Vertical digital illustration of a busty, animated female figure...

Vertical digital illustration of a busty, animated female figure reminiscent of graffiti and tattoo art. She's wearing a dj headset. The character has exaggerated features such as large eyes and a tongue, with a dynamic, dramatic pose. It presents a bold contrast with a color palette dominated by black (#000000), white (#FFFFFF) and red (#FF0000). The character is set against a solid color background with a subtle gradient and vignette effect, accentuated by abstract splash details. The image has a high resolution with sharp, precise lines and a glossy texture on the character's drops and tongue, suggesting a wet look. The image has no text and the lighting is directional, enhancing the dramatic effect. The style is contemporary, with a strong visual impact similar to that of street art., 3D, Cartoon

Vertical digital illustration of a busty, animated female figure reminiscent of graffiti and tattoo art. She's wearing a dj headset. The character has exaggerated features such as large eyes and a tongue, with a dynamic, dramatic pose. It presents a bold contrast with a color palette dominated by black (#000000), white (#FFFFFF) and red (#FF0000). The character is set against a solid color background with a subtle gradient and vignette effect, accentuated by abstract splash details. The image has a high resolution with sharp, precise lines and a glossy texture on the character's drops and tongue, suggesting a wet look. The image has no text and the lighting is directional, enhancing the dramatic effect. The style is contemporary, with a strong visual impact similar to that of street art., 3D, Cartoon

{ "seed": "304687580", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
