A red-haired girl , pale skin , and piercing blue eyes , wearing a mischievous expression , is sitting across from a boy with dark hair , blue eyes , and pale skin. They are intensely focused on playing the board game 'Terraforming Mars' by Jacob Fryxelius. The central game board features a hexagonal map of Mars with clearly defined regions , including blue ocean tiles , green areas representing greenery , and grey tiles for cities. Surrounding the board are player mats filled with resource cubes representing steal or plants , alongside project and corporation cards scattered across the table. At the top of the board , visual indicators show the planet's current oxygen levels , temperature , and ocean tiles. Nearby , a slightly chubby man with glasses and a beard , nearby a bald man with pale skin , no beard , and sunglasses. Next to them , a woman with blue eyes , pale skin , and a ponytail stands , holding a small blonde baby , watching the game unfold. ,