young man Malachai of the Corn, Courtney Gains, his highly detai...

young man Malachai of the Corn, Courtney Gains, his highly detailed, softly freckled handsome face, his clean, clear eyes, meticulously detailed, multi-hued, long red hair; hippie, pirate, Viking, the man gazes to the cornfield; yellow, blue, green, across a misty pastel-colored cornfield, corn, corn on the cob, clouds; fantasy, 16k resolution poster; Artgerm, WLOP, Illustration intricately detailed, trending on Artstation, Chromolithography Soft Shading, male, man, corn, 3D

young man Malachai of the Corn, Courtney Gains, his highly detailed, softly freckled handsome face, his clean, clear eyes, meticulously detailed, multi-hued, long red hair; hippie, pirate, Viking, the man gazes to the cornfield; yellow, blue, green, across a misty pastel-colored cornfield, corn, corn on the cob, clouds; fantasy, 16k resolution poster; Artgerm, WLOP, Illustration intricately detailed, trending on Artstation, Chromolithography Soft Shading, male, man, corn, 3D

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