An epic futuristic space scene featuring a magnificent, intricat...

An epic futuristic space scene featuring a magnificent, intricately designed grand space station or colony, with multiple layers and arms stretching outwards. The station is illuminated by golden lights, and various smaller crafts orbit around it. A colossal dark gold starship, shaped like an infinity symbol, soars nearby with a medieval-futuristic design and vibrant kiwi green nacelles. This massive vessel is 144 miles long and 72 miles in diameter at its midsection, made of chrome cobalt steel tubes and featuring cream cheese crystal-colored AAA battery-shaped nacelles placed at a 90° angle above the back of the ship. The starship orbits Saturn, near one of its rings, as a dramatic nebula looms in the background where similar-looking starships engage in a fierce battle. A massive dark gold starship in the shape of an infinity symbol, with a length of 144 miles and a diameter of 72 miles at its midsection. The ship has a medieval-futuristic design with kiwi green nacelles and intricate details connected by industrial metallic molding sections. The ship is made of chrome cobalt steel tubes and is 288' in diameter elliptical body. There are cream cheese crystal colored AAA battery-shaped nacelles, 96' long and tubular, placed 90° angle above the back of the ship. The ship is orbiting Saturn and is near one of Saturn's Rings. There is a Nebula nearby, with a few similar looking starships in it, engaged in a battle.A large, futuristic spaceship positioned in outer space, with a backdrop of two celestial bodies. The ship has a sleek, blue hue and is equipped with multiple cylindrical extensions, possibly engines or weapon systems. It hovers near a large planet with visible rings, reminiscent of Saturn. The planet's surface appears to have varying shades of blue and white, suggesting possible cloud formations or atmospheric variations. The vastness of space, dotted with distant stars, serves as a serene backdrop to this advanced spacecraft.

An epic futuristic space scene featuring a magnificent, intricately designed grand space station or colony, with multiple layers and arms stretching outwards. The station is illuminated by golden lights, and various smaller crafts orbit around it. A colossal dark gold starship, shaped like an infinity symbol, soars nearby with a medieval-futuristic design and vibrant kiwi green nacelles. This massive vessel is 144 miles long and 72 miles in diameter at its midsection, made of chrome cobalt steel tubes and featuring cream cheese crystal-colored AAA battery-shaped nacelles placed at a 90° angle above the back of the ship. The starship orbits Saturn, near one of its rings, as a dramatic nebula looms in the background where similar-looking starships engage in a fierce battle. A massive dark gold starship in the shape of an infinity symbol, with a length of 144 miles and a diameter of 72 miles at its midsection. The ship has a medieval-futuristic design with kiwi green nacelles and intricate details connected by industrial metallic molding sections. The ship is made of chrome cobalt steel tubes and is 288' in diameter elliptical body. There are cream cheese crystal colored AAA battery-shaped nacelles, 96' long and tubular, placed 90° angle above the back of the ship. The ship is orbiting Saturn and is near one of Saturn's Rings. There is a Nebula nearby, with a few similar looking starships in it, engaged in a battle.A large, futuristic spaceship positioned in outer space, with a backdrop of two celestial bodies. The ship has a sleek, blue hue and is equipped with multiple cylindrical extensions, possibly engines or weapon systems. It hovers near a large planet with visible rings, reminiscent of Saturn. The planet's surface appears to have varying shades of blue and white, suggesting possible cloud formations or atmospheric variations. The vastness of space, dotted with distant stars, serves as a serene backdrop to this advanced spacecraft.

{ "seed": "1355722556", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
