User: lucamug


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elementary school in japan
kids playing Nintendo switch
hyper-detailed anime, interior, Miniature Haunted house in clear lotus pond water, water plants, duckweeds, lotus ponds, colorful gravel, smooth cel-shading, photographic concept art, Intricate details, 8K, RTX, light mode, octane render, 3D
1girl, a real perfect female anatomy of ginger beautiful female smiling, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, {{beautiful detailed face}}, perfect face, {{perfect eyes}}, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, Film Grain, post processing, epic cinematic, octane render , denoise, redshift style
adult, (pale sleep deprived geek girl), (pale), (sleep deprivation), circles under the eyes, panda eyes, ((curly hair,)) wearing glasses and sweater dress, perfect face, ((detailed eyes)), (( detailed pupils)), slightly muscular, fit, full body shot, sitting in a cafe, intricate, detailed, (line art), insanely high res, 8K, HD, ((WLOP)), rossdraws, artgerm, (((vivid colors))), Chaïm Soutine,, Felix Octavius Carr Darley
Tokyo tower and Eiffel together in the same picture
scandicci town in italy, market square, realistic picture, high quality
futakotamagawa, japan
the elm architecture, elm programming language
Rakuten logo made with lego blocks
kids playing Nintendo switch, photo realistic, 8k, high resolution, perfect eyes
Japanese kids playing Nintendo switch
hyper-detailed anime, interior, Miniature Haunted house in clear lotus pond water, water plants, duckweeds, lotus ponds, colorful gravel, smooth cel-shading, photographic concept art, Intricate details, 8K, RTX, light mode, octane render
1girl, a real perfect female anatomy of ginger beautiful female smiling, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, {{beautiful detailed face}}, perfect face, {{perfect eyes}}, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, Film Grain, post processing, epic cinematic, octane render , denoise, redshift style
adult, (pale sleep deprived geek girl), (pale), (sleep deprivation), circles under the eyes, panda eyes, ((curly hair,)) wearing glasses and sweater dress, perfect face, ((detailed eyes)), (( detailed pupils)), slightly muscular, fit, full body shot, sitting in a cafe, intricate, detailed, (line art), insanely high res, 8K, HD, ((WLOP)), rossdraws, artgerm, (((vivid colors))), Chaïm Soutine,, Felix Octavius Carr Darley
Tokyo tower and Eiffel together in the same picture
scandicci, italy
elm language logo, Pencil Sketch
women using computer with mouse, keyboard, two monitors
kids playing Nintendo switch, photo realistic, 8k, high resolution, perfect eyes
Japanese kids playing Nintendo switch
hyper-detailed anime, interior, Miniature Haunted house in clear lotus pond water, water plants, duckweeds, lotus ponds, colorful gravel, smooth cel-shading, photographic concept art, Intricate details, 8K, RTX, light mode, octane render
1girl, a real perfect female anatomy of ginger beautiful female smiling, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, {{beautiful detailed face}}, perfect face, {{perfect eyes}}, perfect lips, extremely detailed, 8K wallpaper, Film Grain, post processing, epic cinematic, octane render , denoise, redshift style
adult, (pale sleep deprived geek girl), (pale), (sleep deprivation), circles under the eyes, panda eyes, ((curly hair,)) wearing glasses and sweater dress, perfect face, ((detailed eyes)), (( detailed pupils)), slightly muscular, fit, full body shot, sitting in a cafe, intricate, detailed, (line art), insanely high res, 8K, HD, ((WLOP)), rossdraws, artgerm, (((vivid colors))), Chaïm Soutine,, Felix Octavius Carr Darley
tokyo tower
futakotamagawa, japan
meguro-ku, tokyo
elm language logo made with lego blocks
women using computer with mouse, keyboard, two monitors, Cartoon