Create a fullbody character named Yugo, blending the visual elem...

Create a fullbody character named Yugo, blending the visual elements of Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time and Yugo from Wakfu. The character should have Yugo's youthful appearance, short brown hair, and distinctive blue hat with earflaps. Incorporate Simon Petrikov’s gentle, scholarly demeanor before he transformed into the Ice King. Yugo should wear a mix of simple yet magical clothing, with earthy tones from Wakfu's world and icy blue accents inspired by Simon. His expression should convey wisdom and innocence, with magical energy subtly emanating from his hands, Cartoon

Create a fullbody character named Yugo, blending the visual elements of Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time and Yugo from Wakfu. The character should have Yugo's youthful appearance, short brown hair, and distinctive blue hat with earflaps. Incorporate Simon Petrikov’s gentle, scholarly demeanor before he transformed into the Ice King. Yugo should wear a mix of simple yet magical clothing, with earthy tones from Wakfu's world and icy blue accents inspired by Simon. His expression should convey wisdom and innocence, with magical energy subtly emanating from his hands, Cartoon

{ "seed": "3902383077", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
