Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Portrait: Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Standing at an imposing 196cm , this half-elf carries a lean , graceful build with a weight of 80kg that speaks of quiet strength and agility. His pale , almost luminescent white skin contrasts vividly with his soft , dark brown hair , which frames a face marked by delicate elven features and the rugged charm of his human heritage. Piercing green eyes , alive with mischief and wisdom , draw you in and hint at the many stories woven into his life as a traveling bard ,
Un Amazone chevauche , la silhouette de laquelle est définie par les contrastes d'un large and deep violet coupage des cirés du cuir et du fourrure , suivant les traces d'une piste blanche et froide , à travers une plaine enneigée , dans le sens inverse de la progression naturelle du soir. Elle est accompagnée d'un grand loup , solitaire aussi , qui marche à l'horizon , avec des nuances de bleu , vert , blanc , and gris , that highlight the advanced detailing in 8K resolution , contrasted against a backdrop of a serene , snow-dusted landscape at sunset , with an inky black sky overhead , accented by a subtle , silhouetted peak in the distance. The advanced prompt captures the essence of a cinematic night photography , emphasizing the intricate details of the creature's form and its enchanting presence in a natural , otherworldly setting. ,
Un Amazone chevauche , la silhouette de laquelle est définie par les contrastes d'un large and deep violet coupage des cirés du cuir et du fourrure , suivant les traces d'une piste blanche et froide , à travers une plaine enneigée , dans le sens inverse de la progression naturelle du soir. Elle est accompagnée d'un grand loup , solitaire aussi , qui marche à l'horizon , avec des nuances de bleu , vert , blanc , and gris , that highlight the advanced detailing in 8K resolution , contrasted against a backdrop of a serene , snow-dusted landscape at sunset , with an inky black sky overhead , accented by a subtle , silhouetted peak in the distance. The advanced prompt captures the essence of a cinematic night photography , emphasizing the intricate details of the creature's form and its enchanting presence in a natural , otherworldly setting. ,
Estilo Visual: Realismo Cinematográfico: Imágenes hiperrealistas generadas por IA , con texturas detalladas en la piel , la madera de la cruz y las heridas. Iluminación: Un haz de luz tenue ilumina a Cristo desde arriba , creando un contraste dramático con el fondo negro. La luz resalta las gotas de sangre , las lágrimas y los detalles de las heridas. Movimiento de Cámara: Cámara lenta y fluida , con un ligero tilt hacia arriba cuando Cristo se acerca , enfatizando su majestuosidad y humanidad al mismo tiempo. Escena Detallada: Apertura: Fondo Negro: La pantalla está completamente oscura. Lentamente , se escucha el crujido de la madera y el sonido del viento. Revelación: La cámara se acerca lentamente a la cruz , revelando a Cristo crucificado. Su rostro está sereno pero con rastros de dolor , las heridas en sus manos y pies son visibles , y la sangre cae en cámara lenta. El Descenso: Movimiento: Cristo comienza a bajarse de la cruz con movimientos fluidos y lentos , como si la gravedad no lo afectara. La cámara lo sigue en un movimiento circular suave , enfocándose en sus heridas y expresiones faciales. Detalles: Las gotas de sangre caen al vacío , y el sonido del viento se intensifica. La madera de la cruz cruje mientras se desprende , añadiendo realismo. Acercamiento: Enfoque Emocional: Cristo se acerca a la cámara con pasos lentos y deliberados. Sus ojos están llenos de compasión y misterio. La cámara se mueve hacia atrás mientras él avanza , manteniendo un plano medio que enfatiza su humanidad. Expresión: Sus labios no se mueven , pero su mirada transmite un mensaje profundo. La Frase: Voz en Off: Una voz suave pero poderosa dice: "A mí me viene a buscar gente sana , y yo los pongo a todos ciegos." Visualización: Las palabras parecen flotar en el aire , escritas en un estilo antiguo y orgánico , como si estuvieran hechas de polvo y luz. Desvanecimiento: Transición: Cristo abre sus brazos en una pose de redención , con las piernas juntas y las heridas brillando levemente. Lentamente , su cuerpo comienza a desvanecerse en partículas de luz y polvo , llevadas por el viento. Final: La cámara se aleja lentamente , mostrando el fondo negro y las partículas que se dispersan hasta desaparecer. Elementos Emocionales: Música: Una pieza orquestal con cuerdas suaves y un coro etéreo que aumenta en intensidad durante el descenso y se desvanece con el viento al final. Sonido Ambiental: El viento , el crujido de la madera y el sonido de las gotas de sangre crean una atmósfera envolvente. Expresiones: El rostro de Cristo debe transmitir una mezcla de dolor , compasión y autoridad , con miradas directas a la cámara que conecten con el espectador. Toques Finales: Color Grading: Tonos fríos con matices dorados en las luces para dar un aspecto celestial. Efectos Visuales: Partículas de polvo y luz que flotan en el aire , añadiendo un toque mágico y surrealista. ,
Imagina al Bebé Shazam en un adorable momento de heroísmo. Se ve de cuerpo entero en el centro de la imagen , vestido con su diminuto traje rojo con el emblema del rayo dorado en el pecho , su capa blanca con ribetes dorados y su cinturón reluciente. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño , irradia poder y entusiasmo mientras se encuentra listo para desatar su magia y proteger a los inocentes. Sus grandes y brillantes ojos reflejan valentía y una chispa de travesura infantil. Detrás de él , un fondo colorido sugiere un entorno dinámico y lleno de energía , pero el Bebé Shazam está preparado para enfrentarlo con toda su fuerza , determinación y un toque de inocencia encantadora. La imagen irradia ternura y poder , capturando la esencia del pequeño campeón en su primera gran aventura en el universo de DC ,
Crea un render 3D ultra detallado de Baby Venom en un estilo Pixar. Es una versión pequeña , regordeta y adorable de Venom , con un cuerpo negro brillante y viscoso , y grandes ojos blancos expresivos llenos de travesura juguetona. Su sonrisa afilada está ligeramente exagerada , pero sigue siendo tierna en lugar de aterradora. Su pequeño cuerpo tiene formas suaves y redondeadas , con extremidades cortas y ligeramente exageradas para darle una apariencia más infantil. Sutiles tentáculos de simbionte flotan suavemente a su alrededor , dándole una presencia dinámica y enérgica. La iluminación es suave y cinematográfica , con reflejos sutiles en su piel brillante y sombría , realzando el realismo de alta calidad del estilo Pixar. El fondo es oscuro pero vibrante , insinuando un mundo misterioso y emocionante , con destellos de luz y sombras dinámicas que hacen que Baby Venom resalte en la escena. La atmósfera general debe ser una mezcla de ternura y picardía , capturando la naturaleza juguetona pero poderosa de este pequeño simbionte. ,
Imagine Baby Blade in an adorable moment of heroism , rendered in a 3D Pixar-style. He stands at the center of the image , a small but fierce Black hero with rich brown skin , dressed in a tiny version of his signature black trench coat , tactical suit , and stylish sunglasses that are just a little oversized for his small face. In his right hand , he firmly grips a sleek , miniature katana , its blade gleaming subtly under the light , ready for action. Despite his small size , he radiates bravery and cool charisma , standing in a stance that suggests he’s prepared for battle. Behind him , a moody yet colorful background with soft lighting and subtle reflections hints at a mysterious world filled with adventure. Baby Blade is ready for his first mission , using his agility , intelligence , and vampire-hunting instincts to take on the unknown. The image captures the essence of this tiny warrior , brought to life with the visual magic and smoothness of Pixar’s 3D style. ,
Imagine Baby Blade in an adorable moment of heroism , rendered in a 3D Pixar-style. He stands at the center of the image , a small but fierce Black hero with rich brown skin , dressed in a tiny version of his signature black trench coat , tactical suit , and stylish sunglasses that are just a little oversized for his small face. A tiny toy-like sword is strapped to his back , and his confident smirk reveals just the right amount of playful mischief. Despite his small size , he radiates bravery and cool charisma , standing in a stance that suggests he’s ready for action. Behind him , a moody yet colorful background with soft lighting and subtle reflections hints at a mysterious world filled with adventure. Baby Blade is prepared for his first mission , using his agility , intelligence , and vampire-hunting instincts to take on the unknown. The image captures the essence of this tiny warrior , brought to life with the visual magic and smoothness of Pixar’s 3D style ,
"Un'immagine drammatica e altamente dettagliata di Gesù Cristo crocifisso. Il cielo è coperto da nuvole scure e minacciose , con raggi di luce che filtrano tra le nuvole , creando un effetto sacro e mistico. Gesù ha un'espressione di sofferenza e compassione , con il corpo segnato da ferite e una corona di spine sulla testa. Il legno della croce è ruvido e antico , con dettagli visibili nelle venature e nei chiodi. Sullo sfondo si intravede la silhouette di Gerusalemme in lontananza. L'atmosfera è solenne e carica di emotività , con colori drammatici e contrasti di luce e ombra." ,
ArtHub.ai Generate AI Images Describe your image Please note that the generated images will be public. Generate Pending Generations Due to high demand , image generation may take a few minutes. Your images will appear in your account as soon as they're ready. Feel free to add more images to generate in the meantime! Refresh the page to see updates. Prompt: Create an image showcasing a badass design featuring the Baltimore Ravens. The design should convey strength , aggression , and a sense of dominance. The team's logo , a raven , should be the central focus. Depict the raven with sharp , menacing features and fiery eyes. It should exude an aura of power and intimidation. Surround the raven with elements that symbolize victory and fierceness , such as lightning bolts , shattered helmets , or a smoky battlefield. The overall composition should radiate energy , inspiring a sense of fear in their opponents and admiration in their fans. , Trippy , Water Color Status: In Progress Expected finish time: 31 seconds Prompt: Create an image showcasing a badass design of a raven's face with demonic features and dominance with a dark background with the word raven written in a yello ,
Create an image showcasing a badass design featuring the Baltimore Ravens. The design should convey strength , aggression , and a sense of dominance. The team's logo , a raven , should be the central focus. Depict the raven with sharp , menacing features and fiery eyes. It should exude an aura of power and intimidation. Surround the raven with elements that symbolize victory and fierceness , such as lightning bolts , shattered helmets , or a smoky battlefield. The overall composition should radiate energy , inspiring a sense of fear in their opponents and admiration in their fans. , Trippy , Water Color ,
"Technical blueprint of a single-pilot aerocraft , shown from both side and top views. The body is made of metal plates and wood , reinforced with riveted leather. The wings are straight , featuring magical crystals at the tips to aid in stabilization and lift. The craft includes horizontal and vertical stabilizers for flight control. A spike deployment mechanism is mounted on the top of the frame , activated by a lever inside the cockpit. The hull is engraved with runes for durability and magical reinforcement. The cockpit is detailed with a control panel , levers , and a single pilot’s seat. Key dimensions: body length—5 meters , wingspan—7 meters , height—2 meters. The blueprint should follow a classic engineering style with precise measurements and annotations." ,
(by Johan Christian Dahl (and Iassen Ghiuselev:0.5)) , (in the style of inked) , A vintage travel poster depiction of an exotic alien planet , featuring vibrant landscapes and strange flora and fauna. The camera angle is a medium shot , capturing the planet's distinctive features while keeping the focus on the intricate details of the alien world. The color palette is rich and multicolor , invoking a sense of wonder and otherworldliness. The poster is designed in an art deco style , combining bold geometric shapes with intricate patterns. This image is a playful and imaginative representation of intergalactic travel , perfectly blending nostalgia and futuristic elements. , (high quality) , (detailed) , (masterpiece) , (best quality) , (highres) , (extremely detailed) , (8k) ,