User: onebadfishy


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Painting, a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess, in Renaissance style.
Sketch, a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess, in the style of surrealism.
Sketch, a pale, tentacled face rising from the inky black depths, with flowing ebony hair and eyes the crystalline blue of the Aegean Sea, its beautiful yet cruel features twisted with divine rage, in the style of surrealism
Digital Art, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of science fiction concept art.
Line Art, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of art nouveau.
A full-length outfit photo capturing her balanced bone structure and the curves of her bust and hips balanced by slightly angular shoulders.
A shallow depth of field image captures the reflections of stars in the shimmering waters of a fountain as the young blonde girl sits at its edge. Lit only by moonlight, her rosy cheeks and lips stand out amongst the dimly illuminated backdrop and deep shadows.
Using natural light just after sunset, photograph the silhouette of the girl at her balcony railing, gazing out at the last rays of the setting sun. Her slender limbs and flowing nightgown are backlit while her long hair floats around her shoulders in the breeze.
A wide establishing shot from the sub's exterior, taking in swaying kelp forests and coral below teeming with more diverse marine life than could be found in all the world's zoos combined.
Backlit silhouettes of wildlife floating before the sub's lights, accentuating the graceful curves of mackerel and bizarre humpbacked forms of woodcocks against an eerie blue glow.
Splash art, a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess, in the style of fantasy art.
Wireframe, a pale, tentacled face rising from the inky black depths, with flowing ebony hair and eyes the crystalline blue of the Aegean Sea, its beautiful yet cruel features twisted with divine rage, in the style of H.R. Giger
Croquis, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of fashion sketches.
Splash Art, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of impressionist paintings.
Sketch, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of scientific illustrations.
A portrait of a woman with soft yet defined facial features, including slightly angular cheeksbones and a square jawline that give her face a balanced look.
Photographing the girl among a garden of flowers, her ethereal beauty contrasting with the blooms. Bright yet diffuse morning light softly illuminates her fair skin and flowing dress. Shooting from a low angle emphasizes her delicate bone structure and lifts her graceful profile.
A portrait capturing the luminosity of the girl against a dark backdrop. A single off-camera flash illuminates her porcelain complexion and shimmering locks from behind, while her bright eyes stand out against the shadowed foreground. A wide aperture isolates her beauty from the surroundings.
Through the lens, frame a menagerie of marine mammals - from dolphins to sharks to vast schools of fish - interacting in complex ecosystems never before witnessed.
High-speed photography of salamanders mid-hunt, their elongated bodies streaking after prey faster than the eye can see as they skillfully weave through coral and rocks.
Hyper realistic, a mouth opening to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth as a screaming man is devoured whole by the vengeful poulp goddess, in the style of Baroque paintings.
Line art, a pale, tentacled face rising from the inky black depths, with flowing ebony hair and eyes the crystalline blue of the Aegean Sea, its beautiful yet cruel features twisted with divine rage, in the style of fantasy art
Hyper Realistic, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of underwater photography.
Wireframe, close-up macro shots of unusual sea creatures among dazzling white sands and vivid shells on the seafloor using available light, in the style of cel shading animation.
A glamour shot focusing on her cheekbones and jawline, using shallow depth of field and diffused lighting to highlight the softness of her features.
Using a long lens in the blue light of dusk, photograph the silhouette of the girl as she dances among billowing sheets hung out to dry. Her slender limbs twirl gracefully while her nightgown and streaming hair flare out around her. Only the curves of her smiling face are visible facing the fading sun.
A macro portrait of the girl gazing serenely ahead, emphasizing her exquisitely crafted features. Catchlights in her eyes seem to reflect her pure soul. Shooting wide open with off-camera flashes preserves the intricate details of her rosy cheeks and lips.
a young blonde girl in her early teens, standing on a balcony at sunrise. Using soft, diffused morning light to illuminate her delicate features and long, flowing hair. A shallow depth of field to draw attention to her fair skin and rosy cheeks.
Macro photography showing intricate camouflage patterns and adaptations on the skin of fish observed, from dazzling countershading to irregular markings affording perfect ambush camouflage.
Using available light and a fast shutter, photographing woodcocks of the sea - oddly-shaped fish over a yard in length - attracted to the sub's glow, a rare opportunity to observe these enigmatic deep-sea denizens up close.