User: gavi-dm


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Javier Milei president of Argentina, , 3D
Javier Milei with the Argentine flag guiding the Argentine people towards freedom, imitating the painting titled "freedom guiding the French in the French revolution." It represents the July Revolution of 1830, which occurred in Paris, against the constitutional violations perpetrated by Charles X during the Second Restoration. With the modernity of Buenos Aires in 2018., Oil Painting
Javier Milei guiding Argentina and its people towards freedom, using as a reference the painting titled "freedom guiding the French in the French revolution", Oil Painting, , Water Color, Pencil Sketch
Javier Milei president of Argentina, Oil Painting
Javier Milei guiding Argentina and its people towards freedom, imitating as a reference the painting titled "Liberty leading the French in the French Revolution". The painting titled "Liberty leading the French in the French Revolution", Water Color, Oil Painting
Javier Milei with the Argentine flag guiding the Argentine people towards freedom, imitating the painting titled "freedom guiding the French in the French revolution." With the modernity of Buenos Aires in 2018., Oil Painting, Trippy
Javier Milei guiding Argentina and its people towards freedom, imitating as a reference the painting titled "freedom guiding the French in the French revolution", Water Color, Oil Painting