Generates an image of Bumblebee, one of the most iconic characte...

Generates an image of Bumblebee, one of the most iconic characters from the Transformers franchise, in a steampunk world. In this version, Bumblebee is outfitted with gears and exposed metal parts that give him an old-fashioned, mechanical look. The bright yellow color of his is complemented by brass details, rivets and steam pipes, while his headlights are replaced with smoked glass lenses and gas lamps. Additionally, Bumblebee wears black leather armor adorned with buckles and straps to protect his mechanical body on the battlefield. His primary weapon is a plasma cannon that fires jets of fiery steam, making him a formidable threat to any opponent. The image shows Bumblebee in a battle pose, his plasma cannon ready to fire as he stands in a smoky, decaying cityscape.

Generates an image of Bumblebee, one of the most iconic characters from the Transformers franchise, in a steampunk world. In this version, Bumblebee is outfitted with gears and exposed metal parts that give him an old-fashioned, mechanical look. The bright yellow color of his is complemented by brass details, rivets and steam pipes, while his headlights are replaced with smoked glass lenses and gas lamps. Additionally, Bumblebee wears black leather armor adorned with buckles and straps to protect his mechanical body on the battlefield. His primary weapon is a plasma cannon that fires jets of fiery steam, making him a formidable threat to any opponent. The image shows Bumblebee in a battle pose, his plasma cannon ready to fire as he stands in a smoky, decaying cityscape.

{ "seed": "1959785915", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
