Syrak, known as the Shattered, is a towering old drow elf of abo...

Syrak, known as the Shattered, is a towering old drow elf of about 6 feet 1 inch, his pale skin nearly translucent, accentuating the dark veins that course beneath it. The most arresting feature is his eyes, a piercing deep red that seems to glow with an unnatural light, a clear testament to the corruptive magic that has taken root within him.

His hair, long and dark, cascades down his shoulders in untamed tangles, appearing as if the shadows themselves are interwoven with it. The aura he exudes is one of calculated malevolence, his lips curled in a perpetual, almost imperceptible smile that mirrors his satisfaction with the power he's harnessed. The gaze from those eyes, however, betrays an intense ambition and a streak of cruelty, as though the depths of his darkness are hidden within.

Shadows seem to cling to Syrak, swirling around him like tendrils of dark smoke. They react to his emotions, undulating in a dynamic, almost sentient manner. This eerie phenomena only adds to his mystique, creating an ever-present aura of foreboding.

Though his attire is of secondary importance, he dons a dark tunic that seems to absorb light itself, its design etched with cryptic symbols and twisted patterns that pulse with a corrupt energy. His appearance overall paints a picture of someone who's lost their connection to the light, surrendering to a malevolent darkness that now defines them.

Syrak, known as the Shattered, is a towering old drow elf of about 6 feet 1 inch, his pale skin nearly translucent, accentuating the dark veins that course beneath it. The most arresting feature is his eyes, a piercing deep red that seems to glow with an unnatural light, a clear testament to the corruptive magic that has taken root within him. His hair, long and dark, cascades down his shoulders in untamed tangles, appearing as if the shadows themselves are interwoven with it. The aura he exudes is one of calculated malevolence, his lips curled in a perpetual, almost imperceptible smile that mirrors his satisfaction with the power he's harnessed. The gaze from those eyes, however, betrays an intense ambition and a streak of cruelty, as though the depths of his darkness are hidden within. Shadows seem to cling to Syrak, swirling around him like tendrils of dark smoke. They react to his emotions, undulating in a dynamic, almost sentient manner. This eerie phenomena only adds to his mystique, creating an ever-present aura of foreboding. Though his attire is of secondary importance, he dons a dark tunic that seems to absorb light itself, its design etched with cryptic symbols and twisted patterns that pulse with a corrupt energy. His appearance overall paints a picture of someone who's lost their connection to the light, surrendering to a malevolent darkness that now defines them.

{ "seed": "1665772898", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
