User: Tackoo


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90's Retro Anime Style: A female nurse fusion  of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dora and madmax.  in a kids playroom. A shiny figure with multiple faces appears and Segmented Flemish art floats around him. . The darkened corridors of the ancient runes, where surreal vaporwave decor warps and twists into unsettling forms, fade into view. The scene is ethereal, VHS. add anaglyph visualisations, Cartoon
surreal and bizarre image in the style of 1980s vintage Japanese anime, featuring a female nurse in a Creme-Brulê looking dress and a mystic male with a pudding facealking in a forrest full arm-trees The nurse's head is splitting into a series of floating multishaped segments, revealing surreal visual attachmentn and glitchy anaglyph mindfullnesigns distortions within. Each section is floating independent of the others. The overall aesthetic should be grainy and scanlined. Water Color, Trippy