Starship, combining Harlan Ellison's and Matt Jeffries' stylisti...

Starship, combining Harlan Ellison's and Matt Jeffries' stylistic elements with detailed work in a Mike & Denise Okuda vein, medieval and royalistic punk flair, complexity in design with dark gears, levers, and ornate patterns, dark metallic green and gold matte hull, backdrop of numerous stars and distant spacecraft,  with a focus on intricate aesthetics, 750 UHD resolution 4D vibrant diamond gold nacelles.

Starship, combining Harlan Ellison's and Matt Jeffries' stylistic elements with detailed work in a Mike & Denise Okuda vein, medieval and royalistic punk flair, complexity in design with dark gears, levers, and ornate patterns, dark metallic green and gold matte hull, backdrop of numerous stars and distant spacecraft, with a focus on intricate aesthetics, 750 UHD resolution 4D vibrant diamond gold nacelles.

{ "seed": "504768189", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
