Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Un Aasimar Protector mujer , de piel morena y cabello rizado oscuro , con un cuerpo atlético. Posee grandes alas de ángel proyectadas desde su espalda , hechas de pura luz blanca brillante , con detalles de plumas etéreas. Lleva un foco arcano en forma de anillo de oro con joyas azules. Su ropa es azul y reveladora , similar a la de Kitana de Mortal Kombat , con tela que cubre parcialmente las piernas y los brazos , dejando al descubierto el abdomen. Está de pie en una pose de combate , con una expresión facial determinada y poderosa , sobre un fondo de ruinas antiguas iluminadas por la luna. Iluminación dramática desde arriba. Estilo de arte conceptual de fantasía fotorrealista. ,
Un Aasimar Protector femenino , de piel morena y cabello rizado oscuro , con un cuerpo atlético. Posee grandes alas de ángel proyectadas desde su espalda , hechas de pura luz blanca brillante , con detalles de plumas etéreas. Lleva un foco arcano en forma de anillo de oro con joyas azules. Su ropa es azul y reveladora , similar a la de Kitana de Mortal Kombat , con tela que cubre parcialmente las piernas y los brazos , dejando al descubierto el abdomen. Está de pie en una pose de combate , con una expresión facial determinada y poderosa , sobre un fondo de ruinas antiguas iluminadas por la luna. Iluminación dramática desde arriba. Estilo de arte conceptual de fantasía fotorrealista. ,
Composición: Encuadre: Plano medio completo , capturando el cuerpo de Cristo desde la cabeza hasta los pies , con la cruz de madera visible detrás de él. Pose: Cristo está en el proceso de bajarse de la cruz , con un pie aún apoyado en el suppedaneum (reposapiés) y el otro en el aire , como si estuviera descendiendo con gracia y solemnidad. Expresión Facial: Su rostro muestra una mezcla de dolor físico , compasión y autoridad espiritual. Sus ojos miran directamente a la cámara , conectando con el espectador de manera intensa y emotiva. Detalles Corporales: Heridas: Las llagas en sus manos , pies y costado están sangrando , con gotas de sangre cayendo en cámara lenta. Las heridas son realistas , con texturas de piel desgarrada y sangre fresca. Cuerpo: Su cuerpo muestra signos de sufrimiento , con moretones , rasguños y marcas de los latigos , pero también una luz tenue que emana de su piel , simbolizando su divinidad. Fondo: Fondo Negro: Un vacío oscuro y profundo que contrasta con la figura iluminada de Cristo , resaltando su presencia y creando un efecto dramático. Cruz: La cruz de madera es rústica y antigua , con texturas realistas de madera gastada y grietas. Iluminación: Luz Celestial: Un haz de luz dorada y fría ilumina a Cristo desde arriba , resaltando las gotas de sangre , las lágrimas en su rostro y las partículas de polvo que flotan en el aire. Contraste: La luz crea un juego de claroscuros , enfatizando las sombras en su cuerpo y la cruz. Efectos Visuales: Partículas de Luz y Polvo: Pequeñas partículas doradas y blancas flotan en el aire , moviéndose suavemente como si fueran llevadas por una brisa invisible. Sangre en Cámara Lenta: Las gotas de sangre caen lentamente , con un efecto casi surrealista , destacando cada detalle. Texto: Frase: En la parte inferior de la imagen , en letras antiguas y orgánicas , aparece la frase: "A mí me viene a buscar gente sana , y yo los pongo a todos ciegos." Estilo del Texto: El texto parece estar hecho de luz y polvo , integrado de manera natural en la composición. Atmósfera y Emoción: Tono: La imagen transmite una sensación de dolor , redención y misterio. La combinación de realismo y elementos surrealistas crea una conexión emocional profunda con el espectador. Color Grading: Tonos fríos dominan la escena , con matices dorados en la luz que ilumina a Cristo , dando un aspecto celestial y trascendente. Guía para la IA: Estilo: Hiperrealismo cinematográfico , con detalles minuciosos en texturas (piel , madera , sangre) y efectos de iluminación dramáticos. Enfoque: El rostro y las heridas de Cristo deben ser el punto focal , con una composición que guíe la mirada del espectador hacia su expresión y las gotas de sangre. Movimiento: Aunque es una imagen estática , debe transmitir la sensación de movimiento fluido , como si Cristo estuviera descendiendo en cámara lenta. Palabras Clave para la IA: Hiperrealismo , cinematográfico , Cristo , cruz , sangre , llagas , fondo negro , luz dorada , partículas de polvo , texturas detalladas , expresiones faciales emotivas , tonos fríos , surrealismo , redención , dolor , autoridad , mirada directa , gotas de sangre en cámara lenta ,
Estilo Visual: Realismo Cinematográfico: Imágenes hiperrealistas generadas por IA , con texturas detalladas en la piel , la madera de la cruz y las heridas. Iluminación: Un haz de luz tenue ilumina a Cristo desde arriba , creando un contraste dramático con el fondo negro. La luz resalta las gotas de sangre , las lágrimas y los detalles de las heridas. Movimiento de Cámara: Cámara lenta y fluida , con un ligero tilt hacia arriba cuando Cristo se acerca , enfatizando su majestuosidad y humanidad al mismo tiempo. Escena Detallada: Apertura: Fondo Negro: La pantalla está completamente oscura. Lentamente , se escucha el crujido de la madera y el sonido del viento. Revelación: La cámara se acerca lentamente a la cruz , revelando a Cristo crucificado. Su rostro está sereno pero con rastros de dolor , las heridas en sus manos y pies son visibles , y la sangre cae en cámara lenta. El Descenso: Movimiento: Cristo comienza a bajarse de la cruz con movimientos fluidos y lentos , como si la gravedad no lo afectara. La cámara lo sigue en un movimiento circular suave , enfocándose en sus heridas y expresiones faciales. Detalles: Las gotas de sangre caen al vacío , y el sonido del viento se intensifica. La madera de la cruz cruje mientras se desprende , añadiendo realismo. Acercamiento: Enfoque Emocional: Cristo se acerca a la cámara con pasos lentos y deliberados. Sus ojos están llenos de compasión y misterio. La cámara se mueve hacia atrás mientras él avanza , manteniendo un plano medio que enfatiza su humanidad. Expresión: Sus labios no se mueven , pero su mirada transmite un mensaje profundo. La Frase: Voz en Off: Una voz suave pero poderosa dice: "A mí me viene a buscar gente sana , y yo los pongo a todos ciegos." Visualización: Las palabras parecen flotar en el aire , escritas en un estilo antiguo y orgánico , como si estuvieran hechas de polvo y luz. Desvanecimiento: Transición: Cristo abre sus brazos en una pose de redención , con las piernas juntas y las heridas brillando levemente. Lentamente , su cuerpo comienza a desvanecerse en partículas de luz y polvo , llevadas por el viento. Final: La cámara se aleja lentamente , mostrando el fondo negro y las partículas que se dispersan hasta desaparecer. Elementos Emocionales: Música: Una pieza orquestal con cuerdas suaves y un coro etéreo que aumenta en intensidad durante el descenso y se desvanece con el viento al final. Sonido Ambiental: El viento , el crujido de la madera y el sonido de las gotas de sangre crean una atmósfera envolvente. Expresiones: El rostro de Cristo debe transmitir una mezcla de dolor , compasión y autoridad , con miradas directas a la cámara que conecten con el espectador. Toques Finales: Color Grading: Tonos fríos con matices dorados en las luces para dar un aspecto celestial. Efectos Visuales: Partículas de polvo y luz que flotan en el aire , añadiendo un toque mágico y surrealista. ,
Imagina al Bebé Shazam en un adorable momento de heroísmo. Se ve de cuerpo entero en el centro de la imagen , vestido con su diminuto traje rojo con el emblema del rayo dorado en el pecho , su capa blanca con ribetes dorados y su cinturón reluciente. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño , irradia poder y entusiasmo mientras se encuentra listo para desatar su magia y proteger a los inocentes. Sus grandes y brillantes ojos reflejan valentía y una chispa de travesura infantil. Detrás de él , un fondo colorido sugiere un entorno dinámico y lleno de energía , pero el Bebé Shazam está preparado para enfrentarlo con toda su fuerza , determinación y un toque de inocencia encantadora. La imagen irradia ternura y poder , capturando la esencia del pequeño campeón en su primera gran aventura en el universo de DC ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible.The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
A game-rendered tundra grassland viewed from a top-down perspective. The grass consists of golden-yellow and desaturated brown tones , with subtle variations in hue and saturation , creating a natural yet slightly stylized look. The texture appears soft and dry , with areas of denser grass blending into more sparse patches , where the underlying ground is faintly visible. The distribution of colors forms an organic pattern , with darker , slightly greenish patches near transitions to rocky or barren spots , while the main grassy areas retain a warm , windswept appearance. Some sections appear trampled or eroded , where the grass thins out , revealing a rougher , more muted surface beneath. The texture maintains a balance between chaotic natural randomness and structured , procedural rendering , making it ideal for generating tundra-like terrains. ,
Spiral shaped audience seating: The audience seating is no longer symmetrical circular or fan-shaped , but extends outward from the central stage in a spiral shape , like a flowing olive branch. The spiral design breaks the traditional viewing relationship , allowing the audience to watch the performance from different angles and heights , and gain a unique visual experience. Distributed stage: The stage is no longer limited to a fixed area , but is dispersed at various nodes of the spiral shaped audience seating. Actors can perform on different stages , and audiences can follow in their footsteps and freely move around the theater to experience different plot developments. Immersive Landscape: Olive trees and other Mediterranean plants are planted in the theater , creating a natural landscape barrier and interactive space. Viewers can rest under the shade of trees or interact with plants to become a part of the performance. Modular structure: Spiral foundation module: composed of prefabricated concrete components , forming a spiral foundation structure. Each component is approximately 2 meters long , 0.5 meters wide , and 0.3 meters high , with a moderate weight for easy transportation and installation. Modular platform: Each spiral node is equipped with a modular platform that can serve as a stage or audience seat. The platform is composed of lightweight steel structures and wooden boards , which can be quickly built and dismantled. Removable seats: The seats are made of lightweight materials and can be freely moved and combined to meet different performance needs. Ecological Landscape Module: Install an ecological landscape module on each spiral node , planting olive trees or other Mediterranean plants. The module is made of recyclable materials for easy maintenance and replacement. Featured features: Top view: The theater is spiral shaped with a circular pool in the center , and a statue of the Virgin Mary stands in the center of the pool. The spiral shaped audience seats extend outward from the pool , with a modular platform and ecological landscape module set up at each node. Side view: The theater is in a stepped shape , with spiral shaped audience seats gradually rising , providing a good view for the audience. The modular platform and ecological landscape modules are arranged in a staggered manner between the audience seats. Perspective view: Viewers can freely move on the spiral shaped audience seats and watch the performance from different angles. Actors perform on different modular platforms and interact with the audience. Olive trees and other Mediterranean plants add a natural atmosphere to the theater. The breakthrough modular outdoor theater of "Olive Branch and Our Lady's Song" will become a new trend in the future development of outdoor theaters with its unique design concept and breakthrough layout , providing people with more opportunities to experience art , get close to nature , and experience culture ,
*"A dimly lit , old apartment room at midnight , filled with eerie shadows. The only light comes from three flickering candles placed strategically around the room. The wooden table at the center is scratched and worn , covered with aged parchment papers with intricate voodoo symbols and Latin inscriptions , carefully written in faded black ink. Some papers are partially burned , as if used in a ritual. A mysterious black cat with glowing red eyes sits in the middle of the table , staring directly at the viewer with an unsettling intensity , its fur slightly bristling. Its tail curls around an ancient dagger , half-hidden beneath one of the papers. The background shows a dusty old radio emitting faint static noise , with its dials turned to unknown frequencies. The cracked walls have faded occult symbols drawn in charcoal , some almost erased with time. A wooden shelf on the right holds jars filled with mysterious dark substances , a small voodoo doll with pins stuck in its chest , and a half-melted black candle. Through the slightly open , crooked window , a cold fog seeps into the room , swirling at the edges of the wooden floor. The curtains , old and tattered , are gently swaying , even though there’s no wind. The atmosphere is tense , as if something unseen is watching from the shadows. Hyper-detailed , dramatic lighting , deep cinematic shadows , ultra-realistic textures. The image should feel like a film noir horror scene , perfectly blending realism and supernatural elements. The composition should be perfectly balanced , ensuring all elements contribute to a dark , ominous atmosphere."* ,
You are a graphic designer tasked with creating a visually striking chess poster. The design must feature the following elements: 1. **Artistic Style**: Incorporate cubism and abstraction , focusing on geometric shapes and multifaceted perspectives reminiscent of Ferris Plock's work. 2. **Dynamic Composition**: Arrange the elements of the poster in a way that conveys movement and energy , engaging the viewer's eye and suggesting action within the chess game. 3. **Influences**: Draw inspiration from Bauhaus principles , emphasizing simplicity , functionality , and a harmonious balance of design elements. ### Design Requirements: - **Title**: Include a bold , captivating title at the top that reflects the theme of the poster. - **Color Palette**: Use a vibrant and contrasting color scheme that enhances the cubist and abstract elements , ensuring the design stands out. - **Chessoard Elements**: Integrate chess pieces and a chessboard composition into the artwork , abstracting their usual forms to align with the cubist aesthetic. - **Typography**: Choose a modern , sans-serif font for any text , maintaining clarity while complementing the overall design. ### Final Touches: - Ensure the overall layout is balanced and visually appealing. - Include your signature or logo discreetly in a corner , attributing the work to your design. Deliver the final design as a high-resolution digital file suitable for printing. ,
ArtHub.ai Generate AI Images Describe your image Please note that the generated images will be public. Generate Pending Generations Due to high demand , image generation may take a few minutes. Your images will appear in your account as soon as they're ready. Feel free to add more images to generate in the meantime! Refresh the page to see updates. Prompt: Create an image showcasing a badass design featuring the Baltimore Ravens. The design should convey strength , aggression , and a sense of dominance. The team's logo , a raven , should be the central focus. Depict the raven with sharp , menacing features and fiery eyes. It should exude an aura of power and intimidation. Surround the raven with elements that symbolize victory and fierceness , such as lightning bolts , shattered helmets , or a smoky battlefield. The overall composition should radiate energy , inspiring a sense of fear in their opponents and admiration in their fans. , Trippy , Water Color Status: In Progress Expected finish time: 31 seconds Prompt: Create an image showcasing a badass design of a raven's face with demonic features and dominance with a dark background with the word raven written in a yello ,
superman /// male mandela with long hair wearing detailed leather coat , pirate ship scene , highly detailed skin , face sharp focus , detailed eyes and pupils , detailed hair , intricate details and sharp , masterpiece , global illumination , bokeh , best quality , Pirates of the Caribbean style , photorealistic , realistic , 8k , 3d ,