User: wuyan23_34


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A beautiful bird,Mechanical structure, Trippy
mdjrny-v4 style, ethereal Bohemian Waxwing bird, Bombycilla garrulus :: intricate details, ornate, detailed illustration, octane render :: Johanna Rupprecht style, William Morris style :: trending on artstation --ar 9:16
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, Trippy
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, Water Color
Mechanical structure,A beautiful bird, 3D
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, Trippy, --ar 16:9 ,
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, , Pencil Sketch
Tradition Chinese Ink Painting,DreamWorks Pictures,Rococo,Beautiful ginger, Pencil Sketch, 3D, Water Color
Mechanical structure,Mobile Suit,3D
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, Trippy, --ar 9:16 ,
A beautiful painting, Chinese palace, waterfall under clouds, soft light, fairy tale, dream, under the waterfall is a big lake, clear water, smoke, water drops, fairy tale style, HD 8k, Water Color, Oil Painting
墨西哥黑社会女王的肖像,由卡洛尔-巴克、詹姆斯-简、汤姆-巴肖、洛可可、锐利的焦点、artstation上的趋势、电影照明、超现实主义、辛烷渲染、8K、超详细。, Trippy, , 3D