User: Grodyn

Altario (Insert Blue Check here)

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/Imagine Prompt: Neanderthal hunt, dense forest, early morning, hunting party, primitive weapons, wild boar, Ultra Detailed, 4K, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Herbalists in ancient Chinese apothecary, brewing potions, mixing herbs, steam rising, wooden shelves with jars, mystical atmosphere, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 1200s Medieval European pantry, wooden shelves, baskets of fruits and vegetables, dried meats, jars of pickled items, sacks of grains and beans, clay pots for storing liquids, wooden barrels, cobwebs, low light, Matte Painting.
private area for ruler and spouse/partners, rich decoration with tapestries/carpets/furnishings, separate chambers, bathrooms with bathtubs/running water, private garden/courtyard, access restricted to ruler and close attendants, guarded by elite soldiers.
/Imagine Prompt: Full body, Alexander the Great as a Greek Hoplite, wearing a bronze helmet, shield, and a linen tunic, on a White Background, Matte Painting, Hyper realistic 4K model, unreal engine.
/Imagine Prompt: Pope Innocent III, As a 1200s Priest, wearing traditional robes and a crown of thorns, on a White Background, Matte Painting, Hyper realistic 4K model, unreal engine.
/Imagine Prompt: Leather saddlebag, Matte Painting, White Background
/Imagine Prompt: 1400s Inn, wooden beams, stone walls, warm fireplaces, flickering candlelight, Interior, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 1100s French Throne Room, Interior, Ornate decor, Royal throne, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt:500s Frankish seaside village, fishermen returning to shore with their catch, dusk, overcast, autumn, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Neanderthal hunt, forest, spears, mammoth, fire, rocks, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Ancient Chinese apothecary, wooden shelves with jars, herbs and spices, old books, antique instruments, mystical atmosphere, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 900s Chinese apothecary, shelves filled with jars and bottles, dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, stone mortar and pestle, wooden counter, fireplace with a cauldron, scrolls and books on a desk, assistant grinding herbs, Matte Painting.
room dedicated to books, shelves lined with leather-bound books/scrolls, wooden tables/chairs for reading/studying, windows with stained glass, oil lamps/candles, fireplace, ladder, librarian/scribe, rare/valuable books under lock and key.
/Imagine Prompt: Full body, Michael Jordan as a Gladiator, wearing traditional roman armor and carrying a short sword and round shield, on a White Background, Matte Painting, Hyper realistic 4K model, unreal engine.
/Imagine Prompt:Cobra, Matte Painting, White Background, Full body shot, Side View
Ring, Matte Painting, White Background
/Imagine Prompt: Limestone cave, dimly lit by glowing algae, damp, musty smell, Interior, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 500s, Ancient Egyptian Temple, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt:Desert, camels at an oasis, dawn, raining, summer, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Ocean sunset, sailboats, seagulls, waves crashing, clouds, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Action scene in a thunderstorm, lightning strikes, strong winds, trees bending, rain pouring, people running, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: Throne room, dimly lit room, stone walls, large throne, tapestries, stained glass windows, candles, red carpet, guards, door leading to the outside, Matte Painting.
A medieval castle antechamber is a dimly lit room near the entrance with stone walls, minimal furnishings such as benches, fireplace, table with map/tapestry and weapons on display, guarded by castle guards, and has doors leading to the outside and deeper into the castle.
/Imagine Prompt: Full body, LeBron James as a 1300s Medieval Priest, wearing a long black cassock, white collar, and a cross, on a White Background, Hyper realistic 4K model, unreal engine.
/Imagine Prompt:Python Snake, Matte Painting, White Background, Full body shot, Side View
/Imagine Prompt: 1300s Medieval Tavern, dimly lit by tallow candles, wooden tables and benches, smoke from pipes and hearth, Interior, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 1200s Smithy, dimly lit with forge fires, smoke filled air, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 500s, Ancient Egyptian Temple, interior, Matte Painting.
/Imagine Prompt: 500s Frankish fishing village with thatched roof houses along the riverbank at dusk, on an overcast day in autumn, Dark Fantasy.