Isabella has a graceful and refined presence, her features refle...

Isabella has a graceful and refined presence, her features reflecting her human lineage. Her fair complexion bears a soft, rosy hue, complementing her warm and compassionate nature. Though touched by the curse, her natural beauty still shines through, albeit with a touch of sorrow in her gaze.
Her eyes, once sparkling with life and vitality, now hold a hint of melancholy. They are a mesmerizing shade of hazel, with flecks of gold and green that mirror the hues of a tranquil forest. They radiate kindness and depth, reflecting the empathy and understanding that she embodies.
Cascading locks of chestnut-brown hair frame her face, flowing in gentle waves down to her shoulders. The hair retains its luster, albeit somewhat dulled by the curse. It carries a wistful charm, as if whispering tales of a forgotten joy.
Isabella's figure is slender and graceful, her movements carrying an elegance befitting her noble upbringing. She adorns herself in simple yet tasteful garments, favoring flowing dresses of muted colors that match the melancholic air that surrounds her.
Her countenance, once radiant with joy and laughter, now bears a touch of sadness. Though the curse has taken its toll, her inner strength and resilience still shine through, and a warm smile can occasionally grace her lips, offering glimpses of the joy she once experienced.
Despite the Veil of Shadows that cloaks her, Isabella's beauty remains a poignant reminder of the vibrant and loving person she once was. Her appearance serves as a reflection of the tragedy that has befallen her and the enduring spirit that she carries within.

Isabella has a graceful and refined presence, her features reflecting her human lineage. Her fair complexion bears a soft, rosy hue, complementing her warm and compassionate nature. Though touched by the curse, her natural beauty still shines through, albeit with a touch of sorrow in her gaze. Her eyes, once sparkling with life and vitality, now hold a hint of melancholy. They are a mesmerizing shade of hazel, with flecks of gold and green that mirror the hues of a tranquil forest. They radiate kindness and depth, reflecting the empathy and understanding that she embodies. Cascading locks of chestnut-brown hair frame her face, flowing in gentle waves down to her shoulders. The hair retains its luster, albeit somewhat dulled by the curse. It carries a wistful charm, as if whispering tales of a forgotten joy. Isabella's figure is slender and graceful, her movements carrying an elegance befitting her noble upbringing. She adorns herself in simple yet tasteful garments, favoring flowing dresses of muted colors that match the melancholic air that surrounds her. Her countenance, once radiant with joy and laughter, now bears a touch of sadness. Though the curse has taken its toll, her inner strength and resilience still shine through, and a warm smile can occasionally grace her lips, offering glimpses of the joy she once experienced. Despite the Veil of Shadows that cloaks her, Isabella's beauty remains a poignant reminder of the vibrant and loving person she once was. Her appearance serves as a reflection of the tragedy that has befallen her and the enduring spirit that she carries within.

{ "seed": "3846801896", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
