Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
A woman relaxing in nature. A sophisticated digital illustration. The fusion of realistic depiction and abstract background gives it a texture that is almost like a photograph , but with a delicate watercolor-like expression. It is graceful , yet has a dynamic brushstroke. The pose of a woman standing facing forward is the center of the composition. The upper body and facial expression are the main focus , and the surrounding nature gently embraces the woman. The woman's figure is captured from a slightly bird's-eye angle , allowing you to see the whole picture from a bird's-eye view. It depicts a quiet and tranquil place surrounded by a lake and lush forest. The beauty of the nature surrounding the woman is fully expressed , such as the shadows of the trees reflected on the water and the mountain range in the distance. A soft , blurred light gently illuminates the woman's face and surroundings. The gradations of shadows are carefully drawn , creating a light atmosphere. The natural colors , based on a pale blue-green color , are gently expressed. The balance of the color tone of the woman's skin tone , clothing , and hat is exquisite , creating a harmonious overall image. The quiet joy , satisfaction , and peace of mind that can be obtained while surrounded by nature are expressed. The woman's calm expression gives the impression of a moment of calm in the leisurely flow of time. She is wearing a simple white camisole and wide-brimmed hat , and her dark hair flows loosely. Her relaxed appearance and elegant standing posture are impressive. ,
data:image/jpeg;base64 , 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qVKfpSPUNyuZJ/eo/vWc4Uvu772uTEOv9JOx07zPZjXlSmXQPhpbuH94s7Nr6Eb6+dC4O+xkN8S7/wBQ6+de1KK6DwtxGUgEjU8xXuHtDcEx0n+1SpQfQ+HVxTy0rpbYIhtalSigMru2ZMAaUPibcNbUczmP/Xb6kVKlFgQctufDyGpPPyobiIyKSOegr2pQfAx6UcMw+mbnRLPlWOZ/c1KlBcMzF+0OJNy6tkbAgt3PIegp5hLIt29Nzp+/rUqVP1jviPOKiLVtObvJ8hr+lL/al8ti0n812fRQfzIrypQlxmXUP+CJ+GsdKF4oYvE/zAH6VKlWf9UT9G2Afwis37RW8uIDfzKPmNKlShLhl0MwF0xWR4rZy3rg5N4h67/Wa8qUr4NHoFwq5lux1o/j7QgNSpSL+yC/6sv4c590nlUqVKoIf//ZA cartoon character in fortnite style , similar to Marco Arelio from the waist up , in a suit , looking badass , neutral face , 3d render style , slightly anamorphic , in front of launching rocket , looking into the camera , face clearly visible , dvd screengrab UHD , cartoon , ultra detail , intricate details , volumetric lighting , 3d model , fake , photography , digital art , 8k , future , Cinematic , Photography , Ultra - Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper - detailed , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Videogame , Fortnite Shot on 25mm lens --ar 9:16 , ,
Create an illustration that captures the essence of the letter. Highlight the protagonist as a charismatic and talented singer. Include elements that represent the connection between the sender and the recipient , such as musical notes flowing from the singer's heart to the sender's heart. The atmosphere should convey joy , excitement , and love. Use vibrant and warm colors to emphasize the special relationship between them. In the bottom right corner , add the phrase 'You're my magical sweetie who sweetens my days. With love , Lorena' in an elegant yet readable font. ,
Isabella has a graceful and refined presence , her features reflecting her human lineage. Her fair complexion bears a soft , rosy hue , complementing her warm and compassionate nature. Though touched by the curse , her natural beauty still shines through , albeit with a touch of sorrow in her gaze. Her eyes , once sparkling with life and vitality , now hold a hint of melancholy. They are a mesmerizing shade of hazel , with flecks of gold and green that mirror the hues of a tranquil forest. They radiate kindness and depth , reflecting the empathy and understanding that she embodies. Cascading locks of chestnut-brown hair frame her face , flowing in gentle waves down to her shoulders. The hair retains its luster , albeit somewhat dulled by the curse. It carries a wistful charm , as if whispering tales of a forgotten joy. Isabella's figure is slender and graceful , her movements carrying an elegance befitting her noble upbringing. She adorns herself in simple yet tasteful garments , favoring flowing dresses of muted colors that match the melancholic air that surrounds her. Her countenance , once radiant with joy and laughter , now bears a touch of sadness. Though the curse has taken its toll , her inner strength and resilience still shine through , and a warm smile can occasionally grace her lips , offering glimpses of the joy she once experienced. Despite the Veil of Shadows that cloaks her , Isabella's beauty remains a poignant reminder of the vibrant and loving person she once was. Her appearance serves as a reflection of the tragedy that has befallen her and the enduring spirit that she carries within. ,
The adult woman walks by the sea , Dressed in a light white dress , The skirt flutters gently with the breeze , Long , straight and supple , From time to time it is blown up by the sea breeze , But she cleverly went back , The distance and shape of the eyes are very symmetrical , The eyes are slender , Has double eyelids and a bright look , It was as if she could see her inner world through her eyes , Her eyebrows are short and light , Not very obvious , But it's very charming , Not big , not small , Very upright , The bridge of the nose is high , The nose is long , The nasal wings are narrow , The tip of the nose is slightly upturned , Make her face appear more delicate , Her mouth is very beautiful , The upper lip is full and upturned , A bit of a pouting feeling , And the lower lip is thin , So the upper lip is thicker than the lower lip , Exudes a charming smile , The adult woman's face shape is rectangular , The chin is small and rounded , Makes her face look softer , Not a single flaw , Goes well with her skin tone , Make her beauty stand out even more , She walked by the sea , Enjoy the sea breeze and the sound of the waves , Her face reveals a quiet and calm , As if thinking about something , But without any anxiety or worries , It seems to have found inner peace and freedom , Cartoon ,
A breathtaking view of a mountain range in the distance , covered in snow and ice , with lush green forests in the foreground. The sun is setting , casting a warm orange glow over the landscape , and a river winds its way through the trees. The environment is serene and untouched , with no signs of human presence. The atmosphere is peaceful and calming , inviting the viewer to take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of nature. Photography , shot with a telephoto lens to capture the detail of the distant mountains , --ar 16:9 --v 5 ,
A unique and creative apartment building , constructed from a combination of six shipping containers and six 1970s-style Winnebagos l , on the top without their wheels , all welded together to form an eco-friendly , modern residence. The building is painted in a metallic orange and forest green matte color scheme , blending seamlessly with the countryside of Dale , Oregon. It stretches out across the landscape , resembling a traditional apartment building , complete with stairways and porches. Residents can be seen grilling out on their individual porches , enjoying the sunny day. A winding road leads up to the building , with a steely blue & gold matte wired constructed barn in the background and vast farmland surrounding the area. Scattered throughout the farmland are random vehicles from the years 1950 to 2024 , representing the 24 families that call this unique living space home. The parking lot has a variety of vehicles from the 1950s-present day. There's an 60 yr old tractor , with a farmer plowing the land , near the barn. ,
Luis is a young Colombian from the Colombian coast , he is 22 years old with a youthful and energetic appearance. He has an average height , approximately 1.75 meters tall. His complexion is athletic and slim due to his active lifestyle. He has a clear , healthy complexion , with a light tan that suggests he enjoys spending time outdoors. He has dark brown hair that falls in a modern , casual style , usually combed to the side. His face is symmetrical and lively , with expressive brown eyes that show his enthusiasm for social life and entertainment. He has dark brown hair that falls in a modern , casual style , usually combed to the side. His face is symmetrical and lively , with expressive brown eyes that show his enthusiasm for social life and entertainment. ,
Dibujar completa a la Virgen María bajo la advocación de la Medalla Milagrosa. Tiene los brazos abiertos separados 20 grados de su tronco y de sus manos nacen rayos de luz que se extienden por todos lados. Viste una túnica blanca y está cubierta con un largo velo azul desde la cabeza a los pies. No usa joyas ni cruces , salvo un sencillo cinto a la altura de la cintura sin que le apriete. La aureola de la cabeza es sencilla , sin rayos. Su cara presenta dulzura y bondad y corresponde a una edad joven. Sus pies descansan sobre media esfera que queda medio oculto entre nubes y también por los rayos que salían de los dedos de la mujer. Con sus pies pisa una serpiente. Fondo blanco , Oil Painting ,
Very detailed whimsical cute underwater living room , a fish wearing reading glasses sitting on the couch reading a newspaper , joyful , happy , d&d , whimsical , fantasy , vibrant colors , hyperrealism delicate detail complex , ultra smooth , octane render , pop surrealism art by Mark Ryden and Anna Dittmann , smooth , fantasy , very attractive , beautiful , award winning , Surrealism ,
best quality , photorealistic , masterpiece , (1girls) , pretty face , extremely_detailed_eyes_and_face , slim , (slender waist) , ((puffy eyes)) , (Kpop idol) , (aegyo sal) , black hair , 1girl , smile , 😍 , tight white shirt , blush , tight denim shorts , (bent_over:1.5) , One hand on her ass , She gave a look of enjoyment , <lora:koreanDollLikeness_v10:0.3> <lora:japaneseDollLikeness_v10:0.2> ,
Elena , the epitome of beauty , radiates a gentle aura reminiscent of a blossoming spring flower. With her delicate features and graceful demeanor , she captivates all who behold her with the enchanting charm of a freshly bloomed blossom. Her eyes sparkle like dewdrops glistening in the morning sun , reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding nature. Her smile , as bright as a sun-kissed petal , illuminates the world around her , spreading warmth and joy to all who are fortunate enough to bask in its glow. With each step she takes , Elena exudes elegance and grace , like a flower swaying gently in the soft breeze of a tranquil spring day. Truly , she is a vision of beauty , a living embodiment of the splendor of nature's most exquisite creations. ,
adorable , fluffy , soft little paws , round big eyes , tail sways , happiness , curiosity , bouncing around , chasing its own tail , chasing feathers , curious , tapping hands , caresses , angelic presence , joyful , instantly melts weariness , dozing in sunlight , sleeping , warmth cat. , Cartoon , 3D ,
Generación de Infografía sobre la Industria de Videojuegos: Crea una infografía que represente la complejidad y la interconexión de la industria de videojuegos en un formato vectorial con vista isométrica. La infografía debe incluir los siguientes elementos: Estudios Independientes (Indies): Representados por células unipersonales de trabajo. Conectar nodos a la palabra "Indies". Grandes Empresas (Empresas AAA): Representadas por oficinas con escritorios interconectados. Conectar nodos a la palabra "Empresas AAA". Editores: Conectar nodos desde "Indies" y "Empresas AAA". Representados por valijas de negocios con la palabra "Editores". Fabricantes: Representados por celulares , PlayStation , Xbox y PC. Interconectar nodos a la palabra "Fabricantes". Distribuidores: Representados por carritos de compras. Recibir nodos desde "Indies" , "Editores" y "Fabricantes". Plataformas: Representadas por logos de Steam , Epic Games , Google Play y App Store. Enviar nodos a usuarios (personajes con joysticks y cascos de VR). Recibir nodos desde "Editores". Conectar nodos a la palabra "Mercado". Inversores: Representados por personajes vestidos de traje y valijas de dinero. Enviar nodos a "Desarrolladores" y "Mercado". Medios: Representados por YouTubers con megáfonos. Iconitos de videojuegos saliendo de los megáfonos. Palabras "Medios & Difusión". Eventos: Representados por la palabra "Eventos". Caracterizados por público gamer y una pantalla con un joystick. Asegúrate de que la imagen resultante tenga un aspecto vectorial y vista isométrica para una representación visual clara y detallada de la industria de videojuegos. ,
The sun was slowly setting behind the hills. Golden hour rays bathed the valley in a warm glow.A winding path snaked between impossibly green terraced rice fields. Tall trees lined either side , their leaves rustling gently , adding to the tranquility.A pair of swallows floated down to nest in a nearby bush , making their little home. Their soft calls mixed with the evening chorus of crickets across the valley.A few farmers still worked in the fields. They sat resting , enjoying cool drinks in the trees' shade. Country life and its peacefulness was on full display.The sky darkened into twilight hues as first stars began to twinkle into view. Calmness filled every narrow lane , bringing a soothing sense of relaxation to all.The lush green fields stretched as far as the eye could see. Beyond the valley , mist-shrouded mountains stood like silent sentinels against the fading light. It was a picture of pure serenity in nature's fading glow. , 3D , Oil Painting , Water Color ,
Create an ink wash painting in the style of Chinese brushwork featuring six charming mice. The mice should be arranged in a circular formation , with two mice positioned at the center , close to each other , symbolizing unity and friendship. The remaining four mice should encircle the center , each in a unique pose and location , gradually expanding outward. The composition should evoke a sense of joy , harmony , and playfulness. Capture the essence of these adorable mice in the traditional ink wash painting style , emphasizing flowing brushstrokes and subtle ink gradations ,
best quality , photorealistic , masterpiece , (1girls) , pretty face , extremely_detailed_eyes_and_face , slim , (slender waist) , ((puffy eyes)) , (Kpop idol) , (aegyo sal) , black hair , 1girl , smile , 😍 , tight white shirt , blush , tight denim shorts , (bent_over:1.5) , One hand on her ass , She gave a look of enjoyment , <lora:koreanDollLikeness_v10:0.3> <lora:japaneseDollLikeness_v10:0.2> ,
Create a realistic 3D Christmas card featuring a snow-covered street scene. The card front displays two quaint houses , each decorated with festive lights and shimmering snowflakes , nestled in a charming village radiating with Christmas spirit. A majestic Christmas tree , resembling a grand , snow-capped mountain , stands as the centerpiece , adorned with sparkling baubles , shimmering tinsel , and a glowing star atop. Gentle snowfall adds to the enchanting aroma of pine needles , filling the air with Christmas joy. The card's border is ornately designed with winter flora and shimmering Christmas ornaments. Pinecones , holly berries , and glistening snowflakes create a festive aesthetic , with intricate swirls and delicate flourishes at the top and bottom , adding elegance. The atmosphere of the card conveys warmth , joy , and holiday cheer. Cozy houses , twinkling lights , and peaceful snowfall evoke tranquility , while the towering Christmas tree and joyous ornaments exude festive spirit. This scene embodies the essence of Christmas , celebrating love , kindness , and togetherness. Santa Claus , cheerful and rosy-cheeked , rides his reindeer through the snow , carrying gifts. His presence adds a magical touch , symbolizing the warmth and goodwill of the season. In the foreground , a group of people gathers around the Christmas tree , their faces alight with smiles and laughter. They exchange gifts , share hugs , and toast to the season , encapsulating the spirit of Christmas. This joyous celebration highlights the essence of the holiday—love , togetherness , and the spirit of giving. , , Oil Painting ,
a cute , smiling dog as it joyfully soars through the air. Capture the whimsical essence of the moment as the dog's fur ruffles in the wind , its ears flapping with delight , and its tail wagging like a propeller. Depict the dog's expressive face , its eyes shining with pure joy , and its tongue lolling out , forming a charming smile. Show the vibrant colors of the dog's coat and the sense of weightlessness as it effortlessly glides through the sky. ,