A dramatic robot from the Star Wars RPG universe, with intricate...

A dramatic robot from the Star Wars RPG universe, with intricate details and glossy metallic finish, photographed by Annie Leibovitz. The droid is captured in the moment of ingesting a small white capsule, set against a dark and moody backdrop. The image is captured with a Canon EOS 1DX Mark II camera, with a shallow depth of field and low ISO to enhance the contrast and provide a cinematic look. The lighting is set up to mimic the dim, atmospheric lighting of the Star Wars films, with soft studio lights diffused through a translucent scrim. The final image is to be a high-resolution, 8k, award-winning masterpiece, with a 3:2 aspect ratio for a horizontal orientation. --ar 3:2

A dramatic robot from the Star Wars RPG universe, with intricate details and glossy metallic finish, photographed by Annie Leibovitz. The droid is captured in the moment of ingesting a small white capsule, set against a dark and moody backdrop. The image is captured with a Canon EOS 1DX Mark II camera, with a shallow depth of field and low ISO to enhance the contrast and provide a cinematic look. The lighting is set up to mimic the dim, atmospheric lighting of the Star Wars films, with soft studio lights diffused through a translucent scrim. The final image is to be a high-resolution, 8k, award-winning masterpiece, with a 3:2 aspect ratio for a horizontal orientation. --ar 3:2

{ "seed": "3903158401", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
