User: hnyMzld1oFKXxpI


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Portrait of man with leopard face, perfect face, face in high detail, ornate clothes, clothes sewn with copper coins, smell of money, holding banknotes, oil painting, hyper realistic, film, volumetric lighting, 150 mm, octane render, Realistic, Noise Reduction, Photo taken with Hasselblad H3DII, Dramatic Lighting, Cinematic, Digital Art, Sharp Focus, Trend on Art Station, Trees, Bushes, Forest, Dramatic Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, Detailed environment, concept art drawing of fantasy forest at night, ink style, ink illustration, realistic, detailed, cel shadows,, Water Color, Oil Painting, Cartoon
Portrait of man with leopard face, perfect face, face in high detail, ornate clothes, clothes sewn with copper coins, smell of money, holding banknotes, oil painting, hyper realistic, film, volumetric lighting, 150 mm, octane render, Realistic, Noise Reduction, Photo taken with Hasselblad H3DII, Dramatic Lighting, Cinematic, Digital Art, Sharp Focus, Trend on Art Station, Trees, Bushes, Forest, Dramatic Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, Detailed environment, concept art drawing of fantasy forest at night, ink style, ink illustration, realistic, detailed, cel shadows,, Water Color, Oil Painting