Escenario: Un bosque oscuro y místico , con árboles altos y hojas que filtran la luz de la luna. El ambiente es misterioso y ligeramente surrealista , con neblina flotando entre los árboles. Figura del hombre: En el centro de la imagen , hay un hombre de pie , con una postura poderosa y enérgica. Lleva una chaqueta de cuero con parches de bandas de hard rock , jeans rotos y botas. Su cabello largo ondea con el viento , y en sus manos sostiene una guitarra eléctrica. Guitarra: La guitarra es el elemento central. Tiene un diseño llamativo , con detalles en llamas y un acabado metálico. En el cuerpo de la guitarra , en letras grandes y estilizadas , dice "Joel". La guitarra parece estar vibrando con energía , como si estuviera a punto de romper en un solo épico. Modo dórico: En el fondo , entre los árboles , se ven notas musicales flotando en el aire , formando la escala dórica. Las notas brillan con un tono dorado , dando un toque mágico y musical a la escena. Detalles de hard rock: En el suelo , cerca del hombre , hay un amplificador de guitarra con luces parpadeantes y un par de guantes con tachuelas. También hay un cartel desgastado en el suelo que dice "Modo Dórico" , como si fuera un lugar legendario en el bosque. Atmósfera: La imagen tiene un tono oscuro pero vibrante , con colores como el negro , rojo , dorado y azul eléctrico , que evocan la esencia del hard rock. ,
Setting: A dark and mystical forest , with tall trees and leaves filtering the moonlight. The atmosphere is mysterious and slightly surreal , with mist floating between the trees. Figure of a Man: In the center of the image , a man stands with a powerful and energetic posture. He wears a leather jacket with hard rock band patches , ripped jeans , and boots. His long hair blows in the wind , and in his hands , he holds an electric guitar. Guitar: The guitar is the central element. It has a striking design , with flaming details and a metallic finish. On the body of the guitar , in large , stylized letters , it says "Joel." The guitar appears to be vibrating with energy , as if about to break into an epic solo. Dorian Mode: In the background , among the trees , musical notes are seen floating in the air , forming the Dorian scale. The notes glow with a golden hue , giving a magical and musical touch to the scene. Hard rock details: On the ground near the man is a guitar amp with flashing lights and a pair of studded gloves. There's also a worn sign on the ground that says "Dorian Mode , " as if it were a legendary place in the woods. Atmosphere: The image has a dark yet vibrant tone , with colors like black , red , gold , and electric blue , evoking the essence of hard rock. ,
Setting: A dark and mystical forest , with tall trees and leaves filtering the moonlight. The atmosphere is mysterious and slightly surreal , with mist floating between the trees. Figure of a Man: In the center of the image , a man stands with a powerful and energetic posture. He wears a leather jacket with hard rock band patches , ripped jeans , and boots. His long hair blows in the wind , and in his hands , he holds an electric guitar. Guitar: The guitar is the central element. It has a striking design , with flaming details and a metallic finish. On the body of the guitar , in large , stylized letters , it says "Joel." The guitar appears to be vibrating with energy , as if about to break into an epic solo. Dorian Mode: In the background , among the trees , musical notes are seen floating in the air , forming the Dorian scale. The notes glow with a golden hue , giving a magical and musical touch to the scene. Hard rock details: On the ground near the man is a guitar amp with flashing lights and a pair of studded gloves. There's also a worn sign on the ground that says "Dorian Mode , " as if it were a legendary place in the woods. Atmosphere: The image has a dark yet vibrant tone , with colors like black , red , gold , and electric blue , evoking the essence of hard rock. ,
Setting: A dark and mystical forest , with tall trees and leaves filtering the moonlight. The atmosphere is mysterious and slightly surreal , with mist floating between the trees. Figure of a Man: In the center of the image , a man stands with a powerful and energetic posture. He wears a leather jacket with hard rock band patches , ripped jeans , and boots. His long hair blows in the wind , and in his hands , he holds an electric guitar. Guitar: The guitar is the central element. It has a striking design , with flaming details and a metallic finish. On the body of the guitar , in large , stylized letters , it says "Joel." The guitar appears to be vibrating with energy , as if about to break into an epic solo. Dorian Mode: In the background , among the trees , musical notes are seen floating in the air , forming the Dorian scale. The notes glow with a golden hue , giving a magical and musical touch to the scene. Hard rock details: On the ground near the man is a guitar amp with flashing lights and a pair of studded gloves. There's also a worn sign on the ground that says "Dorian Mode , " as if it were a legendary place in the woods. Atmosphere: The image has a dark yet vibrant tone , with colors like black , red , gold , and electric blue , evoking the essence of hard rock. ,