User: StadlerovaJitka

Jitka Štádlerová

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 mladý muž s hřívou na hlavě a neoholeným strništěm, které napodobuje lví hřívu. Má ostrý pohled dravce a trochu pootevřená ústa, jako by chtěl zařvat. Jeho pozice vyjadřuje sílu, drží ruce zkřížené na hrudi a ramena má rozevřená. Pozadí karty je tmavé, muž vystupuje z temnoty. Celkový dojem je dravý, silný a dominantní.
Design a female robot that seamlessly blends advanced technology and a comforting human touch. She stands tall, her body sleek and metallic, illuminated with soft, glowing LED lights. Her face is empathetic and friendly, with expressive digital eyes. In one hand, she holds a touch screen tablet displaying the conference agenda, while the other is gesturing as if she's in the middle of a discussion. She is placed at the center of the conference room, surrounded by human attendees, symbolizing her role as the guide for the event. The color scheme should be modern and clean, featuring metallic hues and bright, engaging colors.
 žena středního věku s černobílými pruhy na obličeji a končetinách, které imitují zebří srst. Její výraz je klidný a vyrovnaný. Pozadí karty je bílé, žena stojí lehce bokem a má ruce založené na hrudi. Celkově působí karta klidným a vyváženým dojmem.
Create an illustration that captures a modern conference setting, the stage lit with spotlight, a large screen behind displaying a stylized AI icon. On stage, a speaker gestures towards the screen, the audience attentively listening. Intermingle the crowd with AI symbols such as robots or holographic screens, suggesting AI's integration into the work environment. The backdrop could subtly incorporate elements like a factory, an office, and a retail store to represent various sectors where AI is making a significant impact. Use a futuristic color scheme with bright blues and silvers to emphasize the high-tech theme.
Zebra: Illustrate a human figure with the body of a zebra. The individual stands tall, their monochrome stripes contrasting with a serene, pastel-colored landscape. The face reflects a calm, tranquil expression.