User: CamiloGaleano

Camilo Galeano

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knollingcase, isometic render, a futuristic spaceship, isometric display case, knolling teardown, transparent data visualization infographic, high-resolution OLED GUI interface display, micro-details, octane render, photorealism, photorealistic
1girl, a female anatomy of a really perfect latina woman beautiful woman smiling, medium shot, masterpiece, look at viewer, {{beautiful detailed face}}, perfect face, {{perfect eyes}}, perfect lips, extremely detailed, background 8K display screen, Film Grain, Post Processing, Epic Cinematics, Octane Rendering, Noise Removal, Redshift Style
porn girl, Pencil Sketch
redshift style, a real perfect female body of beautiful brunette, glasses, perfect face, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, trending on artstation, by Tom Bagshaw and Seb McKinnon, 150mm portrait, photography, epic cinematic, octane render , denoise, photograph with a Hasselblad H3DII, extremely detailed, Oil Painting
1girl, a female anatomy of a really perfect latina beautiful woman smiling, nude, full length, masterpiece, looks at viewer, {{beautiful detailed face}}, perfect face, {{perfect eyes}}, {{detailed vagina} }, Perfect Lips, Extremely Detailed, 8K Wallpaper, Film Grain, Post Processing, Epic Cinematic, Octane Rendering, Noise Removal, Black Shift Style