User: estebanmachoralgomas


0 followers, 0 following
I want a female character, who is not NSFW, I want her to be white skinned, blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips and to be a warrior queen from a nordic kingdom in the background I want it to be snowing and all this must be in 3d and realistic ., 3D
quiero un personaje femenino, que no sea NSFW, quiero que sea de piel blanca, ojos azules, cabello rubio, labios rojos y que sea una reina guerrera de un reino nordico de fondo quiero que este nevando y todo esto deber ser en 3d y realista.
I want a female character, who is not NSFW, I want her to be white skinned, blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips and to be a warrior queen from a nordic kingdom in the background I want it to be snowing and all this must be in 3d and realistic ., 3D
quiero un personaje femenino, que no sea NSFW, quiero que sea de piel blanca, ojos azules, cabello rubio, labios rojos y que sea una reina guerrera de un reino nordico.
I want a female character, who is not NSFW, I want her to be white skinned, blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips and to be a warrior queen from a nordic kingdom in the background I want it to be snowing and all this must be in 3d and realistic ., 3D