Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Crea una imagen de portada para pagina web horizontal emocional y romántica para una página web de servicio de canciones personalizadas. La imagen debe mostrar a una pareja joven en un momento íntimo , escuchando una canción en sus auriculares compartidos mientras sonríen y se miran a los ojos. El entorno es cálido y acogedor , con luces suaves que reflejan una atmósfera romántica , como una cena a la luz de las velas o un atardecer en la playa. En el fondo , debe haber elementos sutiles relacionados con la música , como notas musicales flotando suavemente o una guitarra en la esquina. La imagen debe transmitir amor , conexión emocional , y la magia de recibir una canción personalizada ,
In the midst of a war-torn landscape , a slender warrior from the future emerges. Her lithe figure cuts through the chaos , adorned in sleek , high-tech armor designed for agility and stealth. Vibrant hues of colored hair cascade down her back , defying the bleakness of the battlefield. With determined eyes and a resolute expression , she fearlessly maneuvers through the mayhem , embodying a rare blend of grace and strength. Amidst the relentless onslaught , her presence stands out , a beacon of resilience amidst the destruction. In this war-ravaged world , this futuristic warrior represents both hope and defiance , defying the odds with her vibrant spirit and unwavering resolve. ,
Create a dynamic and visually engaging YouTube banner for PrinceLink86 Gaming , a channel known for its wide variety of Nintendo Switch games. The banner should feature visual elements representing the following games: Super Smash Bros Ultimate Sonic Origins Plus Hyrule Warriors DE TMNT Cowabunga Collection Pac-Man World Repac Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope Baten Kaitos 1 & 2 HD Remaster Sonic Superstars Super Mario RPG Remake Persona 5 Royal Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Paper Mario Origami King Princess Peach Showtime Tetris 99 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Chrono Crossing Paper Mario 64 Overcooked Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remake The design should include iconic characters and elements from these games in a sleek , modern style that reflects the channel's brand. The background can blend various game environments , such as a Smash Bros. battlefield , Green Hill Zone , Hyrule Castle , and a courtroom from Ace Attorney , creating a sense of adventure and variety. The banner should include the channel name 'PrinceLink86 Gaming' in bold , stylish text that complements the overall design. It should convey a sense of fun , camaraderie , and the unique personalities of the players , highlighting the channel's mix of diverse gameplay , hilarious commentary , and passionate yet amateur approach to gaming. ,
En las profundidades de un mundo oscuro y misterioso , surge la figura de un ser temible y majestuoso. El villano se alza en un antiguo y abandonado templo , envuelto en una atmósfera de decadencia y maldad. Su presencia exuda una mezcla siniestra de belleza y malicia , capturando la esencia de la oscuridad en su forma más atractiva. Este ser , reminiscente de un antiguo ángel caído , posee una apariencia que parece fusionar el aura letal de Sephiroth con la elegancia inquietante de Vergil. Su figura imponente flota en el aire , sostenida por un exoesqueleto venenoso y plateado que se adhiere a su cuerpo con intrincados detalles fractales y bioluminiscencia , reflejando su dominio de la oscuridad y el poder sobrenatural. Su mirada hipnótica , con ojos penetrantes que parecen atravesar las sombras , emana una atracción magnética y aterradora. Viste una armadura negra que brilla con destellos en la luz de la luna , destacando su figura esbelta y letal. Sus labios , irresistiblemente seductores , ocultan un veneno mortal , una contradicción perfecta de atractivo y peligro. Detrás de él , un dragón negro se yergue , listo para desatar su furia y causar estragos a su mando. Sus alas , enmarcadas por la esencia misma de la oscuridad , se extienden majestuosamente , envueltas en un aura de energía azul que contrasta de manera impresionante con el entorno tenebroso del templo. Cada detalle de su apariencia está cuidadosamente diseñado para desencadenar una sensación de asombro y fascinación en aquellos que se atreven a contemplar su imagen. La calidad fotográfica de su presencia , capturada con la claridad de un lente de alta gama , resalta cada sombra y matiz de su exoesqueleto y armadura , mientras que la iluminación volumétrica añade un toque de realismo que hace que parezca que está a punto de salir de la imagen y cobrar vida. Este villano , una obra maestra de la imaginación , encarna la dualidad del encanto oscuro y la destrucción implacable , dejando una huella indeleble en la mente de aquellos que tienen el privilegio de conocer su presencia visual yace. ,
Here is a list of games played with their respective recording dates. These videos will be published on YouTube in chronological order from earliest to latest. I will update this list as needed. PrinceLink86 Gaming Videos Catalogue **__2023:__** **__July 2023:__** (07/20/2023) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Features Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Shawn) - Editing Completed (07/24/2023) - **Let's Play Sonic Origins Plus Stream #01** - (Features Bashire , a phone call with Shawn , & Sonic The Hedgehog 1 playthrough) - Editing completed (07/26/2023) - **Let's Play Hyrule Warriors DE Stream #01 **- Adventure Mode Missions - (Featuring Bashire & a weird phone conversation with Sammy) - Editing Completed (07/31/2023) - **Let's Play TMNT Cowabunga Collection** - (Featuring Bashire & gameplay of TMNT Turtles In Time Arcade , Hyperstone Heist , & more TMNT retro games) - Editing Completed **__August 2023:__** (08/04/2023) -** Let's Play Pac-Man World Repac Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) - Editing Completed (08/05/2023) - **Let's Play Pac-Man World Repac Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) - Editing Completed (08/11/2023) - **Let's Play Pac-Man World Repac Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) - Editing Complete except for Background Fan Noise Removal Revision (08/19/2024) - **Let's Play Sonic Origins Plus Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire & Sonic CD Gameplay as Sonic) - Editing Completed (08/23/2023) - **Let's Play Sonic Origins Plus Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire & Sonic CD full playthrough as Knuckles) - Editing Completed (08/31/2023) -** Let's Play TMNT Shredder's Revenge** - (Featuring Bashire) - Editing In Progress **__September 2023:__** (09/04/2023) - **Let's Play Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope** - (Featuring Bashire) (09/05/2023) - **Let's Play Hyrule Warriors DE Stream #2** - Adventure Mode Missions - (Featuring Bashire) (09/22/2023) - **Let's Play Baten Kaitos 1 & 2 HD Remaster** - (Featuring Bashire) **__October 2023:__** (10/17/2023) - **Let's Play Sonic Superstars Stream #01**- (Featuring Bashire) - Microphone was muted. (10/31/2023) - **Let's Play Sonic Superstars Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) - Microphone was muted. (10/31/2023) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Andrew , Mikey-Mike , & Connor at the Halloween Party) - Really bad echoes due to duplicate microphone input in StreamLabs. I may need help from a sound engineer to fix this echo problem. **__November 2023:__** (11/06/2023) - **Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Andrew online on the phone) (11/07/2023) - **Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Andrew online on the phone) (11/09/2023) - **Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Andrew) (11/15/2023) - **Smash Bros Ultimate Replay Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Shawn on the phone) (11/17/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) - Microphone was muted at first but then fixed. (11/21/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (11/22/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (11/25/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (11/26/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (11/28/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (11/29/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #07** - (Featuring Bashire) **__December 2023:__** (12/01/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #8** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/02/2023) - **Let's Play Super Mario RPG Remake Stream #9** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/04/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/05/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/06/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire & &rew) (12/08/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/09/2023) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Christmas VS Matches** - (Featuring Everybody at Bashire's Christmas Party 2023) (12/12/2023) - **Let's Play Sonic Superstars Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/13/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/14/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/21/2023) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate/Audio Troubleshooting** (Featuring Bashire & completely ruined audio) (12/22/2023) - **Tetris 99/Super Smash Bros Ultimate/Audio Troubleshooting** (Featuring Bashire & Mikey-Mike trying to fix the audio problems & boost the stream resolution from 720P to 1080P) (12/23/2023) - **Tetris 99/Audio Troubleshooting** (Featuring Bashire & Mikey-Mike trying to fix the stream audio problems) (12/25/2023) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (12/25/2023) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Christmas Online VS Matches ** - (Featuring Bashire & Mikey-Mike 1V1 online) (12/28/2023) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #07** - (Featuring Bashire) **__2024__** **__January 2024:__** (01/04/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Andrew , Mikey-Mike , & Connor. Connor got "caught red handed") (01/05/2024) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (01/07/2024) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (01/15/2024) - **Let's Play Persona 5 Royal Stream #08** - (Featuring Bashire) (01/15/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , &rew , & Mikey-Mike) (01/21/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Andrew , & Mikey-Mike) (01/21/2024) - Video file is corrupted & needs repair (01/29/2024) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (01/30/2024) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (01/31/2024) - **Let's Play Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) **__February 2024:__** (02/25/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (02/26/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) **__March 2024:__** (03/04/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/06/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/07/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/08/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/09/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Origami King Stream #07** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/25/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (03/29/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire & Andrew 1v1 online) (03/30/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Practice VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire vs CPUs) (03/30/2024) - Video file is corrupted & need repair **__April 2024__** (04/05/2024) - **Let's Play Tetris 99 & Princess Peach Showtime Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/12/2024) - **Let's Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/16/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/16/2024) - **Let's Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/17/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/19/2024) - **Let's Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/20/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/26/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/29/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #07** - (Featuring Bashire) (04/30/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire & Ted 1v1) **__May 2024:__** (05/04/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire & Ted 1v1) (05/05/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #08** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/06/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire & Ted 1v1) (05/08/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Shawn , & Mikey-Mike 1v1) (05/08/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #09** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/09/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Shawn , & Ted 1v1) (05/10/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Ted , & Andrew 1v1) (05/11/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #10 , NES Games , & Let's Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/12/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #11** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/13/2024) - **Let's Play Princess Peach Showtime Stream #12** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/13/2024) - **Let's Play Chrono Crossing Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/14/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate Framerate Test** - (Featuring Bashire & Mikey-Mike 1v1) - Diagnosing lagging issues with Bashire's streaming laptop. (05/15/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Andrew) (05/16/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , & Ted 1v1) (05/18/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Ted , Sammy , & Andrew) (05/21/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/22/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/25/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Ted , & Andrew) (05/26/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/27/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #04** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/28/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #05** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/29/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire , Mikey-Mike , & Andrew) (05/30/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #06** - (Featuring Bashire) (05/31/2024) - **Let's Play Overcooked Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire & Ted) **__June 2024:__** (06/01/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #07** - (Featuring Bashire) (06/03/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario 64 Stream #08** - (Featuring Bashire) (06/04/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remake Stream #01** - (Featuring Bashire) (06/06/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remake Stream #02** - (Featuring Bashire) (06/09/2024) - **Super Smash Bros Ultimate VS Matches** - (Featuring Bashire & Ted 1v1) (06/12/2024) - **Let's Play Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remake Stream #03** - (Featuring Bashire) ,
Woman dressed in a torn white dress (the dress is dissolving into white butterflies) , running on the beach , sunset in background , epic lighting , torrential rain , wet blonde hair , water pouring from above , fine details , high dynamic range , sharp focus , ethereal quality , David Keochkerian style , Trippy ,
En esta imagen conmemorativa del Día del Trabajador , queremos honrar la diversidad de profesiones y trabajadores que contribuyen al progreso y bienestar de nuestra sociedad. Desde los campos tradicionales hasta las tecnologías de vanguardia , cada trabajador desempeña un papel vital en la construcción de nuestro mundo. En el centro de la imagen , destacan trabajadores del campo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) , incluyendo informáticos , programadores , ingenieros de software y expertos en ciberseguridad. Su dedicación y habilidades son fundamentales para impulsar la innovación y mantenernos conectados en la era digital. A su alrededor , vemos a trabajadores de diversos sectores , como agricultores , constructores , médicos , maestros , bomberos , policías , chefs , artistas , y más. Cada uno de ellos representa la importancia de su labor en la sociedad y la contribución única que hacen a nuestras vidas. Además , no podemos olvidar a los freelancers , emprendedores y influencers , quienes aportan creatividad , flexibilidad y nuevas perspectivas a la fuerza laboral. Su capacidad para adaptarse y prosperar en entornos cambiantes es una inspiración para todos nosotros. En esta celebración del Día del Trabajador , reconozcamos y apreciemos a todos los trabajadores , sin importar su profesión o campo laboral. Juntos , formamos el motor que impulsa el progreso y la prosperidad de nuestra sociedad. ,
Hard edge painting of a giant robot and ornate garuda standing amidst a field of destruction , with detailed and intricate machinery visible through torn metal , beautiful lighting illuminating the scene from the setting sun in the background. The robot is proportional and the scene is both cinematic and realistic. Created by artists Banksy and KAWS , 4k , clean , realistic face , realistic eyes , highest quality , realistic hands , trending on artstation , masterpiece ,
Inspírate en un paisaje impresionante donde casas y edificios se encuentran en una costa pintoresca con vistas al mar. El entorno cuenta con exuberantes canchas de golf que se entrelazan con senderos serpenteantes , lagos cristalinos y una marina vibrante. Imagina una casa de arquitectura moderna con amplios ventanales que capturan la belleza del océano y la luz del sol. Los materiales elegantes y contemporáneos se combinan armoniosamente con la naturaleza circundante. En el renderizado hiperrealista , muestra cómo la brisa marina suavemente acaricia las palmeras y las hojas de los árboles. Los reflejos del sol sobre el agua brillan con intensidad , creando un juego de luces y sombras fascinante. En las canchas de golf , muestra golfistas disfrutando de su deporte favorito , mientras que los senderos invitan a las personas a dar paseos relajantes rodeados de un paisaje impresionante. En la marina , muestra embarcaciones de lujo atracadas , con detalles náuticos meticulosos y un ambiente animado. Asegúrate de utilizar técnicas de renderizado hiperrealistas para capturar los detalles más pequeños , como las texturas de los materiales , las sombras realistas y la interacción de la luz con el entorno. ¡Deja volar tu imaginación y crea un renderizado arquitectónico que muestre la belleza y el lujo de esta escena costera , Pencil Sketch , 3D , 3D , 3D , 3D , 3D , 3D ,
A terrifying demon is emerging from a broken toilet in a bathroom in total destruction. The scene is viewed from above , as if looking down from the ceiling , capturing all the brutality and chaos surrounding it. The bathroom is a dark and apocalyptic place , with cracked tiles on the floor and walls crumbling. Debris is scattered everywhere , with stains of dirty water and mold covering the surfaces , while the toilet , torn apart by the demon's force , explodes into pieces. Water splashes from broken pipes , flooding the space. The demon is a hellish creature , large in size , with rough , scaly skin , enormous horns curving backward , and eyes glowing a fierce red. It has sharp claws that shred the edge of the toilet as it emerges. Its expression is one of pure malevolence , with a mouth full of sharp fangs that seems poised to roar. The surrounding environment is dark and gloomy , with an atmosphere of extreme decay and filth , giving the impression that the bathroom is in an abandoned place on the brink of total destruction. Everything has a chaotic and apocalyptic feel , as if the world itself is breaking apart. , Pencil Sketch ,
A realistic contrasted dramatic high-resolution 3D digital image of a female sci-fi warrior robot in a war torn dystopian setting wearing full bodied glossy white armor with intricate ancient gold symbols and turquoise lights stands confidently with a sword and a shield in a dark and stormy dystopian world. , 3D ,
20 year old hyper-muscled female bodybuilder with 25 inch biceps , hair in a bun , wearing black rimmed glasses at end of nose , wearing tight button-down long sleeve oxford shirt with torn sleeves , wearing tight knee-length skirt , muscles stretching clothing to its limits , wearing high heel shoes , working in library ,
Hard edge painting of a beast like human with boar tusks and snout standing amidst a field of destruction , with detailed and intricate machinery visible through torn metal , beautiful lighting illuminating the scene from the setting sun in the background. The robot is proportional and the scene is both cinematic and realistic. Created by artists Banksy and KAWS , 4k , clean , realistic humanoid face , realistic eyes , highest quality , realistic hands , trending on artstation , masterpiece ,
Raquel Welch , cavewoman , BC , helpless , caught by a dinosaur , sad , afraid , torn cloths , , 3D , photo ,
Hard edge painting of a human with boar tusks and snout standing amidst a field of destruction , with detailed and intricate machinery visible through torn metal , beautiful lighting illuminating the scene from the setting sun in the background. The robot is proportional and the scene is both cinematic and realistic. Created by artists Banksy and KAWS , 4k , clean , realistic humanoid face , realistic eyes , highest quality , realistic hands , trending on artstation , masterpiece ,
"Quisiera que la imagen represente a una persona pensando profundamente. Me gustaría que la persona esté sentada en una silla , con el ceño fruncido y la mirada perdida en el horizonte. Sería genial si pudieras capturar la expresión de concentración y reflexión en su rostro. Respecto al entorno , preferiría que sea una habitación tranquila y con pocos elementos distractores. En términos de colores , me gustaría que predominen tonos suaves y apagados , como azules y grises. Si es posible , también me encantaría que se note una iluminación suave que realce los rasgos faciales y agregue un toque de dramatismo , 3D ,