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Vorrei che tu crei un logo per il brand "Pappetta". Il nome del brand , "Pappetta" , dovrebbe essere in caratteri audaci e amichevoli. Ti suggerirei di utilizzare un carattere arrotondato e morbido per evocare un senso di comfort e familiarità. Il sottotitolo "cibo espresso casalingo per cani" potrebbe essere in un carattere più semplice e pulito per mantenere l'attenzione sul nome del brand. Per le immagini , ti chiedo di includere un'immagine di una ciotola per cani con una gustosa pappetta all'interno. Un dettaglio aggiuntivo potrebbe essere un cucchiaio o una spatola , per rappresentare la preparazione casalinga del cibo. L'immagine dovrebbe essere stilizzata e semplice , in modo da renderla facilmente riconoscibile anche quando il logo viene ridimensionato. Per quanto riguarda i colori , ti suggerirei di utilizzare colori caldi e accoglienti come marrone , arancione e giallo , per evocare l'idea di un cibo gustoso e nutriente. I colori dovrebbero essere abbastanza saturi da far risaltare il logo , ma non troppo brillanti da risultare aggressivi. Cerca di trovare un equilibrio tra i colori per creare un design accattivante e invitante per il tuo logo. ,
Lianna uzun , sarg'ish sochlari bilan ajralib turadi. Sochlari yumshoq to'lqinlar bilan yelkasiga tushadi va ularning oltin rangi o'rmon quyoshi ostida porlab turadi. Uning ko'zlari yorqin yashil bo'lib , o'rmonning cheksiz yashilligini eslatadi. Bu ko'zlar juda chuqur va ularda minglab yillar davomida yashab kelgan elflarning donoligi va tajribasi aks etadi. Uning terisi oppoq va nozik , elf xalqiga xos ravishda xuddi marvariddek porlab turadi. Yuzi uzunchoq va nozik , burun va yonoqlari ingichka , lablari esa nozik va tabiiy qizil rangda. Uning yuzidagi ifoda esa jiddiy , ammo mehribon; u o'zining boshidan o'tkazgan qiyinchiliklarga qaramay , o'zida kuch va ishonchni saqlab qolgan. Lianna elf jangchilariga xos tarzda kiyingan. Uning tanasini qulay va bardoshli , o'rmon ilhomlantirgan naqshlar bilan bezatilgan engil zireh qoplab turadi. Uning kiyimi yengil va o'rmon bilan birlashadigan yashil , jigarrang va och ko'k ranglarda bo'lib , uni tabiat bilan bir butun qiladi. U , shuningdek , eski va sirli ko'rinishga ega bo'lgan kichik bir shishacha (vial) olib yuradi , bu esa uning shifobaxsh qobiliyatlarini eslatadi. Lianna odatda elflar o'rtasida keng tarqalgan uzun , ingichka qilich yoki kamon bilan qurollangan bo'ladi. Uning bo'yi baland , harakati esa silliq va tabiiy , bu esa uning yengilligi va chaqqonligini ko'rsatadi. Uning umumiy ko'rinishi jasoratli , lekin nozik va nafis , bu uning kuchli , ammo hamdard tabiati bilan mos keladi. ,
a painting of a beyond-dimensional fantasy world , reality infused with dreams , in a screenshot from the science fiction anime file by makoto shinkai Rainforests inside a glass house , lush trees , vines twing around the shelves , greg rutkowski and james gurney and Thomas kinkade orbital space station , science and technology , Jonn Berkey , highly detailed , artstation in the morning , chinese buildings on the mountains , magnificent , john Howe landscape , lake , china , dragon , clouds , farm , wlop fairy tale , light effect , dream , Greg rutkowski , artstation great chinese palace above clouds , morning , distance waterfalls flow down the mountians , fantasy , high-definition , super wide angle , artstation sunset and sunset clouds over the sea , james Gurney , cgsociety , vary studio ghibli , flowery cottage , morning , green technology , Thomas kinkade , Sparth a painting of a beyond-dimensional fantasy world , a world of under the sea , Atlantis , science fiction , uplighting , studio Ghibli , unreal engine , epic composition , CG digital render , Ultra HD , technique highly detailed , triadic color scheme Arches National Park , under the rock , in the evening , nightsky , reality infused with dreams , upscaled , triadic color scheme , epic composition , CG digital rendering , Studio Ghibli , unreal engine , atmospheric , omit the people in the Singapore Flyer , in the evening , reality infused with dreams , upscaled , triadic color scheme , epic composition , CG digital rendering , a screenshot from the science fiction anime film Detective Conan , unreal engine , atmospheric , omit the people reality infused with dreams , the desk up side the window , in the class , a narrow beams of sunlight,CG digital rendering , a screenshot from the science fiction anime film by Studio Ghibli , unreal engine , atmospheric a landscape painting of beautiful island , reality infused with dreams , a blue lake lay down the bottom of mountains , blue grass surounding the lake , vary , upscaled , epic composition , atmospheric , ultra HD , trending on art station , triadic color scheme , technique highly detailed , really world , studio Ghibli , CG digital rendering a painting of a beyond-dimensional world , out space , Milkly way galaxy , unreal engine , epic composition , CG digital render , Ultra HD , technique highly detailed , triadic color scheme , by van Gogh a painting of a beyond-dimensional fantasy world , a world of under the sea , Atlantis , science fiction , uplighting , studio Ghibli , unreal engine , epic composition , CG digital render , Ultra HD , technique highly detailed , triadic color scheme a painting of a beyond-dimensional fantasy world , reality infused with dreams , the mountian tops were hidden beneath a veil of mist , a cherry blossom with gentle breeze , uplight , atmospheric , epic composition , unreal engine , a screenshot from science fiction anime film by makoto shinkai in a screenshot from the science fiction anime film by makoto , sunset and sunset clouds over the sea , james Gurney , cgsociety , vary wave , nightsky , nebula , colorful stars , animation , CG digital rendering , whale , vary , technique highly detailed , ultrawide shot , no clouds , Ultra HD ,
Asceneabout30-year-oldancientEgyptianstrongwarriorwomanwithreddish-brownhair , withbraid-ponytail , whostandsontopofamountainshootingdownwardwihtherbowagainst90EgyptianwarriorswhocomewalkingacrossaplaintowardstheEgyptianwarriorwoman.Inanewcomicstyleblendsstylesofthebestgreatmasterswithcleanlines , fullcolor , andadarkgoldentone. , Cartoon ,
Hyper detailed ultra sharp , trending on artstation , vibrant aesthetic , bloodwave , colorful , psychedelic , ornate , intricate , digital painting , concept art , smooth , sharp focus , illustration , anthropomorphic african , art by coreybarksdale and greg rutkowski and h. r. giger , 8 k portrait od queen nzinga nbande ,
Nithya Menon , wearing a green teal purple creamy saree , is sitting in squatting posture like in an Indian toilet , under her there is a small pole of dreams , she is actually sitting on top of that , in a golden platform , she has placed her left palm on to her left chest attractively and gently for comfort , there are shiva linga shapes in the background as properties , she showered with white petals from heaven , her eyes are closed in peace , she is happy and tranquil , a attractive , beautiful , curvy , half body shot , perfect composition , golden ratio in the composition , vibrant colorful sacred grove background , Oil Painting ,
Baseball , Futbol , Basketball , Deportes , Logo , 3d , 4k , bien definido , que se vean i distingan los deportes , full colores ,