A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceshi...

A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceships. These ships vary in design, color, and size. Some are sleek and streamlined, while others have intricate patterns and designs. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. A starship made from the following: a beat up old washer, MRI Machine, CT Scanner, 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, 2 large shipping containers,1924 Deusenberg.The ships are scattered throughout the image, with some hovering near the station and others dispersed in the cosmic expanse. The overall theme suggests a setting in outer space, possibly in a galaxy or universe where advanced civilizations exist. Multiple Gothicpunk spaceships with diverse designs are docked or drifting nearby, reflecting the myriad tastes of the various alien species. Alien beings in unique attire are seen engaging in various activities, while construction equipment is actively in use, signaling the ongoing expansion of this interstellar habitat. A colossal glowing planet dominates the backdrop, while a drone captures the essence of this bustling interstellar community. This scene is rendered in Octane with 4D 750k UHD resolution, drawing inspiration from the visionary minds of Mel Brooks, Steven Spielberg, J. Michael Straczynski, and Harlan Ellison.

A vibrant cosmic background with a myriad of futuristic spaceships. These ships vary in design, color, and size. Some are sleek and streamlined, while others have intricate patterns and designs. The central focus is a large, circular space station with a unique, infinity-like shape. A starship made from the following: a beat up old washer, MRI Machine, CT Scanner, 1934 Winnebago, tons of duct tape, odd vehicle parts, 2 large shipping containers,1924 Deusenberg.The ships are scattered throughout the image, with some hovering near the station and others dispersed in the cosmic expanse. The overall theme suggests a setting in outer space, possibly in a galaxy or universe where advanced civilizations exist. Multiple Gothicpunk spaceships with diverse designs are docked or drifting nearby, reflecting the myriad tastes of the various alien species. Alien beings in unique attire are seen engaging in various activities, while construction equipment is actively in use, signaling the ongoing expansion of this interstellar habitat. A colossal glowing planet dominates the backdrop, while a drone captures the essence of this bustling interstellar community. This scene is rendered in Octane with 4D 750k UHD resolution, drawing inspiration from the visionary minds of Mel Brooks, Steven Spielberg, J. Michael Straczynski, and Harlan Ellison.

{ "seed": "2881518243", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
