su cuerpo alto y esbelto se extiende en una postura encorvada y ominosa. La piel de un negro profundo , como el vacío estelar , cubre su figura , aparentando absorber la luz a su alrededor. En contraste , destellos de un azul gélido recorren su cuerpo , irradiando una luminiscencia inquietante que parece pulsar en la oscuridad. La cabeza de este extraterrestre es desproporcionadamente grande en relación con su cuerpo , con rasgos alienígenas que desafían cualquier concepto de familiaridad. Sus ojos , de un azul penetrante y sin pupila , brillan con una mirada fría y despiadada que traspasa el alma de aquellos que se encuentran con su mirada. Dentro de ellos , se refleja un conocimiento ancestral y malévolo que trasciende la comprensión humana. Una boca siniestra se extiende en una amplia sonrisa llena de afilados dientes de tonalidades azules metálicas , cada uno afilado como una hoja dispuesto a desgarrar la carne. Su cabeza está coronada por una estructura ósea puntiaguda y azulada que se asemeja a una especie de cresta , añadiendo un aspecto aún más aterrador a su presencia. Este ser extraterrestre se mueve con una gracia inhumana , sus extremidades largas y delgadas se retuercen con una agilidad sobrenatural , permitiéndole moverse de manera fluida y rápida. Su presencia parece desafiar las leyes de la física , dejando un rastro de oscuridad y misterio a su paso. En definitiva , este aterrador extraterrestre de color negro y azul encarna el lado más oscuro y temible del universo , despertando el pavor más profundo en aquellos que tienen la desgracia de encontrarse con su presencia. ,
Vorrei che tu crei un logo per il brand "Pappetta". Il nome del brand , "Pappetta" , dovrebbe essere in caratteri audaci e amichevoli. Ti suggerirei di utilizzare un carattere arrotondato e morbido per evocare un senso di comfort e familiarità. Il sottotitolo "cibo espresso casalingo per cani" potrebbe essere in un carattere più semplice e pulito per mantenere l'attenzione sul nome del brand. Per le immagini , ti chiedo di includere un'immagine di una ciotola per cani con una gustosa pappetta all'interno. Un dettaglio aggiuntivo potrebbe essere un cucchiaio o una spatola , per rappresentare la preparazione casalinga del cibo. L'immagine dovrebbe essere stilizzata e semplice , in modo da renderla facilmente riconoscibile anche quando il logo viene ridimensionato. Per quanto riguarda i colori , ti suggerirei di utilizzare colori caldi e accoglienti come marrone , arancione e giallo , per evocare l'idea di un cibo gustoso e nutriente. I colori dovrebbero essere abbastanza saturi da far risaltare il logo , ma non troppo brillanti da risultare aggressivi. Cerca di trovare un equilibrio tra i colori per creare un design accattivante e invitante per il tuo logo. ,
Heinrich stands at a height of around 6 feet , with a lean and athletic build. His Tiefling heritage is evident in his unique physical features , which set him apart from others. His skin bears a deep , ashen hue , reminiscent of charcoal , and carries a faint sheen. It feels cool to the touch , hinting at his connection to the realm of the undead. Contrasting with his dusky complexion , his eyes gleam with an intense shade of fiery amber , giving off an otherworldly aura. A pair of small , curved horns emerge from his forehead , curling back and slightly upwards. They are smooth and polished , a testament to his meticulous care and grooming. Along with his horns , Heinrich possesses a set of pointed , elven-like ears , elongated and tapering to a fine point. His jet-black hair , sleek and straight , falls to his shoulders , framing his face in a sharp and stylish manner. Heinrich's countenance reflects his sorrowful past. There is a lingering sadness in his eyes , a weight that only comes from carrying the burden of forgotten sins. His facial features are sharp and defined , with a strong jawline that speaks of determination and resolve. However , his expression often bears a hint of weariness and pensiveness , as if he is constantly reflecting on his past actions and seeking answers that lie just beyond his reach. Dressed in practical and nondescript attire , Heinrich favors dark , muted colors such as deep blues , grays , and blacks. He dons a long , weathered cloak that helps him blend into the shadows , its tattered edges revealing the signs of countless journeys and battles. His armor , made from lightweight materials , allows for agile movement without compromising protection. Strapped to his back is a well-crafted bow , accompanied by a quiver of arrows , emphasizing his skill as a ranger. Heinrich carries himself with a quiet confidence , though there is an air of restraint about him. He moves with grace and precision , every step deliberate and measured. Though his appearance may evoke a sense of mystery and apprehension in those unfamiliar with Tieflings , those who take the time to know him will find a soul burdened by the weight of past transgressions , seeking redemption in a world that is both harsh and forgiving. ,
Capítulo 1: O ursinho mágico • Desenhar William e Ângelo como dois amigos inseparáveis; • Desenhar o parque da cidade de Green Hills; • Desenhar Puff como um ursinho de pelúcia abandonado e quebrado; • Desenhar William e Ângelo consertando Puff; • Desenhar Puff com poderes mágicos e capaz de falar. Capítulo 2: O mundo mágico • Desenhar o portal mágico que leva William , Ângelo e Puff ao mundo mágico; • Desenhar o mundo mágico com suas criaturas incríveis , como fadas , unicórnios , elfos e outros seres mágicos; • Desenhar a admiração de William e Puff pelo mundo mágico; • Desenhar Ângelo um pouco intimidado pelo novo ambiente , mas encorajado por seus amigos. Capítulo 3: A jornada para a vitória • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff em sua jornada para encontrar os dinossauros; • Desenhar os dinossauros atacando e destruindo o mundo mágico; • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff enfrentando obstáculos e batalhas emocionantes com os dinossauros; • Desenhar a coragem de William e Ângelo em lutar contra os dinossauros; • Desenhar Puff usando sua magia para ajudar William e Ângelo. Capítulo 4: A despedida • Desenhar William e Ângelo se despedindo de seus amigos do mundo mágico; • Desenhar a tristeza de Ângelo por deixar o mundo mágico , mas sendo animado por William; • Desenhar a rainha das fadas agradecendo a William , Ângelo e Puff pela ajuda e presenteando os meninos com medalhas de honra. Capítulo 5: Amigos para sempre • Desenhar William e Ângelo contando suas aventuras para seus amigos e familiares; • Desenhar a promessa de William e Ângelo de que sempre estarão lá um para o outro; • Desenhar a promessa de William e Ângelo de voltar ao mundo mágico um dia para ajudar novamente; • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff abraçados e felizes por sua amizade verdadeira e aventuras compartilhadas. Os desenhos devem ser coloridos e atraentes para as crianças , mostrando os personagens de forma clara e expressiva , transmitindo as emoções e sentimentos da história. , Oil Painting ,
Heinrich stands at a height of around 6 feet , with a lean and athletic build. His Tiefling heritage is evident in his unique physical features , which set him apart from others. His purple skin bears a deep , ashen hue , reminiscent of charcoal. It feels cool to the touch , hinting at his connection to the realm of the undead. Contrasting with his dusky complexion , his eyes gleam with an intense shade of amber , it lost it' s shines years ago. A pair of big , curved horns emerge from his forehead , curling back. They are smooth and polished , a testament to his meticulous care and grooming. Along with his horns , Heinrich possesses a set of pointed , elven-like ears , elongated and tapering to a fine point. His jet-black hair , sleek and straight , falls to his shoulders , framing his face in a sharp and stylish manner. Heinrich's countenance reflects his sorrowful past. There is a lingering sadness in his eyes , a weight that only comes from carrying the burden of forgotten sins. His facial features are sharp and defined , with a strong jawline that speaks of determination and resolve. However , his expression often bears a hint of weariness and pensiveness , as if he is constantly reflecting on his past actions and seeking answers that lie just beyond his reach. Dressed in practical and nondescript attire , Heinrich favors dark , muted colors such as deep blues , grays , and blacks. He dons a long , weathered cloak that helps him blend into the shadows , its tattered edges revealing the signs of countless journeys and battles. His armor , made from lightweight materials , allows for agile movement without compromising protection. Strapped to his back is a well-crafted bow , accompanied by a quiver of arrows , emphasizing his skill as a ranger. Heinrich carries himself with a quiet confidence , though there is an air of restraint about him. He moves with grace and precision , every step deliberate and measured. Though his appearance may evoke a sense of mystery and apprehension in those unfamiliar with Tieflings , those who take the time to know him will find a soul burdened by the weight of past transgressions , seeking redemption in a world that is both harsh and forgiving. ,
Create a futuristic cityscape inspired by the Maasai tribe's vibrant fabric prints , in stunning 8k resolution. The city should be a realistic depiction of what an advanced society influenced by Maasai culture might look like. It should incorporate elements of Maasai design and aesthetics , such as bold patterns and bright colors. The image should transport the viewer to a world that feels both familiar and unlike anything they have ever seen before ,
Hombre guapo de unos 30 años , con barba arreglada y constitución mediana , trabajando en la oficina , estilo fotorrealista , colores azul y gris)) fotografía realista , fotografía , obra maestra , realista , realismo , fotografía realismo , alto contraste , arte digital fotográfico realista en tendencia en Artstation 8k HD de alta definición estar familiarizado con realista , estar familiarizado con , textura de la piel , hiper estar familiarizado con , textura de piel realista , armadura , calidad más alta , alta resolución , (fotografía realista: 1.4) , alta resolución , estar familiarizado con , primer plano , enfoque nítido. ,
A portrait of my character , Heinrich Schwarz , with a shadowy background. Heinrich stands at a height of around 6 feet , with a lean and athletic build. His Tiefling heritage is evident in his unique physical features , which set him apart from others. His purple skin bears a deep , ashen hue , reminiscent of charcoal. It feels cool to the touch , hinting at his connection to the realm of the undead. Contrasting with his dusky complexion , his eyes gleam with an intense shade of amber , it lost it' s shines years ago. A pair of curved horns emerge from his forehead , curling back. They are smooth and polished , a testament to his meticulous care and grooming. Along with his horns , Heinrich possesses a set of pointed , elven-like ears , elongated and tapering to a fine point. His jet-black hair , sleek and straight , falls to his shoulders , framing his face in a sharp and stylish manner. Heinrich's countenance reflects his sorrowful past. There is a lingering sadness in his eyes , a weight that only comes from carrying the burden of forgotten sins. His facial features are sharp and defined , with a strong jawline that speaks of determination and resolve. However , his expression often bears a hint of weariness and pensiveness , as if he is constantly reflecting on his past actions and seeking answers that lie just beyond his reach. Dressed in practical and nondescript attire , Heinrich favors dark , muted colors such as deep blues , grays , and blacks. He dons a long , weathered cloak that helps him blend into the shadows , its tattered edges revealing the signs of countless journeys and battles. His armor , made from lightweight materials , allows for agile movement without compromising protection. Strapped to his back is a well-crafted bow , accompanied by a quiver of arrows , emphasizing his skill as a ranger. Heinrich carries himself with a quiet confidence , though there is an air of restraint about him. He moves with grace and precision , every step deliberate and measured. Though his appearance may evoke a sense of mystery and apprehension in those unfamiliar with Tieflings , those who take the time to know him will find a soul burdened by the weight of past transgressions , seeking redemption in a world that is both harsh and forgiving. ,
Appearance: The bartender is a stout and robust Dwarf , a natural fit for the role with their love of a good drink and merriment. Standing behind the bar with a barrel chest and muscular arms , they exude an air of confidence and competence. Their thick , braided beard is impeccably groomed , and their fiery red hair matches the gleam in their eyes. Despite their short stature , they carry themselves with pride and authority , ensuring that the tavern runs smoothly. Features: This Dwarf bartender is an expert in the art of brewing and mixing drinks , boasting an impressive knowledge of beverages from all corners of the realm. They take pride in their craft and are always eager to share their expertise with curious patrons. Their boisterous laughter can be heard throughout the establishment , setting the tone for a lively and convivial atmosphere. Habitat: This Dwarf bartender can be found in renowned taverns across the land , often in the heart of bustling cities or near mines and trade routes where Dwarves congregate. They may run an alehouse famous for its signature brew or manage an inn that welcomes travelers from near and far. In your DND world , this Dwarf bartender might be part of a close-knit Dwarven community or one of the few Dwarves venturing outside their mountain homes. Behavior: True to their Dwarven heritage , this bartender is hardworking , reliable , and fiercely loyal to their patrons. They value tradition and history , always eager to regale customers with tales of legendary heroes or the exploits of their ancestors. Their hearty demeanor and ability to hold their liquor make them the perfect drinking companion for those seeking camaraderie and mirth. Role in the World: In your DND world , this Dwarf bartender embodies the spirit of celebration and unity. They serve as a symbol of the joys of life , bringing people together to share stories and forge new friendships. Adventurers may find solace in their familiar presence , knowing that even in the farthest reaches of the realm , they can always find a friendly face in this Dwarf tavernkeeper. Encountering a Dwarf bartender in your campaign can be a delightful and memorable experience for players. It provides an opportunity to explore the rich cultural traditions of Dwarves and appreciate the sense of community and kinship they foster. The interactions with this lively bartender can lead to jovial role-playing moments , creating a sense of camaraderie among the players and their characters. The presence of a Dwarf bartender in your campaign world adds depth and authenticity to the portrayal of Dwarven culture. It showcases the Dwarves' love of craftsmanship , storytelling , and hearty revelry , painting a vivid picture of a race known for their lively spirits and strong bonds. This NPC can become a cherished and endearing character in your DND campaign , making the tavern they run a beloved location where players can find respite and warmth amidst the adventures that lie ahead. ,
In the ocean depths , where dim light barely penetrates , an unexpected collection of objects forms a surreal scene. A rug billows in the underwater current , a ring rests on the seabed—a reminder of human presence above. A brick provides shelter for fish , while a walnut rolls along the sandy floor. A vase lies empty , its shards scattered nearby. Binoculars gaze upwards , and an old calendar marks the relentless passage of time. Torn from their familiar context , these ordinary items create a strange and captivating composition that speaks to the transience of time and the power of nature.movie scene , film grain , dark style , dark lighting , dramatic hard shadows , dramatic lighting , explosive , material contrast , hyper detailed , photo realistic , cinematic composition , intricate details , masterpiece , visually stunning , evocative , best quality , very intricate and very detailed:1.5 , ((concept art style , manga style , emotional scene , looking away)) , (((by Jeremy Mann and Wadim Kashin))) ,
Hombre joven , con barba arreglada y constitución mediana , trabajando en la oficina , estilo fotorrealista , colores azul y gris)) fotografía realista , fotografía , obra maestra , realista , realismo , fotografía realismo , alto contraste , arte digital fotográfico realista en tendencia en Artstation 8k HD de alta definición estar familiarizado con realista , estar familiarizado con , textura de la piel , hiper estar familiarizado con , textura de piel realista , armadura , calidad más alta , alta resolución , (fotografía realista: 1.4) , alta resolución , estar familiarizado con , primer plano , enfoque nítido. ,
His body , made up of a tangle of many deformed arms , twist in impossible directions. These appendages , some ending in sharp claws and others in more human-like limbs , intertwine in a confusing manner , creating a mass of haphazardly flailing limbs. This creature's head is a nightmare in itself. With no defined face , it lacks recognizable human features , and instead presents a smooth , grotesque surface. His long , messy hair , more like tangled black threads , hangs shapelessly from his head , creating a dirty mane. This being's skin appears to be a mix of scales and flesh , with sickly tones ranging from pale to dark. Upon observing this abomination , the feeling of disgust would take over those who dared to look at it. There is nothing familiar or comforting about his presence; It is an embodiment of the repulsive and the unknown. Each of her movements is a dance of deformity , a manifestation of horror that defies natural laws and remains engraved in the minds of those who have the unfortunate experience of encountering her. ,
La imagen muestra una escena serena y familiar en un entorno africano. En el centro de la imagen , se encuentra una familia bantú , compuesta por un hombre , una mujer y un niño , representados de manera estilizada y simplificada para adaptarse al formato bidimensional del logo. El hombre tiene una figura robusta y está vestido con un tradicional atuendo bantú. Su rostro muestra rasgos angulares y una expresión amable y protectora. Su tono de piel es cálido y oscuro , reflejando la herencia africana. La mujer está al lado del hombre , sosteniendo al niño en sus brazos. Su figura es esbelta y elegante , con rasgos faciales suaves y delicados. Su tono de piel también es cálido y oscuro , y lleva un vestido tradicional adornado con patrones geométricos. El niño , representado en una escala más pequeña , mira hacia arriba con curiosidad y alegría. Tiene un rostro inocente y sonriente , con rasgos que reflejan la mezcla de sus padres. Su tono de piel es similar al de sus padres. El entorno que rodea a la familia está formado por colores tierra y tonos cálidos que representan la tierra africana. En el fondo , se vislumbran siluetas estilizadas de árboles y montañas , evocando la naturaleza exuberante y la belleza de Guinea Ecuatorial. ,
Shadow Jackal , pitch black , Four arms , Four eyes , familiar , rising from shadows , emerald aura , lower body linked to shadows. full body view , 8k , high resolution , high quality , photorealistic , hyperrealistic , detailed , detailed matte painting , deep color , fantastical , intricate detail , splash screen , emerald secondary colors , fantasy concept art , 8k resolution trending on Artstation Unreal Engine 5 ,
Appearance: The bartender is a friendly and approachable figure , often standing behind a well-polished wooden counter , ready to greet patrons with a warm smile. They are typically dressed in clean and practical attire , such as a simple shirt and apron , allowing them to move freely while tending to the needs of the establishment. Bartenders may have a knack for stylish flair , flipping bottles and mixing drinks with impressive skill and showmanship. Features: Bartenders are not only skilled at pouring drinks but also possess an innate talent for reading people. They are excellent listeners and storytellers , making them well-versed in the art of conversation and able to keep the spirits of the patrons high. Bartenders are masters of their craft , knowing how to mix a wide variety of beverages , from the strongest spirits to the most refreshing mocktails. Habitat: Bartenders can be found in a variety of establishments , from bustling taverns and rowdy inns to upscale lounges and cozy pubs. They are the heart and soul of these establishments , creating an inviting and social atmosphere where patrons can relax and unwind. In your DND world , bartenders might be found in port cities , adventurers' resting spots , or inns along major trade routes. Behavior: Bartenders are generally friendly and accommodating , treating each patron with respect and providing a listening ear to those who seek to share their tales or troubles. They are skilled at keeping the mood light and the atmosphere lively , helping patrons forget their worries and enjoy the moment. Bartenders are also observant , able to discern when a patron may need some space or when a situation may require their intervention. Role in the World: In your DND world , bartenders play a crucial role in providing information and facilitating interactions between adventurers and locals. They can be valuable sources of rumors , gossip , and leads for quests , as they are often privy to the comings and goings of many travelers and regular patrons. Bartenders can also act as a connection point between characters and quest-givers or provide hints on how to tackle challenges. Encountering a bartender in your campaign can offer players a chance to unwind and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of the world you've created. These interactions can create opportunities for role-playing and character development as players engage in friendly conversations , exchange stories with locals , or seek information to further their quests. The presence of bartenders in your campaign world adds a touch of authenticity and familiarity , making the settings feel more alive and vibrant. These characters can offer a glimpse into the everyday lives of the people who inhabit your DND world , providing a sense of community and camaraderie amidst the excitement of adventuring. From lively taverns to quiet roadside inns , bartenders can become memorable and beloved NPCs who add depth and flavor to your DND campaign. ,