Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Un campo di lavanda che si estende all'orizzonte sotto un cielo azzurro intenso , con il sole che tramonta all'orizzonte , tingendo il cielo di sfumature calde di arancione e rosa. Le file di fiori lilla sono perfettamente ordinate , creando onde di colore che si perdono nella distanza. In primo piano , un'ape si posiziona delicatamente su un fiore , catturando la luce dorata del tramonto. L'aria sembra densa di profumo e tranquillità , mentre una leggera brezza muove le spighe di lavanda , creando un senso di movimento in un paesaggio altrimenti sereno." ,
imagen detallada y con detalles bien realizados Composición: Encuadre: Plano amplio que abarca todo el supermercado , mostrando los pasillos vacíos y la acción en primer plano. Fondo: Estantes casi vacíos , con productos de Coca-Cola , Starbucks y Walmart desordenados , como si hubieran sido rechazados. Primer Plano: Carrito Abandonado: Un carrito de compras lleno de productos de las marcas boicoteadas (latas de Coca-Cola , tazas de Starbucks , paquetes de Walmart) , dejado en medio del pasillo. Suelo: Algunos productos caídos alrededor del carrito , simbolizando el rechazo y el desinterés. Grupo Latino: Acción: Un grupo diverso de personas latinas (familias , jóvenes , ancianos) caminando juntos hacia la salida del supermercado. Sus expresiones son de determinación y unidad. Vestimenta: Ropa casual pero con detalles culturales (colores vibrantes , accesorios tradicionales) que resaltan su identidad. Carteles: Algunos llevan carteles hechos a mano con mensajes como "Boicot por la dignidad" , "No más apoyo a empresas antiinmigrantes" o "Nuestro poder está en nuestra unión". Elementos Simbólicos: Pantalla de Noticias: En la parte superior de la imagen , una pantalla LED muestra gráficos rojos en descenso , con titulares como "Caída histórica en ventas" o "Boicot latino impacta a grandes marcas". Donald Trump: En la esquina superior derecha , un cartel publicitario desgastado con la imagen de Trump y una frase controvertida suya sobre inmigración , parcialmente cubierta con graffiti que dice "¡Basta!". Iluminación y Ambiente: Luces Frías: Iluminación fluorescente típica de supermercados , pero con un tono azulado que crea una atmósfera tensa y fría. Sombras: Las sombras proyectadas sobre los logos de Coca-Cola , Starbucks y Walmart , simbolizando la crisis y el rechazo que enfrentan. Efectos: Partículas de polvo flotando en el aire , como si el lugar hubiera estado abandonado por un tiempo. Detalles Adicionales: Pasillos Vacíos: Algunos empleados del supermercado miran con preocupación hacia la cámara , mientras un gerente revisa un informe con expresión de frustración. Mensajes en las Paredes: Grafitis y pegatinas con frases como "El poder está en el pueblo" o "Boicot activo" , añadiendo un toque de rebeldía y resistencia. Atmósfera y Emoción: Tono: La imagen transmite una sensación de tensión , pero también de empoderamiento. Aunque el supermercado está vacío y hay signos de crisis , el grupo latino que abandona el lugar simboliza esperanza y unidad. Color Grading: Tonos fríos dominan la escena , con destalles cálidos en la ropa y carteles de los manifestantes , resaltando su presencia y fuerza. Guía para la IA: Estilo: Hiperrealismo con toques simbólicos , enfocado en detalles como texturas (productos , carteles , rostros) y efectos de iluminación dramáticos. Enfoque: El grupo latino debe ser el punto focal , con expresiones que transmitan determinación y unidad. Los elementos simbólicos (carrito abandonado , pantalla de noticias , sombras en los logos) deben reforzar el mensaje sin distraer. Movimiento: Aunque es una imagen estática , debe transmitir la sensación de acción (grupo caminando , productos caídos , gráficos en descenso). Palabras Clave para la IA: Supermercado vacío , boicot latino , Coca-Cola , Starbucks , Walmart , carrito abandonado , productos desordenados , grupo de personas latinas , carteles de protesta , pantalla de noticias , gráficos rojos , Donald Trump , iluminación fría , sombras en logos , atmósfera tensa , empoderamiento , hiperrealismo , texturas detalladas. ,
Imagina al Bebé Shazam en un adorable momento de heroísmo. Se ve de cuerpo entero en el centro de la imagen , vestido con su diminuto traje rojo con el emblema del rayo dorado en el pecho , su capa blanca con ribetes dorados y su cinturón reluciente. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño , irradia poder y entusiasmo mientras se encuentra listo para desatar su magia y proteger a los inocentes. Sus grandes y brillantes ojos reflejan valentía y una chispa de travesura infantil. Detrás de él , un fondo colorido sugiere un entorno dinámico y lleno de energía , pero el Bebé Shazam está preparado para enfrentarlo con toda su fuerza , determinación y un toque de inocencia encantadora. La imagen irradia ternura y poder , capturando la esencia del pequeño campeón en su primera gran aventura en el universo de DC ,
# Fonction pour créer une sphère pour la tête def create_head(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1 , location=(0 , 0 , 2)) head = bpy.context.active_object head.name = "Head" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cylindres pour les bras et les jambes def create_limb(name , radius , height , location): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=radius , depth=height , location=location) limb = bpy.context.active_object limb.name = name bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer un cône pour le chapeau def create_hat(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(radius1=1 , radius2=0 , depth=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 3.5)) hat = bpy.context.active_object hat.name = "Hat" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour les mains def create_hands(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand1 = bpy.context.active_object hand1.name = "Hand1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(-1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand2 = bpy.context.active_object hand2.name = "Hand2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cubes pour le torse et les pieds def create_body(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 0.5)) body = bpy.context.active_object body.name = "Body" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() def create_feet(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(1 , 0 , -1)) foot1 = bpy.context.active_object foot1.name = "Foot1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(-1 , 0 , -1)) foot2 = bpy.context.active_object foot2.name = "Foot2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Appel des fonctions pour créer le personnage create_head() create_limb("RightArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("LeftArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (-1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("RightLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_limb("LeftLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (-0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_hat() create_hands() create_body() create_feet() ,
import bpy # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour la tête def create_head(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1 , location=(0 , 0 , 2)) head = bpy.context.active_object head.name = "Head" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cylindres pour les bras et les jambes def create_limb(name , radius , height , location): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=radius , depth=height , location=location) limb = bpy.context.active_object limb.name = name bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer un cône pour le chapeau def create_hat(): ,
import bpy # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour la tête def create_head(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1 , location=(0 , 0 , 2)) head = bpy.context.active_object head.name = "Head" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cylindres pour les bras et les jambes def create_limb(name , radius , height , location): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=radius , depth=height , location=location) limb = bpy.context.active_object limb.name = name bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer un cône pour le chapeau def create_hat(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(radius1=1 , radius2=0 , depth=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 3.5)) hat = bpy.context.active_object hat.name = "Hat" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour les mains def create_hands(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand1 = bpy.context.active_object hand1.name = "Hand1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(-1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand2 = bpy.context.active_object hand2.name = "Hand2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cubes pour le torse et les pieds def create_body(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 0.5)) body = bpy.context.active_object body.name = "Body" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() def create_feet(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(1 , 0 , -1)) foot1 = bpy.context.active_object foot1.name = "Foot1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(-1 , 0 , -1)) foot2 = bpy.context.active_object foot2.name = "Foot2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Appel des fonctions pour créer le personnage create_head() create_limb("RightArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("LeftArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (-1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("RightLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_limb("LeftLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (-0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_hat() create_hands() create_body() create_feet() ,
import bpy # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour la tête def create_head(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1 , location=(0 , 0 , 2)) head = bpy.context.active_object head.name = "Head" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cylindres pour les bras et les jambes def create_limb(name , radius , height , location): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=radius , depth=height , location=location) limb = bpy.context.active_object limb.name = name bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer un cône pour le chapeau def create_hat(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(radius1=1 , radius2=0 , depth=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 3.5)) hat = bpy.context.active_object hat.name = "Hat" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer une sphère pour les mains def create_hands(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand1 = bpy.context.active_object hand1.name = "Hand1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=0.5 , location=(-1.5 , 0 , 1)) hand2 = bpy.context.active_object hand2.name = "Hand2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Fonction pour créer des cubes pour le torse et les pieds def create_body(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=2 , location=(0 , 0 , 0.5)) body = bpy.context.active_object body.name = "Body" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() def create_feet(): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(1 , 0 , -1)) foot1 = bpy.context.active_object foot1.name = "Foot1" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1 , location=(-1 , 0 , -1)) foot2 = bpy.context.active_object foot2.name = "Foot2" bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # Appel des fonctions pour créer le personnage create_head() create_limb("RightArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("LeftArm" , 0.2 , 2 , (-1.5 , 0 , 1)) create_limb("RightLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_limb("LeftLeg" , 0.3 , 2 , (-0.5 , 0 , -1)) create_hat() create_hands() create_body() create_feet() ,
Английский Картинка с человеком , который с большим трудом пытается понять сложную концепцию (например , персонаж с заблудшими глазами , стоящий перед огромной доской с уравнениями и диаграммами). Kartinka s chelovekom , kotoryy s bol'shim trudom pytayetsya ponyat' slozhnuyu kontseptsiyu (naprimer , personazh s zabludshimi glazami , stoyashchiy pered ogromnoy doskoy s uravneniyami i diagrammami). A picture of a person having great difficulty trying to understand a difficult concept (for example , a character with lost eyes standing in front of a huge board with equations and diagrams). ,
Английский Картинка с человеком , который с большим трудом пытается понять сложную концепцию (например , персонаж с заблудшими глазами , стоящий перед огромной доской с уравнениями и диаграммами). Kartinka s chelovekom , kotoryy s bol'shim trudom pytayetsya ponyat' slozhnuyu kontseptsiyu (naprimer , personazh s zabludshimi glazami , stoyashchiy pered ogromnoy doskoy s uravneniyami i diagrammami). A picture of a person having great difficulty trying to understand a difficult concept (for example , a character with lost eyes standing in front of a huge board with equations and diagrams). ,
"A promotional poster design for Home Tech in celebration of Ramadan , showcasing a variety of home appliances such as refrigerators , TVs , blenders , and kitchen gadgets. The design incorporates an elegant Eastern theme , with Islamic patterns and glowing lanterns to capture the spirit of the holy month. The primary color scheme includes gold , blue , red , and green to reflect the festive atmosphere of Ramadan. The attached Home Tech logo should be prominently displayed at the top , along with the store’s slogan: 📌 "Home Tech – Everything You Dream Of" Special Ramadan-exclusive offers should be clearly highlighted in an eye-catching banner. The design must be sophisticated , clear , and visually appealing to attract customers." ,
The character has long , dark hair and is wearing large , striped sleeves that create a dramatic silhouette. They sport cat-like ears on their head and wear glasses with a mildly somber expression. Their outfit includes a black top with a ruffled collar and a belt with intricate details , alongside fishnet stockings and high , laced boots. The color scheme primarily consists of black and grey tones , adding a moody aesthetic to the overall look. The background is dark , emphasizing the character's unique design and style. ,
The character has long , dark hair and is wearing large , striped sleeves that create a dramatic silhouette. They sport cat-like ears on their head and wear glasses with a mildly somber expression. Their outfit includes a black top with a ruffled collar and a belt with intricate details , alongside fishnet stockings and high , laced boots. The color scheme primarily consists of black and grey tones , adding a moody aesthetic to the overall look. The background is dark , emphasizing the character's unique design and style. ,
(((by Gary Panter and Loish))) , a panorama Looking straight at the camera photo of Stupid Winter Wolf , at dawn during autumn , (in the style of Primitivism and Nostalgiacore) , (trending on Behance HD) , (overwrought , classic , post-apocalypticpunk) , (furry , eye strain , dystopian , microscopic) , (high quality) , (detailed) , (masterpiece) , (best quality) , (highres) , (extremely detailed) , (8k) , (NSFW:0.5) ,
(((by Margaret Keane and Jim Harris))) , a pov cropped shoulders photo of hating Skeleton , at dusk during winter , (in the style of Mail art and Traumacore) , (trending on DeviantArt) , (abandoned , unconventional , festive) , (primary colors , stunning , splash art , stunning) , (high quality) , (detailed) , (masterpiece) , (best quality) , (highres) , (extremely detailed) , (8k) , (NSFW:0.5) ,
(Award Winning Photo:1.1) of (Ultrarealistic:1.2) , (Hopeful:1.2) 1girl , bag , bangs , bat , beach_umbrella , black_umbrella , blue_butterfly , blue_umbrella , blush , breasts , bug , butterfly , butterfly_on_hand , cleavage , gloves , holding , holding_umbrella , hood , hood_up , hydrangea , karakasa_obake , leaf_umbrella , long_hair , long_sleeves , looking_at_viewer , oil-paper_umbrella , parasol , pink_bow , pink_umbrella , purple_umbrella , race_queen , rain , raincoat , red_umbrella , shared_umbrella , snail , solo , special_feeling_\(meme\) , teruterubouzu , transparent , transparent_umbrella , umbrella , upper_body , white_umbrella , (by Artist RossDraws:1) , (by Artist William Eggleston:1) , (by Artist Marc Simonetti:1) , Highly Detailed , (Neo-Primitivism:1) , (Art Photography:1) , (Industrial Art:1) , (High Contrast:1.3) , (close portrait:1.3) , thematic background , (8k , RAW photo , best quality , masterpiece:1.2) , (realistic , photo-realistic:1.37) , ultra-detailed , full body , 1 girl , solo , beautiful detailed sky , detailed tokyo street , night , beautiful detailed eyes , beautiful detailed lips , professional lighting , photon mapping , radiosity , physically-based rendering , extremely detailed eyes and face , beautiful detailed eyes , light on face , cinematic lighting , short jacket , hoodie , school uniform , 1girl , full body , full-body shot , see-through , looking at viewer , outdoors , ((white hair)) ,
(((by Gary Panter and Loish))) , a panorama Looking straight at the camera photo of Stupid Winter Wolf , at dawn during autumn , (in the style of Primitivism and Nostalgiacore) , (trending on Behance HD) , (overwrought , classic , post-apocalypticpunk) , (furry , eye strain , dystopian , microscopic) , (NSFW:0.5) , (high quality) , (detailed) , (masterpiece) , (best quality) , (highres) , (extremely detailed) , (8k) ,
winter , snow , In the dense primeval forest there was a pool of water after the rain , Crystal butterfly , The light from the cracks of the trees shone on the pool like a mirror , and deep snow covered the land , sun light , concept , art , fantasy , Ghibli , Hayao Miyazaki , 4k , cinematic , , 3D ,
drawing of a hand , concert poster , realistic digital art 4 k , old window , official art trending pixiv fanbox , key art , nightmare , alien clothing , realistic unreal engine 3 d game , day , magic smoke , omnious cosmic sky on the background , realistic 4 k octane beautifully detailed render , highly detailed oil painting , volume rendering , geisha prima ballerina , fitness , vivid beautiful , high heels. Anime style at Pixiv , unique formations on the surface of salt crystallization , in his hell cubicle ,
mediterranean phoenician fisher village , wearing glasses and a backwards hat , new baroque , F11 aperture , night scene with moonlight on him , sketchfab , extreme realism and detail , Sharp focus , four arms , neo-primitive brutal artwork , artstation trending on gsociety , gaudy bold colors , our art corner , dark background. trending on artstation. , ID magazine , sharp details , by enji _ works , casting blue and purple spell , intricate giygas render , porcelain , artist Artgerm i and WLOP ,
In this intense close-up , Kratos , the Spartan warrior , bears the unmistakable marks of unbridled anger. His battle-hardened face is etched with scars and a furrowed brow that cast a formidable shadow over his piercing , wrathful eyes. Veins pulse beneath his skin as his clenched jaw reveals the resolve within. Sweat and dirt streak his weathered skin , mirroring the toll of countless battles. The fiery backdrop mirrors the tumultuous storm within him. Kratos' visage , a portrait of rage , resonates with the relentless pursuit of vengeance , creating a gripping image of primal fury. , Trippy ,
Masterpiece , beautiful Greek woman , ink painting in the style of artists such as Russ Mills , Sakimichan , Wlop , Loish , Artgerm , Darek Zabrocki and Jean-Baptiste Monge , primary colors with white highlights , halftone , close-up portrait , hair blowing , Hokusai wave background , ukiyo-e style by Tomer Hanuka and Atey Ghailan and Roy Lichtenstein and Maxfield Parrish , expressive , official art style , steampunk , dark yellow and light black , full body.Vector , Cell Shadow , ,
Make a closed figure 8 of infinity for a body , that is 144' long , and diameter of 24' for the Starship UPA Vübiál NDD 38576. The guts of the Starship are here , and so is another bridge. There are 2 cream crystal nacelles that are 90° , from the body and 48' above , and they are 72' long , with a 24' diameter. From the front of the Starship Vübiál's at an angle of 60 is a oval shape , that is 144' long and has a diameter of 432' , except at the center. The bridge is at the center , in a 36' wide bubble , and 24' ceiling. The ceiling gets gradually higher , from 12' at the outer edge to the maximum of 24'. Put many stars , in the background , The Starship Vübiál's engine is called Quantum Centurion Drive (QCD). The Starship is traveling through an asteroid belt , inside of a twin star system , with 12 planets. The colors of the Starship UPA Vübiál are dark orange and deep forest green , except for the nacelles.Dark gold and forest green starship , that is part Narn Heavy Cruiser , and The Defiant of Deep Space 9 , and a Babylon 5 Centauri Primus Class Battle Cruiser , and The Liberator , from Blake's 7 tv show. It's flying by a Saturn-Earth-esque planet , with 4 moons , & a nebula nearby. , 3D , Trippy ,