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Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution Modern architecture has incorporated the idea of incorporating open spaces , like lawns , into the design of buildings. These spaces serve not only as a part of the landscape , but also as interactive spaces where people can gather informally , hold cultural programs , and engage in social functions. The lawns can have built-in features like platforms and seating areas that enhance the outdoor experience. The presence of ancient monuments and open-air amphitheatres , surrounded by densely planted trees , adds to the aesthetic appeal and creates a unique atmosphere. Overall , lawns have become an integral part of modern architectural design , and their importance as a design criteria is being recognized and emphasized. Modern technology in architecture has enabled designers to address climate-specific challenges , such as the hot and dry climate in Ahmedabad. The design of the campus takes into account the climate and maximizes the use of natural light and ventilation to create comfortable and energy-efficient spaces. Courtyards are designed to remain in the shadow for most part of the day and sliding panels are installed to allow inflow of light into the workshops. Pockets of vegetation are incorporated into the design to provide shade and blend with the structure both inside and outside the building. The use of heat-resistant glass in metal frames for the workshops and rosewood frames for the studios helps to mitigate heat gain. The building is designed to capture wind from the riverside and cool the interiors through adjustable glazing and features like water bodies with jallis to filter cooled air. Overall , modern technology has enabled architects to create sustainable and comfortable buildings that respond to the local climate and environment. ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution Modern architecture has incorporated the idea of incorporating open spaces , like lawns , into the design of buildings. These spaces serve not only as a part of the landscape , but also as interactive spaces where people can gather informally , hold cultural programs , and engage in social functions. The lawns can have built-in features like platforms and seating areas that enhance the outdoor experience. The presence of ancient monuments and open-air amphitheatres , surrounded by densely planted trees , adds to the aesthetic appeal and creates a unique atmosphere. Overall , lawns have become an integral part of modern architectural design , and their importance as a design criteria is being recognized and emphasized. ,
Un paisaje de fantasia con rios y flora y fauna vibrantes. Plano cenital que captura la inmensidad y los detalles intrincados de la escena. Los colores están saturados y la iluminación crea una atmósfera cálida y etérea. La pintura es muy detallada , con cada pincelada capturando la complejidad del mundo imaginario. , (alta calidad) , (detallado) , (obra maestra) , (mejor calidad) , (alta resolución) , (extremadamente detallado) , (8k) Cabello: Su cabello es oscuro como la medianoche , con ondas suaves que caen en cascada sobre sus hombros. Cuando la luna llena baña su melena , parece adquirir un brillo mágico que evoca los misterios de la noche estrellada. Ojos: Sus ojos son profundos y misteriosos , como dos pozos de sabiduría ancestral. De un color que oscila entre el azul profundo del cielo nocturno y el verde brillante de los bosques místicos , reflejan la conexión especial que Zelay tiene con el mundo natural. Piel: Su piel está bronceada por el sol y la tierra , un testimonio de su arraigo a la tierra ancestral. A lo largo de su cuerpo , lleva tatuajes sagrados que representan los símbolos de su tribu y la protección de los espíritus que guían su camino. Estatura: Zelay posee una estatura mediana , pero su presencia es imponente. Su postura es erguida y segura , transmitiendo la confianza y la determinación que la guían en su papel como chamán y protectora de su tribu. Vestimenta: Viste túnicas hechas de telas naturales , tejidas a mano con diseños intrincados que representan la armonía entre la luz y la oscuridad. Lleva colgantes de piedras preciosas y plumas de aves sagradas , otorgándole una apariencia mística y conectada con la esencia del mundo natural. Porte: Su porte es grácil y ágil , como el danzar del viento entre los árboles. Aunque joven , la sabiduría que brilla en sus ojos denota una antigua conexión con los espíritus y la naturaleza , que la hace parecer más sabia y experimentada de lo que su edad podría indicar. Manos: Sus manos son delicadas pero fuertes , hábiles en el arte de la curación y la invocación de los espíritus. Con ellas , teje las historias de su tribu y protege su mundo de las fuerzas oscuras que acechan en las profundidades. (alta calidad) , (detallado) , (obra maestra) , (mejor calidad) , (alta resolución) , (extremadamente detallado) , (8k) ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex ,
Sansa stark , vampire bride , Dracula , realistic , dark and ominous , gothic , canine teeth , comic cover , Alphonse Mucha , James Jean , character art , intricate detail , digital illustration , high resolution , trending on ArtStation , in the style of Charlie Bowater , Tom Bagshaw , and Waterhouse , Adam Hughes , Artgerm , J. C. Leyendecker , cinematic lighting , beautiful , elegant , cinematic , headroom , 8K , trending on artstation , volumetric light , lightrays , smoke , cinematic , atmospheric , octane render ,
ruined castle Dracula perched on a very tall mountain cliff , full moon , dark and ominous , gothic , comic cover , intricate detail , digital illustration , high resolution , trending on ArtStation , in the style of Charlie Bowater , Tom Bagshaw , and Waterhouse , Adam Hughes , Artgerm , J. C. Leyendecker , cinematic lighting , cinematic , headroom , 8K , trending on artstation , volumetric light , lightrays , cinematic , atmospheric , octane render ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution custer form tree branch shape in form free flow plan ,
national instute of design in hydarbad context mordern elements volumetric space , cortyards , roof gardern , jailly works , landscape , cultural elements designed by sanjay puri architects levels in spaces cluster form open planing classroom , intercation spaces campus 3d cansist of oat ardmitration block acadamic block aminties hostel block intercation spaces exibhition center workshop spaces sports spaces ,
national instute of design in hydarbad context mordern elements volumetric space , cortyards , roof gardern , jailly works , landscape , cultural elements architects levels in spaces cluster form open planing classroom , intercation spaces campus 3d cansist of oat ardmitration block acadamic block aminties hostel block intercation spaces exibhition center workshop spaces sports spaces ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
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cartoon character in fortnite style , similar to Marco Arelio from the waist up , in a suit , looking badass , neutral face , 3d render style , slightly anamorphic , in front of launching rocket , looking into the camera , face clearly visible , dvd screengrab UHD , cartoon , ultra detail , intricate details , volumetric lighting , 3d model , fake , photography , digital art , 8k , future , Cinematic , Photography , Ultra - Wide Angle , Depth of Field , hyper - detailed , insane details , intricate details , beautifully color graded , Unreal Engine 5 , Cinematic , Videogame , Fortnite Shot on 25mm lens --ar 9:16 , ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
lucy westenra , bride , realistic , dark and ominous , gothic , canine teeth , comic cover , Alphonse Mucha , James Jean , character art , intricate detail , digital illustration , high resolution , trending on ArtStation , in the style of Charlie Bowater , Tom Bagshaw , and Waterhouse , Adam Hughes , Artgerm , J. C. Leyendecker , cinematic lighting , beautiful , elegant , cinematic , headroom , 8K , trending on artstation , volumetric light , lightrays , smoke , cinematic , atmospheric , octane render ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,
Bringing together creativity , technology and sustainability , the National Institute of Design in Hyderabad is a modern-day oasis for aspiring designers. Designed by world-renowned architect BV Doshi , this campus serves as a source of inspiration and a hub for innovation. Embracing the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad while embracing cutting-edge design practices , the NID campus is a vibrant and dynamic space that fosters collaboration and growth. From textiles and product design to graphics and animation , students here are empowered to turn their artistic visions into tangible realities. Join us in this unique artistic journey and become a part of the design revolution that is shaping India's future.Zaha Hadid Architects thesis level design art and culture elements , 3D acadamic block hostel blocks oat landscape parking canteen sports complex interior view tree concept , cluster form , fuctional spaces , design evolution ,