a digital painting of a futuristic minimal toyota supra mk4 semi...

a digital painting of a futuristic minimal toyota supra mk4 semi concept car, cyberpunk photography, automotive design, downtown road, mirror's edge, big city, front view, electric, 4k, concept, future, colorful, neon, fantasy, dramatic lighting, neon city, hyper detailed, hyper realistic detailed, clear sky, sun, cyberpunk

a digital painting of a futuristic minimal toyota supra mk4 semi concept car, cyberpunk photography, automotive design, downtown road, mirror's edge, big city, front view, electric, 4k, concept, future, colorful, neon, fantasy, dramatic lighting, neon city, hyper detailed, hyper realistic detailed, clear sky, sun, cyberpunk

{ "seed": "3405169974", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
