realistic portrait of a beautiful woman, photorealistic hair, hi...


realistic portrait of a beautiful woman, photorealistic hair, highly detailed, bright blue eyes, black armour, metallic, a real perfect female body, perfect face, seductive, perfect milky white skin, detail texture, neon engraving on metal, runes engraved, evil look, extraordinary, dramatic cinematic light, futuristic city in the background, detailed, ultra realistic, android, unreal enginge, 8k, denoise, 150mm, photograph with a Hasselblad H3DII

{ "ckpt": "eldenRing-v3-pruned.ckpt", "seed": 3170512614, "steps": 30, "width": 768, "height": 768, "n_iter": 10, "sampler": "heun", "strength": 0.75, "cfg_scale": 7.5, "negative_prompts": "ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, two faces, mutation, mutated, extra limbs, extra legs, extra arms, disfigured, deformed, cross-eye, body out of frame, blurry, bad art, bad anatomy, blurred, text, watermark, grainy" }
