User: ChaudhuriRavi

Ravi Chaudhuri

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giant, female warrior, dressed like. red Sonja with aspects oof roman-greco design, drawn in jean giraud's art style
four one lookers, backs turned, looking up at a giant woman dress in a roman-greco design, gold colors, jewelry, sitting on a throne, garden of eden setting, drawn in jean giraud's art style
Algonquin Native Americans in British pilgrim armor with indigenous designs and aspects drawn in jean giraud's art style
1960's china if it was a republic in jean giraud's art style
group of four native American chiefs sitting around. a fire talking, one being the tallest Paiute chief with red hair, one Algonquian chief with colonial English armor with indigenous aspects too the armor, one Dakota chief in the middle, and one Inuit chief with viking armor with Inuit aspects, drawn in jean giraud's art style
1960's inuit villages with viking aspects in clothing and architecture, in jean giraud's art style
The Olympics and 1967 World's fair as one event but if it was in Calcutta India, in jean giraud's art style
spiral clouds forming over the dessert in jean giraud's art style
the sack of rome 410 drawn in Jean giraud's art style ,
1960's Airship connected to an airline carrier flying over the ocean in Jean giraud's art style
giant, blonde haired, woman, sitting on a greco roman throne, dressed in Babylonian mixed with Egyptian clothing, slightly revealing, drawn in jean giraud's art style
croatoan native american from the lost colony, drawn in jean giraud's art style
Algonquin Native Americans in British pilgrim armor with indigenous designs and aspects
9 foot red haired Paiute chief talking , looking down, to a  5'11 sized Inuit chief looking up with viking armor with indigenous aspects to the viking design, drawn in jean giraud's art style
a 1960's New York with American and English mixture of architecture drawn in jean giraud's art style
Intuit village with viking aspects in Inuit clothing and architecture, in jean giraud's art style
a scene from the book war of the world in jean giraud's art style
spiraal clouds over the Egyptian countryside win Jen Giraud's art style
el Salvadorian man in Jean giraud's art style , headshot view
Civil War Ironclad partially submerged made with 1960's battle ship technology in Jean giraud's art style
a giant woman dress in a roman-greco design, gold and silver colors, jewelry, sitting on a throne, garden of eden setting, looking downward, drawn in jean giraud's art style
Algonquin, Croatian, native american with colonial British clothing mixed with indigenous aspects in the design, drawn in jean giraud's art style
blue eyed native Americans with clonal British armor with Algonquin designs and aspects drawn in jean giraud's art style
9 foot red haired Paiute chief talking to a regular sized Inuit chief with viking armor with indigenous aspects to the viking design, drawn in jean giraud's art style
a 1960's Rome with American and English mixture of architecture drawn in jean giraud's art style
1967's World'ss fair but in India, in jean giraud's art style
World War 2 soldiers fighting aliens from the book War of the World in jean giraud's art style
Native Americans with blonde hair blue eyes in Jean giraud's art style
a young El Salvadorian man in a trench cat walking through a crowd in Jean giraud's art style
rebel mono camel showing an AK-47 at Arab soldiers in the foreground and war blimps shooting missiles at the ground in the back ground in jean giraud's art style