User: Tonysands

Tony Sands

0 followers, 8 following
unexpected blizzard during volcanic eruption
Very detailed. intricate, elegant, highly detailed. trending on artstation, digital art, by Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, James Jean, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, Yoshitaka Amano
spiderman swinging from tree, fantasy, dramatic, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art by Gustave Dore, octane render
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Orange Carved face Pumpkin, dark fantasy, full moon, dark fantasy, forest, beautiful detailed intricate insanely detailed,trending on artstation, 8 k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light, chiaroscuro, oil on canvas, caravaggio, greg rutkowski, Tom Bagshaw and Seb McKinnon
Academic figurative painting by Adrian Sommeling, intricate details, portrait, face, close-up, illustration, UHD, 4K, mylene farmer singer
Very detailed. intricate, elegant, highly detailed. trending on artstation, digital art, by Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, James Jean, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, Yoshitaka Amano
Wicked Elf dragging Christmas tree, beautiful landscape, dramatic lighting, cinematic, establishing shot, night time, heavy rain, extremly high detail, photorealistic, cinematic lighting, post processed, concept art, artstation, matte painting, style by greg rutkowsky
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Black man and Black woman, pixar style, 2 d illustration, concept art, behance, artstation, 4 k, 8 k
digital art by wlop and artgerm in the style of throne of glass book covers illustrations, a young adult afro-american female magician with fireballs in hand and a blue magic lighting aurea overlay
Very detailed. intricate, elegant, highly detailed. trending on artstation, digital art, by Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, James Jean, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, Yoshitaka Amano
Very detailed. intricate, elegant, highly detailed. trending on artstation, digital art, by Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, James Jean, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, Yoshitaka Amano
a black dog as a super hero
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Orange Carved face Pumpkin, dark fantasy, full moon, dark fantasy, forest, beautiful detailed intricate insanely detailed,trending on artstation, 8 k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light, chiaroscuro, oil on canvas, caravaggio, greg rutkowski, Tom Bagshaw and Seb McKinnon, Oil Painting