Digital Art , close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light , in the style of science fiction concept art. ,
Frame a woman's face in profile , her lips parted slightly as she appears mesmerized , focusing intently on something just outside of view with an expression of deep contemplation. ,
High-speed photography of salamanders mid-hunt , their elongated bodies streaking after prey faster than the eye can see as they skillfully weave through coral and rocks. ,
Hyper realistic , a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess , in the style of Baroque paintings. ,
Backlit by the gentle glow of a table lamp , a raven-haired woman in a cashmere sweater fixes her emerald eyes on something just beyond sight , pondering in the moments before sleep pulls her under. ,
Painting , a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess , in Renaissance style. ,
Splash art , a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess , in the style of fantasy art. ,
Through softly falling snow , a rosy-cheeked beauty stares out atwhitened pinesHeavy with powder , transfixed by winter's beautywith eyes like melted chocolate. ,
Sketch , a pale , tentacled face rising from the inky black depths , with flowing ebony hair and eyes the crystalline blue of the Aegean Sea , its beautiful yet cruel features twisted with divine rage , in the style of surrealism ,
Blue skies and rolling hills fill the window behind a fair-skinned blonde lost in a daydream , her crystal blue eyes gazing wistfully into the middle distance above features delicate as porcelain. ,
Using natural light just after sunset , photograph the silhouette of the girl at her balcony railing , gazing out at the last rays of the setting sun. Her slender limbs and flowing nightgown are backlit while her long hair floats around her shoulders in the breeze. ,
Out the porthole , capturing a sweeping360-degree panorama of the incredible diversity of marine life inhabiting these waters , from scintillating schools of mullet to solitary mackerel and crowds of colorful reef fish. ,
Backlit silhouettes of wildlife floating before the sub's lights , accentuating the graceful curves of mackerel and bizarre humpbacked forms of woodcocks against an eerie blue glow. ,
Line Art , close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light , in the style of art nouveau. ,
Macro photography showing intricate camouflage patterns and adaptations on the skin of fish observed , from dazzling countershading to irregular markings affording perfect ambush camouflage. ,
A macro portrait of the girl gazing serenely ahead , emphasizing her exquisitely crafted features. Catchlights in her eyes seem to reflect her pure soul. Shooting wide open with off-camera flashes preserves the intricate details of her rosy cheeks and lips. ,
Splash Art , close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light , in the style of impressionist paintings. ,
Underwater photography of colorful schools of fish illuminated by the submarine's lights , showing azureors , spares , gobies and other species mingling in a kaleidoscope of scales and fins in the depths. ,
Sketch , close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light , in the style of scientific illustrations. ,
Against a blurred background , a red-lipped smile faintly plays at the corners of her mouth while her eyes stare longingly off camera , lost in thought. ,
A portrait of a woman with soft yet defined facial features , including slightly angular cheeksbones and a square jawline that give her face a balanced look. ,
Sketch , a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess , in the style of surrealism. ,
On a park bench under the canopy of an old oak , a lady gazing out at a playground captures floating memories with eyes like polished amber , musing on moments that can never be reclaimed. ,
A glamour shot focusing on her cheekbones and jawline , using shallow depth of field and diffused lighting to highlight the softness of her features. ,
Hyper Realistic , close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light , in the style of underwater photography. ,
A raven-maned maiden sits by an open window , ivory skin aglow as her doe-brown eyes dream distant , seeing what is , what was , and all that's yet to be under stars just beginning to shimmer. ,
A full-length outfit photo capturing her balanced bone structure and the curves of her bust and hips balanced by slightly angular shoulders. ,
Using available light and a fast shutter , photographing woodcocks of the sea - oddly-shaped fish over a yard in length - attracted to the sub's glow , a rare opportunity to observe these enigmatic deep-sea denizens up close. ,
Line art , a pale , tentacled face rising from the inky black depths , with flowing ebony hair and eyes the crystalline blue of the Aegean Sea , its beautiful yet cruel features twisted with divine rage , in the style of fantasy art ,
Through the submarine's viewing port , framing a lone spider lamprey undulating through the water like an eel-like serpent over 6 feet long , its diminutive eyes and fearsome tooth-lined mouth a strange sight. ,