User: onebadfishy


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Out the porthole, capturing a sweeping360-degree panorama of the incredible diversity of marine life inhabiting these waters, from scintillating schools of mullet to solitary mackerel and crowds of colorful reef fish.
Catch the pensive, faraway look in the eyes of a beautiful brunette as afternoon sun filtering through trees dances across high cheekbones and full lips, lost in thoughts swirling like falling leaves upon a gentle autumn breeze.
Frame a young woman in profile against a bookshelf, strands of auburn hair concealing part of her face as her hazel eyes focus intently on the pages of an open book, drawn deep into the story.
Blue skies and rolling hills fill the window behind a fair-skinned blonde lost in a daydream, her crystal blue eyes gazing wistfully into the middle distance above features delicate as porcelain.
A close-up portrait of a young woman with long brown hair and deep green eyes, sitting by a window as the sunlight catches her pensive gaze out into the distance.
Through the submarine's viewing port, framing a lone spider lamprey undulating through the water like an eel-like serpent over 6 feet long, its diminutive eyes and fearsome tooth-lined mouth a strange sight.
A raven-maned maiden sits by an open window, ivory skin aglow as her doe-brown eyes dream distant, seeing what is, what was, and all that's yet to be under stars just beginning to shimmer.
Through softly falling snow, a rosy-cheeked beauty stares out atwhitened pinesHeavy with powder, transfixed by winter's beautywith eyes like melted chocolate.
Frame a woman's face in profile, her lips parted slightly as she appears mesmerized, focusing intently on something just outside of view with an expression of deep contemplation.
Depicting the corrupted landscape and foul weather that serve as torment for the gluttonous souls condemned to this region, unable to find relief from the elements.
Underwater photography of colorful schools of fish illuminated by the submarine's lights, showing azureors, spares, gobies and other species mingling in a kaleidoscope of scales and fins in the depths.
On a park bench under the canopy of an old oak, a lady gazing out at a playground captures floating memories with eyes like polished amber, musing on moments that can never be reclaimed.
Backlit by the gentle glow of a table lamp, a raven-haired woman in a cashmere sweater fixes her emerald eyes on something just beyond sight, pondering in the moments before sleep pulls her under.
Against a blurred background, a red-lipped smile faintly plays at the corners of her mouth while her eyes stare longingly off camera, lost in thought.