a giant monster in the middle of a field with a full moon in the...


a giant monster in the middle of a field with a full moon in the background, holding, tail, weapon, outdoors, multiple_boys, sky, sword, holding_weapon, armor, night, glowing, moon, fire, polearm, night_sky, glowing_eyes, full_moon, 6+boys, monster, battle, giant

{ "Model": "Testing\\photon_v1", "Steps": 18, "Sampler": "dpmpp_3m_sde_karras", "Version": "ComfyUI", "CFGScale": 7, "ModelHash": "ec41bd2a82", "NegativePrompt": "wrinkles, deformed, unrealistic, worst quality, blurry, fuzzy, out of focus, low quality, out of frame, logo, signature, username, watermark, picture frame, frames, borderline, duplicate, error, ugly, blur, tiled, extra fingers, deformed hands, polydactyl:1.5" }
