An illustration of a human heart made of translucent glass, stan...

An illustration of a human heart made of translucent glass, standing on a pedestal amidst a stormy sea. Rays of sunlight piece the clouds, illuminating the heart, revealing a tiny universe within, dark fantasy, cinematic, 3d render, photo, hanging herbs, wooden chair, light blooming, dust, ambient occlusion, morning, rays of light passing through windows , soft lighting, brush strokes of oil paint

An illustration of a human heart made of translucent glass, standing on a pedestal amidst a stormy sea. Rays of sunlight piece the clouds, illuminating the heart, revealing a tiny universe within, dark fantasy, cinematic, 3d render, photo, hanging herbs, wooden chair, light blooming, dust, ambient occlusion, morning, rays of light passing through windows , soft lighting, brush strokes of oil paint

{ "seed": "1771064236", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
