Night, mysterious and dreamy atmosphere, Tang Dynasty, Chang 'an...

Night, mysterious and dreamy atmosphere, Tang Dynasty, Chang 'an, the capital of the prosperous world, classical aesthetics, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Hall of Bliss, Xingshan Temple, Chang 'an twelve hours, light and shadow, night scene, candlelight, red lantern, moonlight, starry sky, mystery, dream, illustration style, 8K, depth of field, extreme details

Night, mysterious and dreamy atmosphere, Tang Dynasty, Chang 'an, the capital of the prosperous world, classical aesthetics, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Hall of Bliss, Xingshan Temple, Chang 'an twelve hours, light and shadow, night scene, candlelight, red lantern, moonlight, starry sky, mystery, dream, illustration style, 8K, depth of field, extreme details

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