"An urban landscape symbolizing the system in Japan and the issu...

"An urban landscape symbolizing the system in Japan and the issues hidden by major corporations. Include design elements that hint at problems concealed in the shadows of buildings."

"An abstract artwork themed around the issues of 'elderly harm' and 'unreasonableness'. Use colors and shapes to express the disconnect and lack of understanding between generations."

"An artwork combining traditional Japanese beauty with modern issues. Depict a landscape where old buildings coexist with new ones, weaving in elements that symbolize 'elderly harm', 'unreasonableness', and hidden issues.", Cartoon

"An urban landscape symbolizing the system in Japan and the issues hidden by major corporations. Include design elements that hint at problems concealed in the shadows of buildings." "An abstract artwork themed around the issues of 'elderly harm' and 'unreasonableness'. Use colors and shapes to express the disconnect and lack of understanding between generations." "An artwork combining traditional Japanese beauty with modern issues. Depict a landscape where old buildings coexist with new ones, weaving in elements that symbolize 'elderly harm', 'unreasonableness', and hidden issues.", Cartoon

{ "seed": "2065921011", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
