User: ohimmm

mochamad taufiq ray ibrahim

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flyer design template with a futuristic theme, full of color, very sophisticated, really depicts the future, elegant, very real images, HD, cinematic experience, 8k, fantasy digital art, HDR, UHD., 3D
a beautiful woman standing in the middle of a beautifully decorated room, wearing a red dress that flowed so gracefully. The soft light from the chandelier above highlights her dress, creating a play of shadows and highlights that emphasize every detail of her dress and the curves of her body. The camera lens focuses on her face which exudes natural beauty, with eyes sparkling under a pile of flowing brown hair. The background is blurred, giving the impression of complete focus on this woman, creating a very realistic and stunning visual effect. (high quality), (detailed), (masterpiece), (best quality), (highres), (extremely detailed), (8k)
ark style, from hell apocalypse knight, battle
product photo of one packaged instant noodle in a beautiful village with a typical Japanese atmosphere, sunset, mountainous background, cool air, green trees, focus on the object, high resolution, photoreal
(by Ananta Mandal (and Andrew Biraj:0.5)), (in the style of nihonga), Style: Abstract, Medium: Digital illustration, Subject: An otherworldly landscape with floating islands, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant flora and fauna. Camera Angle: Overhead shot capturing the vastness and intricate details of the scene. The colors are saturated, and the lighting creates a warm and ethereal atmosphere. The painting is highly detailed, with every brushstroke capturing the complexity of the imaginary world., (high quality), (detailed), (masterpiece), (best quality), (highres), (extremely detailed), (8k)
Under the vibrant orange hues of the sunset sky, a beautiful woman with flowing long hair is strolling along the beach, her steps in perfect harmony with the rhythmic waves, creating a mesmerizing scene
a beautiful woman standing in the middle of a beautifully decorated room, wearing a red dress that flowed so gracefully. The soft light from the chandelier above highlights her dress, creating a play of shadows and highlights that emphasize every detail of her dress and the curves of her body. The camera lens focuses on her face which exudes natural beauty, with eyes sparkling under a pile of flowing brown hair. The background is blurred, giving the impression of complete focus on this woman, creating a very realistic and stunning visual effect. (high quality), (detailed), (masterpiece), (best quality), (highres), (extremely detailed), (8k)
Amidst the rolling countryside, a breathtaking vista unfolds, a tapestry of nature's finest artistry. Rows upon rows of delicate, rosy pink blossoms sway gently in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing sea of color. The vibrant pink flowers, with their petals kissed by the sun, create a symphony of beauty that is nothing short of enchanting, 8k, HD images