User: samuelnavas

Samuel Navas

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zeus god of thunder, man in old age, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, shiny, bright eyes, energetic gaze, zealous face, white complexion, muscles, cinematographic lighting, (american shot), white beard, long hair , greek factions, thunder in the hands, force, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
zeus god of thunder, man in old age, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, bright, bright eyes, energetic gaze, cerebral face, white complexion, muscles, cinematographic lighting, full body, thunder in the hands, strength, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, year 479 and 447 a. C., mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees , burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, rubble in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details , detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burnt trees, rain, rainy weather, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city , decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
zeus god of thunder, man in old age, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, shiny, bright eyes, energetic gaze, zealous face, white complexion, muscles, cinematographic lighting, (american shot), white beard, long hair , greek factions, thunder in the hands, force, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
zeus god of thunder, adult man, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, shiny, bright eyes, energetic gaze, cerebral face, white complexion, muscles, cinematic lighting, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, year 479 and 447 a. C., mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees , burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, rubble in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details , detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details , detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, small creatures, 4 legs, stare, green eyes, glowing eyes, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, city destroyed, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
zeus god of thunder, man in old age, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, bright, bright eyes, energetic gaze, cerebral face, white complexion, muscles, cinematographic lighting, full body, thunder in the hands, strength, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
zeus god of thunder, adult man, thunder, strong, stocky, white hair, golden, shiny, bright eyes, energetic gaze, cerebral face, white complexion, muscles, cinematic lighting, 4k, 3d, hyperrealism
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, mountain in the heights, city in the skies, mountains, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, gloomy atmosphere, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, putrefaction, night, darkness, dead vegetation, wasteland, Rotting fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, sterile plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, corroded construction, destroyed, debris in the streets, destroyed houses, corpses, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, thunder, lightning, dim lights, water falling from the sky, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, details ancient greece architecture, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, rain, rainy weather, storm, strong storm, wind raising sand, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details , detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3D, panoramic view, Slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burnt trees, rain, rainy weather, rainy environment, green thunder, green lightning, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, destroyed city , decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style
city of acropolis, on a high mountain, destroyed city, surrounded by clouds, dark environment, place of terror, dim lights, destruction, rot, night, darkness, dead vegetation, moor, rotten fauna, dry trees, burned grass, dead grass, barren plants, burned trees, small creatures, 4 legs, stare, green eyes, glowing eyes, dark lighting, terror, dark moon, darkness, ruins, destroyed, death, ancient greek architectural details, detailed environment, hyper realistic, city destroyed, decay, rot, 8k details, wide angle, 3d, panoramic view, slasher style