(((A striking cinematic realistic portrait of King Rotholz, an a...

(((A striking cinematic realistic portrait of King Rotholz, an anthropomorphic redwood humanoid man at 6 feet 3 inches and weighing 260 pounds of pure muscle. Except for being a redwood humanoid, this king resembles a human with the same build.))). He is adorned in an intricately designed Victorian-style fashionable suit, exuding an air of authority. Perched on the balcony of his grand castle, he addresses his subjects with a look of pride and determination. A speech bubble hovers above his head, containing the words: "I'm king of the world!" The background showcases the sprawling castle and its majestic surroundings, with a sense of grandeur and power., photo, cinematic, 3d render, fashion

(((A striking cinematic realistic portrait of King Rotholz, an anthropomorphic redwood humanoid man at 6 feet 3 inches and weighing 260 pounds of pure muscle. Except for being a redwood humanoid, this king resembles a human with the same build.))). He is adorned in an intricately designed Victorian-style fashionable suit, exuding an air of authority. Perched on the balcony of his grand castle, he addresses his subjects with a look of pride and determination. A speech bubble hovers above his head, containing the words: "I'm king of the world!" The background showcases the sprawling castle and its majestic surroundings, with a sense of grandeur and power., photo, cinematic, 3d render, fashion

{ "seed": "1469166899", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
