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A super realistic dog with a fish head in the snow: A majestic dog stands in the midst of a snowy landscape , its fur ruffled by the cold winter wind. But there is something strange about this dog - instead of a traditional dog's head , it has the head of a fish , complete with scales , gills , and a pair of expressive fish eyes. The rest of the dog's body is still recognizably canine , with a rich brown coat and black markings around its eyes and ears. Its tail wags excitedly as it takes in its snowy surroundings , its fish head tilting this way and that as it looks around. The snow that surrounds the dog is deep and untouched , the flakes swirling and dancing in the air as they fall from the sky. The dog's paws leave a trail in the snow as it moves , its body seemingly unaffected by the cold. In the distance , a snowy forest can be seen , the trees heavy with the weight of the snow. The dog seems at home in this winter wonderland , its coat perfectly adapted to the cold weather. As the dog looks out at the snowy landscape , it seems to be filled with a sense of excitement and adventure , ready to explore this new and unfamiliar world. Its fish head adds a touch of whimsy and surrealism to the scene , making it a truly unique and memorable image. 50 mm , 4k lens ,
Título: El Jinete Indigena Mapuche Descripción del Personaje: Nombre: Ñanco Edad: 28 años Descripción Física: Ñanco es un guerrero indigena mapuche de estatura alta , con una complexión atlética y fuerte. Su piel bronceada por el sol y sus rasgos marcados reflejan su herencia indígena. Tiene una presencia imponente y una mirada intensa que denota determinación y coraje. Vestimenta: Ñanco viste ropas tradicionales mapuche. En su cabeza lleba un cintillo , un pellón de cuero decorado con símbolos ancestrales y plumas de cóndor que ondean al viento. Sus pantalones y sandalias de cuero le proporcionan comodidad y movilidad mientras cabalga. Lleva un manto tejido con colores vivos que representa su linaje y estatus como guerrero. Armamento: Ñanco porta una lanza larga de madera dura con una punta de metal afilada , su arma principal tanto a pie como a caballo. Además , lleva un arco mapuche expertamente elaborado y un carcaj lleno de flechas emplumadas , que utiliza con destreza desde la silla de su caballo. Un cuchillo mapuche , conocido como "puñal" , cuelga de su cinturón como arma de último recurso en combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Caballo: Su fiel compañero de batalla es un corcel mapuche robusto y ágil , de pelaje oscuro y ojos vivaces. El caballo , entrenado desde potro para la guerra , responde con prontitud a las órdenes de Ñanco y es una extensión de su propio ser en el campo de batalla. Personalidad: Ñanco es un guerrero valiente y decidido , comprometido con la defensa de su tierra y su pueblo contra la invasión española. Es hábil en la equitación y en el combate a caballo , y su destreza en el arco y la lanza lo convierten en un oponente formidable en el campo de batalla. Trasfondo: Nacido en una familia de guerreros mapuches , Ñanco ha sido entrenado desde joven en las artes de la guerra y la equitación. Ha participado en numerosas incursiones contra las fuerzas invasoras españolas y se ha ganado el respeto de su comunidad por su valentía y habilidad en el combate. ,
His body , made up of a tangle of many deformed arms , twist in impossible directions. These appendages , some ending in sharp claws and others in more human-like limbs , intertwine in a confusing manner , creating a mass of haphazardly flailing limbs. This creature's head is a nightmare in itself. With no defined face , it lacks recognizable human features , and instead presents a smooth , grotesque surface. His long , messy hair , more like tangled black threads , hangs shapelessly from his head , creating a dirty mane. This being's skin appears to be a mix of scales and flesh , with sickly tones ranging from pale to dark. Upon observing this abomination , the feeling of disgust would take over those who dared to look at it. There is nothing familiar or comforting about his presence; It is an embodiment of the repulsive and the unknown. Each of her movements is a dance of deformity , a manifestation of horror that defies natural laws and remains engraved in the minds of those who have the unfortunate experience of encountering her. ,
Este ser extraterrestre , proveniente de las profundidades del espacio , personifica el horror en su forma más pura. Su apariencia combina tonos oscuros de negro y azul en un patrón inquietante que evoca una sensación de profundo temor en aquellos que se atreven a mirarlo. Su cuerpo alto y esbelto se extiende en una postura encorvada y ominosa. La piel de un negro profundo , como el vacío estelar , cubre su figura , aparentando absorber la luz a su alrededor. En contraste , destellos de un azul gélido recorren su cuerpo , irradiando una luminiscencia inquietante que parece pulsar en la oscuridad. La cabeza de este extraterrestre es desproporcionadamente grande en relación con su cuerpo , con rasgos alienígenas que desafían cualquier concepto de familiaridad. Sus ojos , de un azul penetrante y sin pupila , brillan con una mirada fría y despiadada que traspasa el alma de aquellos que se encuentran con su mirada. Dentro de ellos , se refleja un conocimiento ancestral y malévolo que trasciende la comprensión humana. Una boca siniestra se extiende en una amplia sonrisa llena de afilados dientes de tonalidades azules metálicas , cada uno afilado como una hoja dispuesto a desgarrar la carne. Su cabeza está coronada por una estructura ósea puntiaguda y azulada que se asemeja a una especie de cresta , añadiendo un aspecto aún más aterrador a su presencia. Este ser extraterrestre se mueve con una gracia inhumana , sus extremidades largas y delgadas se retuercen con una agilidad sobrenatural , permitiéndole moverse de manera fluida y rápida. Su presencia parece desafiar las leyes de la física , dejando un rastro de oscuridad y misterio a su paso. En definitiva , este aterrador extraterrestre de color negro y azul encarna el lado más oscuro y temible del universo , despertando el pavor más profundo en aquellos que tienen la desgracia de encontrarse con su presencia. ,
Vorrei che tu crei un logo per il brand "Pappetta". Il nome del brand , "Pappetta" , dovrebbe essere in caratteri audaci e amichevoli. Ti suggerirei di utilizzare un carattere arrotondato e morbido per evocare un senso di comfort e familiarità. Il sottotitolo "cibo espresso casalingo per cani" potrebbe essere in un carattere più semplice e pulito per mantenere l'attenzione sul nome del brand. Per le immagini , ti chiedo di includere un'immagine di una ciotola per cani con una gustosa pappetta all'interno. Un dettaglio aggiuntivo potrebbe essere un cucchiaio o una spatola , per rappresentare la preparazione casalinga del cibo. L'immagine dovrebbe essere stilizzata e semplice , in modo da renderla facilmente riconoscibile anche quando il logo viene ridimensionato. Per quanto riguarda i colori , ti suggerirei di utilizzare colori caldi e accoglienti come marrone , arancione e giallo , per evocare l'idea di un cibo gustoso e nutriente. I colori dovrebbero essere abbastanza saturi da far risaltare il logo , ma non troppo brillanti da risultare aggressivi. Cerca di trovare un equilibrio tra i colori per creare un design accattivante e invitante per il tuo logo. ,
Heinrich stands at a height of around 6 feet , with a lean and athletic build. His Tiefling heritage is evident in his unique physical features , which set him apart from others. His skin bears a deep , ashen hue , reminiscent of charcoal , and carries a faint sheen. It feels cool to the touch , hinting at his connection to the realm of the undead. Contrasting with his dusky complexion , his eyes gleam with an intense shade of fiery amber , giving off an otherworldly aura. A pair of small , curved horns emerge from his forehead , curling back and slightly upwards. They are smooth and polished , a testament to his meticulous care and grooming. Along with his horns , Heinrich possesses a set of pointed , elven-like ears , elongated and tapering to a fine point. His jet-black hair , sleek and straight , falls to his shoulders , framing his face in a sharp and stylish manner. Heinrich's countenance reflects his sorrowful past. There is a lingering sadness in his eyes , a weight that only comes from carrying the burden of forgotten sins. His facial features are sharp and defined , with a strong jawline that speaks of determination and resolve. However , his expression often bears a hint of weariness and pensiveness , as if he is constantly reflecting on his past actions and seeking answers that lie just beyond his reach. Dressed in practical and nondescript attire , Heinrich favors dark , muted colors such as deep blues , grays , and blacks. He dons a long , weathered cloak that helps him blend into the shadows , its tattered edges revealing the signs of countless journeys and battles. His armor , made from lightweight materials , allows for agile movement without compromising protection. Strapped to his back is a well-crafted bow , accompanied by a quiver of arrows , emphasizing his skill as a ranger. Heinrich carries himself with a quiet confidence , though there is an air of restraint about him. He moves with grace and precision , every step deliberate and measured. Though his appearance may evoke a sense of mystery and apprehension in those unfamiliar with Tieflings , those who take the time to know him will find a soul burdened by the weight of past transgressions , seeking redemption in a world that is both harsh and forgiving. ,
Capítulo 1: O ursinho mágico • Desenhar William e Ângelo como dois amigos inseparáveis; • Desenhar o parque da cidade de Green Hills; • Desenhar Puff como um ursinho de pelúcia abandonado e quebrado; • Desenhar William e Ângelo consertando Puff; • Desenhar Puff com poderes mágicos e capaz de falar. Capítulo 2: O mundo mágico • Desenhar o portal mágico que leva William , Ângelo e Puff ao mundo mágico; • Desenhar o mundo mágico com suas criaturas incríveis , como fadas , unicórnios , elfos e outros seres mágicos; • Desenhar a admiração de William e Puff pelo mundo mágico; • Desenhar Ângelo um pouco intimidado pelo novo ambiente , mas encorajado por seus amigos. Capítulo 3: A jornada para a vitória • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff em sua jornada para encontrar os dinossauros; • Desenhar os dinossauros atacando e destruindo o mundo mágico; • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff enfrentando obstáculos e batalhas emocionantes com os dinossauros; • Desenhar a coragem de William e Ângelo em lutar contra os dinossauros; • Desenhar Puff usando sua magia para ajudar William e Ângelo. Capítulo 4: A despedida • Desenhar William e Ângelo se despedindo de seus amigos do mundo mágico; • Desenhar a tristeza de Ângelo por deixar o mundo mágico , mas sendo animado por William; • Desenhar a rainha das fadas agradecendo a William , Ângelo e Puff pela ajuda e presenteando os meninos com medalhas de honra. Capítulo 5: Amigos para sempre • Desenhar William e Ângelo contando suas aventuras para seus amigos e familiares; • Desenhar a promessa de William e Ângelo de que sempre estarão lá um para o outro; • Desenhar a promessa de William e Ângelo de voltar ao mundo mágico um dia para ajudar novamente; • Desenhar William , Ângelo e Puff abraçados e felizes por sua amizade verdadeira e aventuras compartilhadas. Os desenhos devem ser coloridos e atraentes para as crianças , mostrando os personagens de forma clara e expressiva , transmitindo as emoções e sentimentos da história. , Oil Painting ,
Heinrich stands at a height of around 6 feet , with a lean and athletic build. His Tiefling heritage is evident in his unique physical features , which set him apart from others. His purple skin bears a deep , ashen hue , reminiscent of charcoal. It feels cool to the touch , hinting at his connection to the realm of the undead. Contrasting with his dusky complexion , his eyes gleam with an intense shade of amber , it lost it' s shines years ago. A pair of big , curved horns emerge from his forehead , curling back. They are smooth and polished , a testament to his meticulous care and grooming. Along with his horns , Heinrich possesses a set of pointed , elven-like ears , elongated and tapering to a fine point. His jet-black hair , sleek and straight , falls to his shoulders , framing his face in a sharp and stylish manner. Heinrich's countenance reflects his sorrowful past. There is a lingering sadness in his eyes , a weight that only comes from carrying the burden of forgotten sins. His facial features are sharp and defined , with a strong jawline that speaks of determination and resolve. However , his expression often bears a hint of weariness and pensiveness , as if he is constantly reflecting on his past actions and seeking answers that lie just beyond his reach. Dressed in practical and nondescript attire , Heinrich favors dark , muted colors such as deep blues , grays , and blacks. He dons a long , weathered cloak that helps him blend into the shadows , its tattered edges revealing the signs of countless journeys and battles. His armor , made from lightweight materials , allows for agile movement without compromising protection. Strapped to his back is a well-crafted bow , accompanied by a quiver of arrows , emphasizing his skill as a ranger. Heinrich carries himself with a quiet confidence , though there is an air of restraint about him. He moves with grace and precision , every step deliberate and measured. Though his appearance may evoke a sense of mystery and apprehension in those unfamiliar with Tieflings , those who take the time to know him will find a soul burdened by the weight of past transgressions , seeking redemption in a world that is both harsh and forgiving. ,
Create a futuristic cityscape inspired by the Maasai tribe's vibrant fabric prints , in stunning 8k resolution. The city should be a realistic depiction of what an advanced society influenced by Maasai culture might look like. It should incorporate elements of Maasai design and aesthetics , such as bold patterns and bright colors. The image should transport the viewer to a world that feels both familiar and unlike anything they have ever seen before ,
Hombre guapo de unos 30 años , con barba arreglada y constitución mediana , trabajando en la oficina , estilo fotorrealista , colores azul y gris)) fotografía realista , fotografía , obra maestra , realista , realismo , fotografía realismo , alto contraste , arte digital fotográfico realista en tendencia en Artstation 8k HD de alta definición estar familiarizado con realista , estar familiarizado con , textura de la piel , hiper estar familiarizado con , textura de piel realista , armadura , calidad más alta , alta resolución , (fotografía realista: 1.4) , alta resolución , estar familiarizado con , primer plano , enfoque nítido. ,